"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.createOperatorNode = void 0; var _is = require("../../utils/is.js"); var _array = require("../../utils/array.js"); var _string = require("../../utils/string.js"); var _customs = require("../../utils/customs.js"); var _operators = require("../operators.js"); var _latex = require("../../utils/latex.js"); var _factory = require("../../utils/factory.js"); var name = 'OperatorNode'; var dependencies = ['Node']; var createOperatorNode = /* #__PURE__ */(0, _factory.factory)(name, dependencies, function (_ref) { var Node = _ref.Node; /** * @constructor OperatorNode * @extends {Node} * An operator with two arguments, like 2+3 * * @param {string} op Operator name, for example '+' * @param {string} fn Function name, for example 'add' * @param {Node[]} args Operator arguments * @param {boolean} [implicit] Is this an implicit multiplication? * @param {boolean} [isPercentage] Is this an percentage Operation? */ function OperatorNode(op, fn, args, implicit, isPercentage) { if (!(this instanceof OperatorNode)) { throw new SyntaxError('Constructor must be called with the new operator'); } // validate input if (typeof op !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('string expected for parameter "op"'); } if (typeof fn !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('string expected for parameter "fn"'); } if (!Array.isArray(args) || !args.every(_is.isNode)) { throw new TypeError('Array containing Nodes expected for parameter "args"'); } this.implicit = implicit === true; this.isPercentage = isPercentage === true; this.op = op; this.fn = fn; this.args = args || []; } OperatorNode.prototype = new Node(); OperatorNode.prototype.type = 'OperatorNode'; OperatorNode.prototype.isOperatorNode = true; /** * Compile a node into a JavaScript function. * This basically pre-calculates as much as possible and only leaves open * calculations which depend on a dynamic scope with variables. * @param {Object} math Math.js namespace with functions and constants. * @param {Object} argNames An object with argument names as key and `true` * as value. Used in the SymbolNode to optimize * for arguments from user assigned functions * (see FunctionAssignmentNode) or special symbols * like `end` (see IndexNode). * @return {function} Returns a function which can be called like: * evalNode(scope: Object, args: Object, context: *) */ OperatorNode.prototype._compile = function (math, argNames) { // validate fn if (typeof this.fn !== 'string' || !(0, _customs.isSafeMethod)(math, this.fn)) { if (!math[this.fn]) { throw new Error('Function ' + this.fn + ' missing in provided namespace "math"'); } else { throw new Error('No access to function "' + this.fn + '"'); } } var fn = (0, _customs.getSafeProperty)(math, this.fn); var evalArgs = (0, _array.map)(this.args, function (arg) { return arg._compile(math, argNames); }); if (evalArgs.length === 1) { var evalArg0 = evalArgs[0]; return function evalOperatorNode(scope, args, context) { return fn(evalArg0(scope, args, context)); }; } else if (evalArgs.length === 2) { var _evalArg = evalArgs[0]; var evalArg1 = evalArgs[1]; return function evalOperatorNode(scope, args, context) { return fn(_evalArg(scope, args, context), evalArg1(scope, args, context)); }; } else { return function evalOperatorNode(scope, args, context) { return fn.apply(null, (0, _array.map)(evalArgs, function (evalArg) { return evalArg(scope, args, context); })); }; } }; /** * Execute a callback for each of the child nodes of this node * @param {function(child: Node, path: string, parent: Node)} callback */ OperatorNode.prototype.forEach = function (callback) { for (var i = 0; i < this.args.length; i++) { callback(this.args[i], 'args[' + i + ']', this); } }; /** * Create a new OperatorNode having it's childs be the results of calling * the provided callback function for each of the childs of the original node. * @param {function(child: Node, path: string, parent: Node): Node} callback * @returns {OperatorNode} Returns a transformed copy of the node */ OperatorNode.prototype.map = function (callback) { var args = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.args.length; i++) { args[i] = this._ifNode(callback(this.args[i], 'args[' + i + ']', this)); } return new OperatorNode(this.op, this.fn, args, this.implicit, this.isPercentage); }; /** * Create a clone of this node, a shallow copy * @return {OperatorNode} */ OperatorNode.prototype.clone = function () { return new OperatorNode(this.op, this.fn, this.args.slice(0), this.implicit, this.isPercentage); }; /** * Check whether this is an unary OperatorNode: * has exactly one argument, like `-a`. * @return {boolean} Returns true when an unary operator node, false otherwise. */ OperatorNode.prototype.isUnary = function () { return