2022-07-25 14:34:33 +00:00
// TODO: Restore run FFI?
// TODO: Auto clean project based on topology
module Bindings = Reducer_Bindings
module Continuation = ReducerInterface_Value_Continuation
module ErrorValue = Reducer_ErrorValue
module ExternalExpressionValue = ReducerInterface_ExternalExpressionValue
module InternalExpressionValue = ReducerInterface_InternalExpressionValue
module ProjectAccessorsT = ReducerProject_ProjectAccessors_T
module ProjectItem = ReducerProject_ProjectItem
module T = ReducerProject_T
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module Topology = ReducerProject_Topology
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type project = T.t
type t = T.t
module Private = {
type internalProject = T.Private.t
type t = T.Private.t
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let getSourceIds = T.Private.getSourceIds
let getItem = T.Private.getItem
let getDependents = Topology.getDependents
let getDependencies = Topology.getDependencies
let getRunOrder = Topology.getRunOrder
let getRunOrderFor = Topology.getRunOrderFor
2022-07-25 14:34:33 +00:00
let createProject = () => {
let this: t = {
"items": Belt.Map.String.empty,
"stdLib": ReducerInterface_StdLib.internalStdLib,
"environment": InternalExpressionValue.defaultEnvironment,
let rec touchSource = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit => {
let item = this->getItem(sourceId)
let newItem = ProjectItem.touchSource(item)
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
touchDependents(this, sourceId)
and touchDependents = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit => {
let _ = getDependents(this, sourceId)->Belt.Array.forEach(_, touchSource(this, _))
let getSource = (this: t, sourceId: string): option<string> =>
Belt.Map.String.get(this["items"], sourceId)->Belt.Option.map(ProjectItem.getSource)
let setSource = (this: t, sourceId: string, value: string): unit => {
let newItem = this->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.setSource(value)
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
touchDependents(this, sourceId)
let clean = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit => {
let newItem = this->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.clean
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
let cleanAll = (this: t): unit =>
getSourceIds(this)->Belt.Array.forEach(sourceId => clean(this, sourceId))
let cleanResults = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit => {
let newItem = this->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.cleanResults
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
let cleanAllResults = (this: t): unit =>
getSourceIds(this)->Belt.Array.forEach(sourceId => cleanResults(this, sourceId))
let getIncludes = (this: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.includesType =>
let setContinues = (this: t, sourceId: string, continues: array<string>): unit => {
let newItem = this->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.setContinues(continues)
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
touchSource(this, sourceId)
let getContinues = (this: t, sourceId: string): array<string> =>
let removeContinues = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit => {
let newItem = this->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.removeContinues
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
touchSource(this, sourceId)
let getContinuation = (this: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.continuationArgumentType =>
let setContinuation = (
this: t,
sourceId: string,
continuation: ProjectItem.T.continuationArgumentType,
): unit => {
let newItem = this->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.setContinuation(continuation)
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
let getResult = (this: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.resultType =>
let setResult = (this: t, sourceId: string, value: ProjectItem.T.resultArgumentType): unit => {
let newItem = this->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.setResult(value)
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
let getExternalResult = (this: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.externalResultType =>
let parseIncludes = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit => {
let newItem = this->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.parseIncludes
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
let rawParse = (this: t, sourceId): unit => {
let newItem = this->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.rawParse
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
let getStdLib = (this: t): Reducer_Bindings.t => this["stdLib"]
let setStdLib = (this: t, value: Reducer_Bindings.t): unit =>
T.Private.setFieldStdLib(this, value)
let getEnvironment = (this: t): InternalExpressionValue.environment => this["environment"]
let setEnvironment = (this: t, value: InternalExpressionValue.environment): unit =>
T.Private.setFieldEnvironment(this, value)
let getExternalBindings = (
this: t,
sourceId: string,
): ProjectItem.T.externalBindingsArgumentType => {
let those = this->getContinuation(sourceId)
let these = this->getStdLib
let ofUser = Continuation.minus(those, these)
let buildProjectAccessors = (this: t): ProjectAccessorsT.t => {
continuation: Bindings.emptyBindings,
stdLib: getStdLib(this),
environment: getEnvironment(this),
let doRunWithContinuation = (
this: t,
sourceId: string,
continuation: ProjectItem.T.continuation,
): unit => {
let accessors = buildProjectAccessors(this)
let newItem = this->getItem(sourceId)->ProjectItem.run(continuation, accessors)
Belt.Map.String.set(this["items"], sourceId, newItem)->T.Private.setFieldItems(this, _)
setContinuation(this, sourceId, accessors.continuation)
type runState = (ProjectItem.T.resultArgumentType, ProjectItem.T.continuation)
let tryRunWithContinuation = (
this: t,
sourceId: string,
(rPrevResult: ProjectItem.T.resultArgumentType, continuation: ProjectItem.T.continuation),
): (ProjectItem.T.resultArgumentType, ProjectItem.T.continuation) => {
switch getResult(this, sourceId) {
| Some(result) => (result, getContinuation(this, sourceId)) // already ran
| None =>
switch rPrevResult {
| Error(error) => {
setResult(this, sourceId, Error(error))
(Error(error), continuation)
| Ok(_prevResult) => {
doRunWithContinuation(this, sourceId, continuation)
getResult(this, sourceId)->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(rPrevResult),
getContinuation(this, sourceId),
let runAll = (this: t): unit => {
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let runOrder = Topology.getRunOrder(this)
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let initialState = (Ok(InternalExpressionValue.IEvVoid), getStdLib(this))
let _finalState = Belt.Array.reduce(runOrder, initialState, (currState, currId) =>
tryRunWithContinuation(this, currId, currState)
let run = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit => {
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let runOrder = Topology.getRunOrderFor(this, sourceId)
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let initialState = (Ok(InternalExpressionValue.IEvVoid), getStdLib(this))
let _finalState = Belt.Array.reduce(runOrder, initialState, (currState, currId) =>
tryRunWithContinuation(this, currId, currState)
let evaluate = (sourceCode: string) => {
let project = createProject()
setSource(project, "main", sourceCode)
getResult(project, "main")->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(IEvVoid->Ok),
getContinuation(project, "main"),
// Create a new this to hold the sources, executables, bindings and other data.
