import { isFunctionAssignmentNode, isSymbolNode } from '../../utils/is.js'; import { maxArgumentCount } from '../../utils/function.js'; import { forEach } from '../../utils/array.js'; import { factory } from '../../utils/factory.js'; import { compileInlineExpression } from './utils/compileInlineExpression.js'; var name = 'forEach'; var dependencies = ['typed']; export var createForEachTransform = /* #__PURE__ */factory(name, dependencies, _ref => { var { typed } = _ref; /** * Attach a transform function to math.forEach * Adds a property transform containing the transform function. * * This transform creates a one-based index instead of a zero-based index */ function forEachTransform(args, math, scope) { var x, callback; if (args[0]) { x = args[0].compile().evaluate(scope); } if (args[1]) { if (isSymbolNode(args[1]) || isFunctionAssignmentNode(args[1])) { // a function pointer, like forEach([3, -2, 5], myTestFunction) callback = args[1].compile().evaluate(scope); } else { // an expression like forEach([3, -2, 5], x > 0 ? callback1(x) : callback2(x) ) callback = compileInlineExpression(args[1], math, scope); } } return _forEach(x, callback); } forEachTransform.rawArgs = true; // one-based version of forEach var _forEach = typed('forEach', { 'Array | Matrix, function': function ArrayMatrixFunction(array, callback) { // figure out what number of arguments the callback function expects var args = maxArgumentCount(callback); var recurse = function recurse(value, index) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { forEach(value, function (child, i) { // we create a copy of the index array and append the new index value recurse(child, index.concat(i + 1)); // one based index, hence i+1 }); } else { // invoke the callback function with the right number of arguments if (args === 1) { callback(value); } else if (args === 2) { callback(value, index); } else { // 3 or -1 callback(value, index, array); } } }; recurse(array.valueOf(), []); // pass Array } }); return forEachTransform; }, { isTransformFunction: true });