"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.createResolve = void 0; var _map = require("../../utils/map.js"); var _is = require("../../utils/is.js"); var _factory = require("../../utils/factory.js"); var name = 'resolve'; var dependencies = ['parse', 'ConstantNode', 'FunctionNode', 'OperatorNode', 'ParenthesisNode']; var createResolve = /* #__PURE__ */(0, _factory.factory)(name, dependencies, function (_ref) { var parse = _ref.parse, ConstantNode = _ref.ConstantNode, FunctionNode = _ref.FunctionNode, OperatorNode = _ref.OperatorNode, ParenthesisNode = _ref.ParenthesisNode; /** * resolve(expr, scope) replaces variable nodes with their scoped values * * Syntax: * * resolve(expr, scope) * * Examples: * * math.resolve('x + y', {x:1, y:2}) // Node {1 + 2} * math.resolve(math.parse('x+y'), {x:1, y:2}) // Node {1 + 2} * math.simplify('x+y', {x:2, y:'x+x'}).toString() // "6" * * See also: * * simplify, evaluate * * @param {Node} node * The expression tree to be simplified * @param {Object} scope * Scope specifying variables to be resolved * @return {Node} Returns `node` with variables recursively substituted. * @throws {ReferenceError} * If there is a cyclic dependency among the variables in `scope`, * resolution is impossible and a ReferenceError is thrown. */ function resolve(node, scope) { var within = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : new Set(); // note `within`: // `within` is not documented, since it is for internal cycle // detection only if (!scope) { return node; } if (!(0, _map.isMap)(scope)) { scope = (0, _map.createMap)(scope); } if ((0, _is.isSymbolNode)(node)) { if (within.has(node.name)) { var variables = Array.from(within).join(', '); throw new ReferenceError("recursive loop of variable definitions among {".concat(variables, "}")); } var value = scope.get(node.name); if ((0, _is.isNode)(value)) { var nextWithin = new Set(within); nextWithin.add(node.name); return resolve(value, scope, nextWithin); } else if (typeof value === 'number') { return parse(String(value)); } else if (value !== undefined) { return new ConstantNode(value); } else { return node; } } else if ((0, _is.isOperatorNode)(node)) { var args = node.args.map(function (arg) { return resolve(arg, scope, within); }); return new OperatorNode(node.op, node.fn, args, node.implicit); } else if ((0, _is.isParenthesisNode)(node)) { return new ParenthesisNode(resolve(node.content, scope, within)); } else if ((0, _is.isFunctionNode)(node)) { var _args = node.args.map(function (arg) { return resolve(arg, scope, within); }); return new FunctionNode(node.name, _args); } // Otherwise just recursively resolve any children (might also work // for some of the above special cases) return node.map(function (child) { return resolve(child, scope, within); }); } return resolve; }); exports.createResolve = createResolve;