this.args.length === 1; }; /** * Check whether this is a binary OperatorNode: * has exactly two arguments, like `a + b`. * @return {boolean} Returns true when a binary operator node, false otherwise. */ OperatorNode.prototype.isBinary = function () { return this.args.length === 2; }; /** * Calculate which parentheses are necessary. Gets an OperatorNode * (which is the root of the tree) and an Array of Nodes * (this.args) and returns an array where 'true' means that an argument * has to be enclosed in parentheses whereas 'false' means the opposite. * * @param {OperatorNode} root * @param {string} parenthesis * @param {Node[]} args * @param {boolean} latex * @return {boolean[]} * @private */ function calculateNecessaryParentheses(root, parenthesis, implicit, args, latex) { // precedence of the root OperatorNode var precedence = (0, _operators.getPrecedence)(root, parenthesis); var associativity = (0, _operators.getAssociativity)(root, parenthesis); if (parenthesis === 'all' || args.length > 2 && root.getIdentifier() !== 'OperatorNode:add' && root.getIdentifier() !== 'OperatorNode:multiply') { return args.map(function (arg) { switch (arg.getContent().type) { // Nodes that don't need extra parentheses case 'ArrayNode': case 'ConstantNode': case 'SymbolNode': case 'ParenthesisNode': return false; default: return true; } }); } var result; switch (args.length) { case 0: result = []; break; case 1: // unary operators { // precedence of the operand var operandPrecedence = (0, _operators.getPrecedence)(args[0], parenthesis); // handle special cases for LaTeX, where some of the parentheses aren't needed if (latex && operandPrecedence !== null) { var operandIdentifier; var rootIdentifier; if (parenthesis === 'keep') { operandIdentifier = args[0].getIdentifier(); rootIdentifier = root.getIdentifier(); } else { // Ignore Parenthesis Nodes when not in 'keep' mode operandIdentifier = args[0].getContent().getIdentifier(); rootIdentifier = root.getContent().getIdentifier(); } if (_operators.properties[precedence][rootIdentifier].latexLeftParens === false) { result = [false]; break; } if (_operators.properties[operandPrecedence][operandIdentifier].latexParens === false) { result = [false]; break; } } if (operandPrecedence === null) { // if the operand has no defined precedence, no parens are needed result = [false]; break; } if (operandPrecedence <= precedence) { // if the operands precedence is lower, parens are needed result = [true]; break; } // otherwise, no parens needed result = [false]; } break; case 2: // binary operators { var lhsParens; // left hand side needs parenthesis? // precedence of the left hand side var lhsPrecedence = (0, _operators.getPrecedence)(args[0], parenthesis); // is the root node associative with the left hand side var assocWithLhs = (0, _operators.isAssociativeWith)(root, args[0], parenthesis); if (lhsPrecedence === null) { // if the left hand side has no defined precedence, no parens are needed // FunctionNode for example lhsParens = false; } else if (lhsPrecedence === precedence && associativity === 'right' && !assocWithLhs) { // In case of equal precedence, if the root node is left associative // parens are **never** necessary for the left hand side. // If it is right associative however, parens are necessary // if the root node isn't associative with the left hand side lhsParens = true; } else if (lhsPrecedence < precedence) { lhsParens = true; } else { lhsParens = false; } var rhsParens; // right hand side needs parenthesis? // precedence of the right hand side var rhsPrecedence = (0, _operators.getPrecedence)(args[1], parenthesis); // is the root node associative with the right hand side? var assocWithRhs = (0, _operators.isAssociativeWith)(root, args[1], parenthesis); if (rhsPrecedence === null) { // if the right hand side has no defined precedence, no parens are needed // FunctionNode for example rhsParens = false; } else if (rhsPrecedence === precedence && associativity === 'left' && !assocWithRhs) { // In case of equal precedence, if the root node is right associative // parens are **never** necessary for the right hand side. // If it is left associative however, parens are necessary // if the root node isn't associative with the right hand side rhsParens = true; } else if (rhsPrecedence < precedence) { rhsParens = true; } else { rhsParens = false; } // handle special cases for LaTeX, where some of the parentheses aren't needed if (latex) { var _rootIdentifier; var lhsIdentifier; var rhsIdentifier; if (parenthesis === 'keep') { _rootIdentifier = root.getIdentifier(); lhsIdentifier = root.args[0].getIdentifier(); rhsIdentifier = root.args[1].getIdentifier(); } else { // Ignore ParenthesisNodes when not in 'keep' mode _rootIdentifier = root.getContent().getIdentifier(); lhsIdentifier = root.args[0].getContent().getIdentifier(); rhsIdentifier = root.args[1].getContent().getIdentifier(); } if (lhsPrecedence !