# Function unaryPlus Unary plus operation. Boolean values and strings will be converted to a number, numeric values will be returned as is. For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. ## Syntax ```js math.unaryPlus(x) ``` ### Parameters Parameter | Type | Description --------- | ---- | ----------- `x` | number | BigNumber | Fraction | string | Complex | Unit | Array | Matrix | Input value ### Returns Type | Description ---- | ----------- number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | Unit | Array | Matrix | Returns the input value when numeric, converts to a number when input is non-numeric. ### Throws Type | Description ---- | ----------- ## Examples ```js math.unaryPlus(3.5) // returns 3.5 math.unaryPlus(1) // returns 1 ``` ## See also [unaryMinus](unaryMinus.md), [add](add.md), [subtract](subtract.md)