"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getMatrixDataTypeDocs = void 0; var getMatrixDataTypeDocs = { name: 'getMatrixDataType', category: 'Matrix', syntax: ['getMatrixDataType(x)'], description: 'Find the data type of all elements in a matrix or array, ' + 'for example "number" if all items are a number ' + 'and "Complex" if all values are complex numbers. ' + 'If a matrix contains more than one data type, it will return "mixed".', examples: ['getMatrixDataType([1, 2, 3])', 'getMatrixDataType([[5 cm], [2 inch]])', 'getMatrixDataType([1, "text"])', 'getMatrixDataType([1, bignumber(4)])'], seealso: ['matrix', 'sparse', 'typeOf'] }; exports.getMatrixDataTypeDocs = getMatrixDataTypeDocs;