/* eslint-disable no-loss-of-precision */ // BigNumbers const { create, all } = require('..') // configure the default type of numbers as BigNumbers const config = { // Default type of number // Available options: 'number' (default), 'BigNumber', or 'Fraction' number: 'BigNumber', // Number of significant digits for BigNumbers precision: 20 } const math = create(all, config) console.log('round-off errors with numbers') print(math.add(0.1, 0.2)) // number, 0.30000000000000004 print(math.divide(0.3, 0.2)) // number, 1.4999999999999998 console.log() console.log('no round-off errors with BigNumbers') print(math.add(math.bignumber(0.1), math.bignumber(0.2))) // BigNumber, 0.3 print(math.divide(math.bignumber(0.3), math.bignumber(0.2))) // BigNumber, 1.5 console.log() console.log('create BigNumbers from strings when exceeding the range of a number') print(math.bignumber(1.2e+500)) // BigNumber, Infinity WRONG print(math.bignumber('1.2e+500')) // BigNumber, 1.2e+500 console.log() console.log('BigNumbers still have a limited precision and are no silve bullet') const third = math.divide(math.bignumber(1), math.bignumber(3)) const total = math.add(third, third, third) print(total) // BigNumber, 0.99999999999999999999 console.log() // one can work conveniently with BigNumbers using the expression parser. // note though that BigNumbers are only supported in arithmetic functions console.log('use BigNumbers in the expression parser') print(math.evaluate('0.1 + 0.2')) // BigNumber, 0.3 print(math.evaluate('0.3 / 0.2')) // BigNumber, 1.5 console.log() /** * Helper function to output a value in the console. Value will be formatted. * @param {*} value */ function print (value) { console.log(math.format(value)) }