
151 lines
4.4 KiB

import { factory } from '../utils/factory.js';
import { createEmptyMap, toObject } from '../utils/map.js';
var name = 'Parser';
var dependencies = ['evaluate'];
export var createParserClass = /* #__PURE__ */factory(name, dependencies, _ref => {
var {
} = _ref;
* @constructor Parser
* Parser contains methods to evaluate or parse expressions, and has a number
* of convenience methods to get, set, and remove variables from memory. Parser
* keeps a scope containing variables in memory, which is used for all
* evaluations.
* Methods:
* const result = parser.evaluate(expr) // evaluate an expression
* const value = parser.get(name) // retrieve a variable from the parser
* const values = parser.getAll() // retrieve all defined variables
* parser.set(name, value) // set a variable in the parser
* parser.remove(name) // clear a variable from the
* // parsers scope
* parser.clear() // clear the parsers scope
* Example usage:
* const parser = new Parser()
* // Note: there is a convenience method which can be used instead:
* // const parser = new math.parser()
* // evaluate expressions
* parser.evaluate('sqrt(3^2 + 4^2)') // 5
* parser.evaluate('sqrt(-4)') // 2i
* parser.evaluate('2 inch in cm') // 5.08 cm
* parser.evaluate('cos(45 deg)') // 0.7071067811865476
* // define variables and functions
* parser.evaluate('x = 7 / 2') // 3.5
* parser.evaluate('x + 3') // 6.5
* parser.evaluate('f(x, y) = x^y') // f(x, y)
* parser.evaluate('f(2, 3)') // 8
* // get and set variables and functions
* const x = parser.get('x') // 7
* const f = parser.get('f') // function
* const g = f(3, 2) // 9
* parser.set('h', 500)
* const i = parser.evaluate('h / 2') // 250
* parser.set('hello', function (name) {
* return 'hello, ' + name + '!'
* })
* parser.evaluate('hello("user")') // "hello, user!"
* // clear defined functions and variables
* parser.clear()
function Parser() {
if (!(this instanceof Parser)) {
throw new SyntaxError('Constructor must be called with the new operator');
Object.defineProperty(this, 'scope', {
value: createEmptyMap(),
writable: false
* Attach type information
Parser.prototype.type = 'Parser';
Parser.prototype.isParser = true;
* Parse and evaluate the given expression
* @param {string | string[]} expr A string containing an expression,
* for example "2+3", or a list with expressions
* @return {*} result The result, or undefined when the expression was empty
* @throws {Error}
Parser.prototype.evaluate = function (expr) {
// TODO: validate arguments
return evaluate(expr, this.scope);
* Get a variable (a function or variable) by name from the parsers scope.
* Returns undefined when not found
* @param {string} name
* @return {* | undefined} value
Parser.prototype.get = function (name) {
// TODO: validate arguments
if (this.scope.has(name)) {
return this.scope.get(name);
* Get a map with all defined variables
* @return {Object} values
Parser.prototype.getAll = function () {
return toObject(this.scope);
* Get a map with all defined variables
* @return {Map} values
Parser.prototype.getAllAsMap = function () {
return this.scope;
* Set a symbol (a function or variable) by name from the parsers scope.
* @param {string} name
* @param {* | undefined} value
Parser.prototype.set = function (name, value) {
this.scope.set(name, value);
return value;
* Remove a variable from the parsers scope
* @param {string} name
Parser.prototype.remove = function (name) {
* Clear the scope with variables and functions
Parser.prototype.clear = function () {
return Parser;
}, {
isClass: true