import { factory } from '../../utils/factory.js'; import { createAlgorithm02 } from '../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm02.js'; import { createAlgorithm06 } from '../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm06.js'; import { createAlgorithm11 } from '../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm11.js'; import { createAlgorithm13 } from '../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm13.js'; import { createAlgorithm14 } from '../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm14.js'; import { lcmNumber } from '../../plain/number/index.js'; var name = 'lcm'; var dependencies = ['typed', 'matrix', 'equalScalar']; export var createLcm = /* #__PURE__ */factory(name, dependencies, _ref => { var { typed, matrix, equalScalar } = _ref; var algorithm02 = createAlgorithm02({ typed, equalScalar }); var algorithm06 = createAlgorithm06({ typed, equalScalar }); var algorithm11 = createAlgorithm11({ typed, equalScalar }); var algorithm13 = createAlgorithm13({ typed }); var algorithm14 = createAlgorithm14({ typed }); /** * Calculate the least common multiple for two or more values or arrays. * * lcm is defined as: * * lcm(a, b) = abs(a * b) / gcd(a, b) * * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. * * Syntax: * * math.lcm(a, b) * math.lcm(a, b, c, ...) * * Examples: * * math.lcm(4, 6) // returns 12 * math.lcm(6, 21) // returns 42 * math.lcm(6, 21, 5) // returns 210 * * math.lcm([4, 6], [6, 21]) // returns [12, 42] * * See also: * * gcd, xgcd * * @param {... number | BigNumber | Array | Matrix} args Two or more integer numbers * @return {number | BigNumber | Array | Matrix} The least common multiple */ return typed(name, { 'number, number': lcmNumber, 'BigNumber, BigNumber': _lcmBigNumber, 'Fraction, Fraction': function FractionFraction(x, y) { return x.lcm(y); }, 'SparseMatrix, SparseMatrix': function SparseMatrixSparseMatrix(x, y) { return algorithm06(x, y, this); }, 'SparseMatrix, DenseMatrix': function SparseMatrixDenseMatrix(x, y) { return algorithm02(y, x, this, true); }, 'DenseMatrix, SparseMatrix': function DenseMatrixSparseMatrix(x, y) { return algorithm02(x, y, this, false); }, 'DenseMatrix, DenseMatrix': function DenseMatrixDenseMatrix(x, y) { return algorithm13(x, y, this); }, 'Array, Array': function ArrayArray(x, y) { // use matrix implementation return this(matrix(x), matrix(y)).valueOf(); }, 'Array, Matrix': function ArrayMatrix(x, y) { // use matrix implementation return this(matrix(x), y); }, 'Matrix, Array': function MatrixArray(x, y) { // use matrix implementation return this(x, matrix(y)); }, 'SparseMatrix, number | BigNumber': function SparseMatrixNumberBigNumber(x, y) { return algorithm11(x, y, this, false); }, 'DenseMatrix, number | BigNumber': function DenseMatrixNumberBigNumber(x, y) { return algorithm14(x, y, this, false); }, 'number | BigNumber, SparseMatrix': function numberBigNumberSparseMatrix(x, y) { return algorithm11(y, x, this, true); }, 'number | BigNumber, DenseMatrix': function numberBigNumberDenseMatrix(x, y) { return algorithm14(y, x, this, true); }, 'Array, number | BigNumber': function ArrayNumberBigNumber(x, y) { // use matrix implementation return algorithm14(matrix(x), y, this, false).valueOf(); }, 'number | BigNumber, Array': function numberBigNumberArray(x, y) { // use matrix implementation return algorithm14(matrix(y), x, this, true).valueOf(); }, // TODO: need a smarter notation here 'Array | Matrix | number | BigNumber, Array | Matrix | number | BigNumber, ...Array | Matrix | number | BigNumber': function ArrayMatrixNumberBigNumberArrayMatrixNumberBigNumberArrayMatrixNumberBigNumber(a, b, args) { var res = this(a, b); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { res = this(res, args[i]); } return res; } }); /** * Calculate lcm for two BigNumbers * @param {BigNumber} a * @param {BigNumber} b * @returns {BigNumber} Returns the least common multiple of a and b * @private */ function _lcmBigNumber(a, b) { if (!a.isInt() || !b.isInt()) { throw new Error('Parameters in function lcm must be integer numbers'); } if (a.isZero()) { return a; } if (b.isZero()) { return b; } // // evaluate lcm here inline to reduce overhead var prod = a.times(b); while (!b.isZero()) { var t = b; b = a.mod(t); a = t; } return prod.div(a).abs(); } });