2022-09-11 15:22:07 +00:00
type environment = GenericDist.env
type rec value =
| IEvArray(arrayValue)
| IEvBool(bool)
| IEvDate(Js.Date.t)
| IEvDeclaration(lambdaDeclaration)
| IEvDistribution(DistributionTypes.genericDist)
| IEvLambda(lambdaValue)
| IEvNumber(float)
| IEvRecord(map)
| IEvString(string)
| IEvTimeDuration(float)
| IEvType(map)
| IEvTypeIdentifier(string)
| IEvVoid
@genType.opaque and arrayValue = array<value>
@genType.opaque and map = Belt.Map.String.t<value>
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and lambdaBody = (array<value>, environment, reducerFn) => value
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and lambdaValue = {
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parameters: array<string>,
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body: lambdaBody,
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@genType.opaque and lambdaDeclaration = Declaration.declaration<lambdaValue>
and expression =
| EBlock(array<expression>)
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// programs are similar to blocks, but don't create an inner scope. there can be only one program at the top level of the expression.
| EProgram(array<expression>)
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| EArray(array<expression>)
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| ERecord(array<(expression, expression)>)
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| ESymbol(string)
| ETernary(expression, expression, expression)
| EAssign(string, expression)
| ECall(expression, array<expression>)
| ELambda(array<string>, expression)
| EValue(value)
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and namespace = Belt.Map.String.t<value>
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and bindings = {
namespace: namespace,
parent: option<bindings>,
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and context = {
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bindings: bindings,
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environment: environment,
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and reducerFn = (expression, context) => (value, context)