
128 lines
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import { factory } from '../../utils/factory.js';
import { extend } from '../../utils/object.js';
import { createAlgorithm01 } from '../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm01.js';
import { createAlgorithm04 } from '../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm04.js';
import { createAlgorithm10 } from '../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm10.js';
import { createAlgorithm13 } from '../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm13.js';
import { createAlgorithm14 } from '../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm14.js';
var name = 'add';
var dependencies = ['typed', 'matrix', 'addScalar', 'equalScalar', 'DenseMatrix', 'SparseMatrix'];
export var createAdd = /* #__PURE__ */factory(name, dependencies, _ref => {
var {
} = _ref;
var algorithm01 = createAlgorithm01({
var algorithm04 = createAlgorithm04({
var algorithm10 = createAlgorithm10({
var algorithm13 = createAlgorithm13({
var algorithm14 = createAlgorithm14({
* Add two or more values, `x + y`.
* For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise.
* Syntax:
* math.add(x, y)
* math.add(x, y, z, ...)
* Examples:
* math.add(2, 3) // returns number 5
* math.add(2, 3, 4) // returns number 9
* const a = math.complex(2, 3)
* const b = math.complex(-4, 1)
* math.add(a, b) // returns Complex -2 + 4i
* math.add([1, 2, 3], 4) // returns Array [5, 6, 7]
* const c = math.unit('5 cm')
* const d = math.unit('2.1 mm')
* math.add(c, d) // returns Unit 52.1 mm
* math.add("2.3", "4") // returns number 6.3
* See also:
* subtract, sum
* @param {number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | Unit | Array | Matrix} x First value to add
* @param {number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | Unit | Array | Matrix} y Second value to add
* @return {number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | Unit | Array | Matrix} Sum of `x` and `y`
return typed(name, extend({
// we extend the signatures of addScalar with signatures dealing with matrices
'DenseMatrix, DenseMatrix': function DenseMatrixDenseMatrix(x, y) {
return algorithm13(x, y, addScalar);
'DenseMatrix, SparseMatrix': function DenseMatrixSparseMatrix(x, y) {
return algorithm01(x, y, addScalar, false);
'SparseMatrix, DenseMatrix': function SparseMatrixDenseMatrix(x, y) {
return algorithm01(y, x, addScalar, true);
'SparseMatrix, SparseMatrix': function SparseMatrixSparseMatrix(x, y) {
return algorithm04(x, y, addScalar);
'Array, Array': function ArrayArray(x, y) {
// use matrix implementation
return this(matrix(x), matrix(y)).valueOf();
'Array, Matrix': function ArrayMatrix(x, y) {
// use matrix implementation
return this(matrix(x), y);
'Matrix, Array': function MatrixArray(x, y) {
// use matrix implementation
return this(x, matrix(y));
'DenseMatrix, any': function DenseMatrixAny(x, y) {
return algorithm14(x, y, addScalar, false);
'SparseMatrix, any': function SparseMatrixAny(x, y) {
return algorithm10(x, y, addScalar, false);
'any, DenseMatrix': function anyDenseMatrix(x, y) {
return algorithm14(y, x, addScalar, true);
'any, SparseMatrix': function anySparseMatrix(x, y) {
return algorithm10(y, x, addScalar, true);
'Array, any': function ArrayAny(x, y) {
// use matrix implementation
return algorithm14(matrix(x), y, addScalar, false).valueOf();
'any, Array': function anyArray(x, y) {
// use matrix implementation
return algorithm14(matrix(y), x, addScalar, true).valueOf();
'any, any': addScalar,
'any, any, ...any': function anyAnyAny(x, y, rest) {
var result = this(x, y);
for (var i = 0; i < rest.length; i++) {
result = this(result, rest[i]);
return result;
}, addScalar.signatures));