_The current document was written quickly and not exhaustively, yet, it's unfinished. [Template here](https://mozillascience.github.io/working-open-workshop/contributing/)_
We welcome contributions from developers, especially people in react/typescript, rescript, and interpreters/parsers. We also are keen to hear issues filed by users!
- [Roadmap to the alpha](https://github.com/QURIresearch/squiggle/projects/2)
- The team presently communicates via the **EA Forecasting and Epistemics** slack (channels `#squiggle` and `#squiggle-ops`), you can track down an invite by reaching out to Ozzie Gooen
Anyone (with a github account) can file an issue at any time. Please allow Quinn, Sam, and Ozzie to triage, but otherwise just follow the suggestions in the issue templates.
Being a monorepo, where packages are connected by dependency, it's important to follow `README.md`s closely. Each package has it's own `README.md`, which is where the bulk of information is.
- For rescript code: Quinn and Ozzie are reviewers
- For js or typescript code: Sam and Ozzie are reviewers
- For ops code (i.e. yaml, package.json): Quinn and Sam are reviewers
Autopings are set up: if you are not autopinged, you are welcome to comment, but please do not use the formal review feature, send approvals, rejections, or merges.
For example: `Myname_Myproject_Add.res`. Rescript/Ocaml both require files to have unique names, so long names are needed to keep different parts separate from each other.
See [this page](https://dev.to/yawaramin/a-modular-ocaml-project-structure-1ikd) for more information. (Though note that they use two underscores, and we do one. We might refactor that later.