# Function transpose Transpose a matrix. All values of the matrix are reflected over its main diagonal. Only applicable to two dimensional matrices containing a vector (i.e. having size `[1,n]` or `[n,1]`). One dimensional vectors and scalars return the input unchanged. ## Syntax ```js math.transpose(x) ``` ### Parameters Parameter | Type | Description --------- | ---- | ----------- `x` | Array | Matrix | Matrix to be transposed ### Returns Type | Description ---- | ----------- Array | Matrix | The transposed matrix ### Throws Type | Description ---- | ----------- ## Examples ```js const A = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] math.transpose(A) // returns [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]] ``` ## See also [diag](diag.md), [inv](inv.md), [subset](subset.md), [squeeze](squeeze.md)