== null) { if (_operators.properties[precedence][_rootIdentifier].latexLeftParens === false) { lhsParens = false; } if (_operators.properties[lhsPrecedence][lhsIdentifier].latexParens === false) { lhsParens = false; } } if (rhsPrecedence !== null) { if (_operators.properties[precedence][_rootIdentifier].latexRightParens === false) { rhsParens = false; } if (_operators.properties[rhsPrecedence][rhsIdentifier].latexParens === false) { rhsParens = false; } } } result = [lhsParens, rhsParens]; } break; default: if (root.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:add' || root.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:multiply') { result = args.map(function (arg) { var argPrecedence = (0, _operators.getPrecedence)(arg, parenthesis); var assocWithArg = (0, _operators.isAssociativeWith)(root, arg, parenthesis); var argAssociativity = (0, _operators.getAssociativity)(arg, parenthesis); if (argPrecedence === null) { // if the argument has no defined precedence, no parens are needed return false; } else if (precedence === argPrecedence && associativity === argAssociativity && !assocWithArg) { return true; } else if (argPrecedence < precedence) { return true; } return false; }); } break; } // handles an edge case of 'auto' parentheses with implicit multiplication of ConstantNode // In that case print parentheses for ParenthesisNodes even though they normally wouldn't be // printed. if (args.length >= 2 && root.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:multiply' && root.implicit && parenthesis === 'auto' && implicit === 'hide') { result = args.map(function (arg, index) { var isParenthesisNode = arg.getIdentifier() === 'ParenthesisNode'; if (result[index] || isParenthesisNode) { // put in parenthesis? return true; } return false; }); } return result; } /** * Get string representation. * @param {Object} options * @return {string} str */ OperatorNode.prototype._toString = function (options) { var parenthesis = options && options.parenthesis ? options.parenthesis : 'keep'; var implicit = options && options.implicit ? options.implicit : 'hide'; var args = this.args; var parens = calculateNecessaryParentheses(this, parenthesis, implicit, args, false); if (args.length === 1) { // unary operators var assoc = (0, _operators.getAssociativity)(this, parenthesis); var operand = args[0].toString(options); if (parens[0]) { operand = '(' + operand + ')'; } // for example for "not", we want a space between operand and argument var opIsNamed = /[a-zA-Z]+/.test(this.op); if (assoc === 'right') { // prefix operator return this.op + (opIsNamed ? ' ' : '') + operand; } else if (assoc === 'left') { // postfix return operand + (opIsNamed ? ' ' : '') + this.op; } // fall back to postfix return operand + this.op; } else if (args.length === 2) { var lhs = args[0].toString(options); // left hand side var rhs = args[1].toString(options); // right hand side if (parens[0]) { // left hand side in parenthesis? lhs = '(' + lhs + ')'; } if (parens[1]) { // right hand side in parenthesis? rhs = '(' + rhs + ')'; } if (this.implicit && this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:multiply' && implicit === 'hide') { return lhs + ' ' + rhs; } return lhs + ' ' + this.op + ' ' + rhs; } else if (args.length > 2 && (this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:add' || this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:multiply')) { var stringifiedArgs = args.map(function (arg, index) { arg = arg.toString(options); if (parens[index]) { // put in parenthesis? arg = '(' + arg + ')'; } return arg; }); if (this.implicit && this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:multiply' && implicit === 'hide') { return stringifiedArgs.join(' '); } return stringifiedArgs.join(' ' + this.op + ' '); } else { // fallback to formatting as a function call return this.fn + '(' + this.args.join(', ') + ')'; } }; /** * Get a JSON representation of the node * @returns {Object} */ OperatorNode.prototype.toJSON = function () { return { mathjs: 'OperatorNode', op: this.op, fn: this.fn, args: this.args, implicit: this.implicit, isPercentage: this.isPercentage }; }; /** * Instantiate an OperatorNode from its JSON representation * @param {Object} json An object structured like * `{"mathjs": "OperatorNode", "op": "+", "fn": "add", "args": [...], "implicit": false, "isPercentage":false}`, * where mathjs is optional * @returns {OperatorNode} */ OperatorNode.fromJSON = function (json) { return new OperatorNode(json.op, json.fn, json.args, json.implicit, json.isPercentage); }; /** * Get HTML representation. * @param {Object} options * @return {string} str */ OperatorNode.prototype.toHTML = function (options) { var parenthesis = options && options.parenthesis ? options.parenthesis : 'keep'; var implicit = options && options.implicit ? options.implicit : 'hide'; var args = this.args; var parens = calculateNecessaryParentheses(this, parenthesis, implicit, args, false); if (args.length === 1) { // unary operators var assoc = (0, _operators.getAssociativity)(this, parenthesis); var operand = args[0].toHTML(options); if (parens[0]) { operand = '(' + operand + ')'; } if (assoc === 'right') { // prefix operator return '' + (0, _string.escape)(this.op) + '' + operand; } else { // postfix when assoc === 'left' or undefined return operand + '' + (0, _string.escape)(this.op) + ''; } } else if (args.length === 2) { // binary operatoes var lhs = args[0].toHTML(options); // left hand side var rhs = args[1].toHTML(options); // right hand side if (parens[0]) { // left hand side in parenthesis? lhs = '(' + lhs + ')'; } if (parens[1]) { // right hand side in parenthesis? rhs = '(' + rhs + ')'; } if (this.implicit && this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:multiply' && implicit === 'hide') { return lhs + '' + rhs; } return lhs + '' + (0, _string.escape)(this.op) + '' + rhs; } else { var stringifiedArgs = args.map(function (arg, index) { arg = arg.toHTML(options); if (parens[index]) { // put in parenthesis? arg = '(' + arg + ')'; } return arg; }); if (args.length > 2 && (this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:add' || this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:multiply')) { if (this.implicit && this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:multiply' && implicit === 'hide') { return stringifiedArgs.join(''); } return stringifiedArgs.join('' + (0, _string.escape)(this.op) + ''); } else { // fallback to formatting as a function call return '' + (0, _string.escape)(this.fn) + '(' + stringifiedArgs.join(',') + ')'; } } }; /** * Get LaTeX representation * @param {Object} options * @return {string} str */ OperatorNode.prototype._toTex = function (options) { var parenthesis = options && options.parenthesis ? options.parenthesis : 'keep'; var implicit = options && options.implicit ? options.implicit : 'hide'; var args = this.args; var parens = calculateNecessaryParentheses(this, parenthesis, implicit, args, true); var op = _latex.latexOperators[this.fn]; op = typeof op === 'undefined' ? this.op : op; // fall back to using this.op if (args.length === 1) { // unary operators var assoc = (0, _operators.getAssociativity)(this, parenthesis); var operand = args[0].toTex(options); if (parens[0]) { operand = "\\left(".concat(operand, "\\right)"); } if (assoc === 'right') { // prefix operator return op + operand; } else if (assoc === 'left') { // postfix operator return operand + op; } // fall back to postfix return operand + op; } else if (args.length === 2) { // binary operators var lhs = args[0]; // left hand side var lhsTex = lhs.toTex(options); if (parens[0]) { lhsTex = "\\left(".concat(lhsTex, "\\right)"); } var rhs = args[1]; // right hand side var rhsTex = rhs.toTex(options); if (parens[1]) { rhsTex = "\\left(".concat(rhsTex, "\\right)"); } // handle some exceptions (due to the way LaTeX works) var lhsIdentifier; if (parenthesis === 'keep') { lhsIdentifier = lhs.getIdentifier(); } else { // Ignore ParenthesisNodes if in 'keep' mode lhsIdentifier = lhs.getContent().getIdentifier(); } switch (this.getIdentifier()) { case 'OperatorNode:divide': // op contains '\\frac' at this point return op + '{' + lhsTex + '}' + '{' + rhsTex + '}'; case 'OperatorNode:pow': lhsTex = '{' + lhsTex + '}'; rhsTex = '{' + rhsTex + '}'; switch (lhsIdentifier) { case 'ConditionalNode': // case 'OperatorNode:divide': lhsTex = "\\left(".concat(lhsTex, "\\right)"); } break; case 'OperatorNode:multiply': if (this.implicit && implicit === 'hide') { return lhsTex + '~' + rhsTex; } } return lhsTex + op + rhsTex; } else if (args.length > 2 && (this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:add' || this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:multiply')) { var texifiedArgs = args.map(function (arg, index) { arg = arg.toTex(options); if (parens[index]) { arg = "\\left(".concat(arg, "\\right)"); } return arg; }); if (this.getIdentifier() === 'OperatorNode:multiply' && this.implicit) { return texifiedArgs.join('~'); } return texifiedArgs.join(op); } else { // fall back to formatting as a function call // as this is a fallback, it doesn't use // fancy function names return '\\mathrm{' + this.fn + '}\\left(' + args.map(function (arg) { return arg.toTex(options); }).join(',') + '\\right)'; } }; /** * Get identifier. * @return {string} */ OperatorNode.prototype.getIdentifier = function () { return this.type + ':' + this.fn; }; return OperatorNode; }, { isClass: true, isNode: true }); exports.createOperatorNode = createOperatorNode;