"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.createIntersect = void 0; var _factory = require("../../utils/factory.js"); var name = 'intersect'; var dependencies = ['typed', 'config', 'abs', 'add', 'addScalar', 'matrix', 'multiply', 'multiplyScalar', 'divideScalar', 'subtract', 'smaller', 'equalScalar', 'flatten', 'isZero', 'isNumeric']; var createIntersect = /* #__PURE__ */(0, _factory.factory)(name, dependencies, function (_ref) { var typed = _ref.typed, config = _ref.config, abs = _ref.abs, add = _ref.add, addScalar = _ref.addScalar, matrix = _ref.matrix, multiply = _ref.multiply, multiplyScalar = _ref.multiplyScalar, divideScalar = _ref.divideScalar, subtract = _ref.subtract, smaller = _ref.smaller, equalScalar = _ref.equalScalar, flatten = _ref.flatten, isZero = _ref.isZero, isNumeric = _ref.isNumeric; /** * Calculates the point of intersection of two lines in two or three dimensions * and of a line and a plane in three dimensions. The inputs are in the form of * arrays or 1 dimensional matrices. The line intersection functions return null * if the lines do not meet. * * Note: Fill the plane coefficients as `x + y + z = c` and not as `x + y + z + c = 0`. * * Syntax: * * math.intersect(endPoint1Line1, endPoint2Line1, endPoint1Line2, endPoint2Line2) * math.intersect(endPoint1, endPoint2, planeCoefficients) * * Examples: * * math.intersect([0, 0], [10, 10], [10, 0], [0, 10]) // Returns [5, 5] * math.intersect([0, 0, 0], [10, 10, 0], [10, 0, 0], [0, 10, 0]) // Returns [5, 5, 0] * math.intersect([1, 0, 1], [4, -2, 2], [1, 1, 1, 6]) // Returns [7, -4, 3] * * @param {Array | Matrix} w Co-ordinates of first end-point of first line * @param {Array | Matrix} x Co-ordinates of second end-point of first line * @param {Array | Matrix} y Co-ordinates of first end-point of second line * OR Co-efficients of the plane's equation * @param {Array | Matrix} z Co-ordinates of second end-point of second line * OR undefined if the calculation is for line and plane * @return {Array} Returns the point of intersection of lines/lines-planes */ return typed('intersect', { 'Array, Array, Array': _AAA, 'Array, Array, Array, Array': _AAAA, 'Matrix, Matrix, Matrix': function MatrixMatrixMatrix(x, y, plane) { var arr = _AAA(x.valueOf(), y.valueOf(), plane.valueOf()); return arr === null ? null : matrix(arr); }, 'Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix': function MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrix(w, x, y, z) { // TODO: output matrix type should match input matrix type var arr = _AAAA(w.valueOf(), x.valueOf(), y.valueOf(), z.valueOf()); return arr === null ? null : matrix(arr); } }); function _AAA(x, y, plane) { x = _coerceArr(x); y = _coerceArr(y); plane = _coerceArr(plane); if (!_3d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 3 numbers or BigNumbers expected for first argument'); } if (!_3d(y)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 3 numbers or BigNumbers expected for second argument'); } if (!_4d(plane)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 4 numbers expected as third argument'); } return _intersectLinePlane(x[0], x[1], x[2], y[0], y[1], y[2], plane[0], plane[1], plane[2], plane[3]); } function _AAAA(w, x, y, z) { w = _coerceArr(w); x = _coerceArr(x); y = _coerceArr(y); z = _coerceArr(z); if (w.length === 2) { if (!_2d(w)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 2 numbers or BigNumbers expected for first argument'); } if (!_2d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 2 numbers or BigNumbers expected for second argument'); } if (!_2d(y)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 2 numbers or BigNumbers expected for third argument'); } if (!_2d(z)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 2 numbers or BigNumbers expected for fourth argument'); } return _intersect2d(w, x, y, z); } else if (w.length === 3) { if (!_3d(w)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 3 numbers or BigNumbers expected for first argument'); } if (!_3d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 3 numbers or BigNumbers expected for second argument'); } if (!