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_The current document was written quickly and not exhaustively, yet, it's unfinished. [Template here](https://mozillascience.github.io/working-open-workshop/contributing/)_
# Contributing to Squiggle
We welcome contributions from developers, especially people in react/typescript, rescript, and interpreters/parsers. We also are keen to hear issues filed by users!
Squiggle is currently pre-alpha.
# Quick links
- [Roadmap to the alpha](https://github.com/QURIresearch/squiggle/projects/2)
- The team presently communicates via the **EA Forecasting and Epistemics** slack (channels `#squiggle` and `#squiggle-ops`), you can track down an invite by reaching out to Ozzie Gooen
- [Squiggle documentation](https://www.squiggle-language.com/docs/Language)
- [Rescript documentation](https://rescript-lang.org/docs/manual/latest/introduction)
- You can email `quinn@quantifieduncertainty.org` if you need assistance in onboarding or if you have questions
# Bug reports
Anyone (with a github account) can file an issue at any time. Please allow Quinn, Sam, and Ozzie to triage, but otherwise just follow the suggestions in the issue templates.
# Project structure
Squiggle is a **monorepo** with four **packages**.
- **components** is where we improve reactive interfacing with Squiggle
- **playground** is the site `playground.squiggle-language.com`
- **squiggle-lang** is where the magic happens: probability distributions, the interpreter, etc.
- **website** is the site `squiggle-language.com`
# Deployment ops
We use netlify, and it should only concern Quinn, Sam, and Ozzie.
# Development environment, building, testing, dev server
You need `yarn`.
TODO: fill this out based on all the different packages scripts once they cool down.
## If you're on NixOS
You'll need to run a command like this in order to get `yarn build` to run, especially in `packages/squiggle-lang`.
patchelf --set-interpreter $(patchelf --print-interpreter $(which mkdir)) ./node_modules/gentype/gentype.exe
See [here](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/107375)
# Pull request protocol
Please work against `staging` branch. **Do not** work against `master`. Please do not merge without approval from some subset of Quinn, Sam, and Ozzie; they will be auto-pinged.