import { factory } from '../../utils/factory.js'; import { addNumber } from '../../plain/number/index.js'; var name = 'addScalar'; var dependencies = ['typed']; export var createAddScalar = /* #__PURE__ */factory(name, dependencies, _ref => { var { typed } = _ref; /** * Add two scalar values, `x + y`. * This function is meant for internal use: it is used by the public function * `add` * * This function does not support collections (Array or Matrix). * * @param {number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | Unit} x First value to add * @param {number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex} y Second value to add * @return {number | BigNumber | Fraction | Complex | Unit} Sum of `x` and `y` * @private */ return typed(name, { 'number, number': addNumber, 'Complex, Complex': function ComplexComplex(x, y) { return x.add(y); }, 'BigNumber, BigNumber': function BigNumberBigNumber(x, y) { return; }, 'Fraction, Fraction': function FractionFraction(x, y) { return x.add(y); }, 'Unit, Unit': function UnitUnit(x, y) { if (x.value === null || x.value === undefined) throw new Error('Parameter x contains a unit with undefined value'); if (y.value === null || y.value === undefined) throw new Error('Parameter y contains a unit with undefined value'); if (!x.equalBase(y)) throw new Error('Units do not match'); var res = x.clone(); res.value = this(res.value, y.value); res.fixPrefix = false; return res; } }); });