_3d(y)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 3 numbers or BigNumbers expected for third argument'); } if (!_3d(z)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 3 numbers or BigNumbers expected for fourth argument'); } return _intersect3d(w[0], w[1], w[2], x[0], x[1], x[2], y[0], y[1], y[2], z[0], z[1], z[2]); } else { throw new TypeError('Arrays with two or thee dimensional points expected'); } } /** Coerce row and column 2-dim arrays to 1-dim array */ function _coerceArr(arr) { // row matrix if (arr.length === 1) return arr[0]; // column matrix if (arr.length > 1 && Array.isArray(arr[0])) { if (arr.every(function (el) { return Array.isArray(el) && el.length === 1; })) return flatten(arr); } return arr; } function _2d(x) { return x.length === 2 && isNumeric(x[0]) && isNumeric(x[1]); } function _3d(x) { return x.length === 3 && isNumeric(x[0]) && isNumeric(x[1]) && isNumeric(x[2]); } function _4d(x) { return x.length === 4 && isNumeric(x[0]) && isNumeric(x[1]) && isNumeric(x[2]) && isNumeric(x[3]); } function _intersect2d(p1a, p1b, p2a, p2b) { var o1 = p1a; var o2 = p2a; var d1 = subtract(o1, p1b); var d2 = subtract(o2, p2b); var det = subtract(multiplyScalar(d1[0], d2[1]), multiplyScalar(d2[0], d1[1])); if (isZero(det)) return null; if (smaller(abs(det), config.epsilon)) { return null; } var d20o11 = multiplyScalar(d2[0], o1[1]); var d21o10 = multiplyScalar(d2[1], o1[0]); var d20o21 = multiplyScalar(d2[0], o2[1]); var d21o20 = multiplyScalar(d2[1], o2[0]); var t = divideScalar(addScalar(subtract(subtract(d20o11, d21o10), d20o21), d21o20), det); return add(multiply(d1, t), o1); } function _intersect3dHelper(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) { // (a - b)*(c - d) + (e - f)*(g - h) + (i - j)*(k - l) var add1 = multiplyScalar(subtract(a, b), subtract(c, d)); var add2 = multiplyScalar(subtract(e, f), subtract(g, h)); var add3 = multiplyScalar(subtract(i, j), subtract(k, l)); return addScalar(addScalar(add1, add2), add3); } function _intersect3d(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4) { var d1343 = _intersect3dHelper(x1, x3, x4, x3, y1, y3, y4, y3, z1, z3, z4, z3); var d4321 = _intersect3dHelper(x4, x3, x2, x1, y4, y3, y2, y1, z4, z3, z2, z1); var d1321 = _intersect3dHelper(x1, x3, x2, x1, y1, y3, y2, y1, z1, z3, z2, z1); var d4343 = _intersect3dHelper(x4, x3, x4, x3, y4, y3, y4, y3, z4, z3, z4, z3); var d2121 = _intersect3dHelper(x2, x1, x2, x1, y2, y1, y2, y1, z2, z1, z2, z1); var numerator = subtract(multiplyScalar(d1343, d4321), multiplyScalar(d1321, d4343)); var denominator = subtract(multiplyScalar(d2121, d4343), multiplyScalar(d4321, d4321)); if (isZero(denominator)) return null; var ta = divideScalar(numerator, denominator); var tb = divideScalar(addScalar(d1343, multiplyScalar(ta, d4321)), d4343); var pax = addScalar(x1, multiplyScalar(ta, subtract(x2, x1))); var pay = addScalar(y1, multiplyScalar(ta, subtract(y2, y1))); var paz = addScalar(z1, multiplyScalar(ta, subtract(z2, z1))); var pbx = addScalar(x3, multiplyScalar(tb, subtract(x4, x3))); var pby = addScalar(y3, multiplyScalar(tb, subtract(y4, y3))); var pbz = addScalar(z3, multiplyScalar(tb, subtract(z4, z3))); if (equalScalar(pax, pbx) && equalScalar(pay, pby) && equalScalar(paz, pbz)) { return [pax, pay, paz]; } else { return null; } } function _intersectLinePlane(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x, y, z, c) { var x1x = multiplyScalar(x1, x); var x2x = multiplyScalar(x2, x); var y1y = multiplyScalar(y1, y); var y2y = multiplyScalar(y2, y); var z1z = multiplyScalar(z1, z); var z2z = multiplyScalar(z2, z); var numerator = subtract(subtract(subtract(c, x1x), y1y), z1z); var denominator = subtract(subtract(subtract(addScalar(addScalar(x2x, y2y), z2z), x1x), y1y), z1z); var t = divideScalar(numerator, denominator); var px = addScalar(x1, multiplyScalar(t, subtract(x2, x1))); var py = addScalar(y1, multiplyScalar(t, subtract(y2, y1))); var pz = addScalar(z1, multiplyScalar(t, subtract(z2, z1))); return [px, py, pz]; // TODO: Add cases when line is parallel to the plane: // (a) no intersection, // (b) line contained in plane } }); exports.createIntersect = createIntersect;