// The this is a mutable object for use in TypeScript.
let createProject = (): t => Private.createProject()->T.Private.castFromInternalProject
// Answers the array of existing source ids to enumerate over.
let getSourceIds = (this: t): array<string> =>
// Sets the source for a given source id.
let setSource = (this: t, sourceId: string, value: string): unit =>
this->T.Private.castToInternalProject->Private.setSource(sourceId, value)
// Gets the source for a given source id.
let getSource = (this: t, sourceId: string): option<string> =>
// Touches the source for a given source id. This forces the dependency graph to be re-evaluated.
// Touching source code clears the includes so that they can be reevaluated.
let touchSource = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit =>
// Cleans the compilation artifacts for a given source id. The results stay untouched.
let clean = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit =>
// Cleans all compilation artifacts for all the this. The results stay untouched.
let cleanAll = (this: t): unit => this->T.Private.castToInternalProject->Private.cleanAll
// Cleans results. Compilation stays untouched to rerun the source.
let cleanResults = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit =>
// Cleans all results. Compilations stays untouched to rerun the source.
let cleanAllResults = (this: t): unit =>
let getIncludes = (this: t, sourceId: string): ProjectItem.T.includesType =>
let getContinues = (this: t, sourceId: string): array<string> =>
// setContinues acts like an include hidden in the source. It is used to define a continuation.
let setContinues = (this: t, sourceId: string, continues: array<string>): unit =>
this->T.Private.castToInternalProject->Private.setContinues(sourceId, continues)
// This source is not continuing any other source. It is a standalone source.
// Touches this source also.
let removeContinues = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit =>
// Gets includes and continues for a given source id. SourceId is depending on them
let getDependencies = (this: t, sourceId: string): array<string> =>
// Get source ids depending on a given source id.
let getDependents = (this: t, sourceId: string): array<string> =>
// Get run order for all sources. It is a topological sort of the dependency graph.
let getRunOrder = (this: t) => this->T.Private.castToInternalProject->Private.getRunOrder
// Get run order for a given source id. It is a topological sort of the dependency graph.
let getRunOrderFor = (this: t, sourceId: string) =>
// Parse includes so that you can load them before running. Use getIncludes to get the includes.
// It is your responsibility to load the includes before running.
let parseIncludes = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit =>
// Parse the source code if it is not done already. Use getRawParse to get the parse tree
let rawParse = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit =>
// Runs the source code.
// The code is parsed if it is not already done.
// If it continues/includes another source then it will run that source also if is not already done.
let run = (this: t, sourceId: string): unit =>
// Runs all the sources.
let runAll = (this: t): unit => this->T.Private.castToInternalProject->Private.runAll
// WARNING" getExternalBindings will be deprecated. Cyclic directed graph problems
// Get the bindings after running the source code.
let getExternalBindings = (this: t, sourceId: string): ExternalExpressionValue.record =>
//WARNING: externalResult will be deprecated. Cyclic directed graph problems
let getExternalResult = (this: t, sourceId: string): option<
result<ExternalExpressionValue.t, Reducer_ErrorValue.errorValue>,
> => this->T.Private.castToInternalProject->Private.getExternalResult(sourceId)
// This is a convenience function to get the result of a single source.
// You cannot use includes
let evaluate = (sourceCode: string): ('r, 'b) => {
let (result, continuation) = Private.evaluate(sourceCode)
let foreignFunctionInterface = (
lambdaValue: ExternalExpressionValue.lambdaValue,
argArray: array<ExternalExpressionValue.t>,
environment: ExternalExpressionValue.environment,
) => {
let internallambdaValue = InternalExpressionValue.lambdaValueToInternal(lambdaValue)
let internalArgArray = argArray->Js.Array2.map(InternalExpressionValue.toInternal)
let accessors = ProjectAccessorsT.identityAccessorsWithEnvironment(environment)