// type checks for all known types // // note that: // // - check by duck-typing on a property like `isUnit`, instead of checking instanceof. // instanceof cannot be used because that would not allow to pass data from // one instance of math.js to another since each has it's own instance of Unit. // - check the `isUnit` property via the constructor, so there will be no // matches for "fake" instances like plain objects with a property `isUnit`. // That is important for security reasons. // - It must not be possible to override the type checks used internally, // for security reasons, so these functions are not exposed in the expression // parser. export function isNumber(x) { return typeof x === 'number'; } export function isBigNumber(x) { if (!x || typeof x !== 'object' || typeof x.constructor !== 'function') { return false; } if (x.isBigNumber === true && typeof x.constructor.prototype === 'object' && x.constructor.prototype.isBigNumber === true) { return true; } if (typeof x.constructor.isDecimal === 'function' && x.constructor.isDecimal(x) === true) { return true; } return false; } export function isComplex(x) { return x && typeof x === 'object' && Object.getPrototypeOf(x).isComplex === true || false; } export function isFraction(x) { return x && typeof x === 'object' && Object.getPrototypeOf(x).isFraction === true || false; } export function isUnit(x) { return x && x.constructor.prototype.isUnit === true || false; } export function isString(x) { return typeof x === 'string'; } export var isArray = Array.isArray; export function isMatrix(x) { return x && x.constructor.prototype.isMatrix === true || false; } /** * Test whether a value is a collection: an Array or Matrix * @param {*} x * @returns {boolean} isCollection */ export function isCollection(x) { return Array.isArray(x) || isMatrix(x); } export function isDenseMatrix(x) { return x && x.isDenseMatrix && x.constructor.prototype.isMatrix === true || false; } export function isSparseMatrix(x) { return x && x.isSparseMatrix && x.constructor.prototype.isMatrix === true || false; } export function isRange(x) { return x && x.constructor.prototype.isRange === true || false; } export function isIndex(x) { return x && x.constructor.prototype.isIndex === true || false; } export function isBoolean(x) { return typeof x === 'boolean'; } export function isResultSet(x) { return x && x.constructor.prototype.isResultSet === true || false; } export function isHelp(x) { return x && x.constructor.prototype.isHelp === true || false; } export function isFunction(x) { return typeof x === 'function'; } export function isDate(x) { return x instanceof Date; } export function isRegExp(x) { return x instanceof RegExp; } export function isObject(x) { return !!(x && typeof x === 'object' && x.constructor === Object && !isComplex(x) && !isFraction(x)); } export function isNull(x) { return x === null; } export function isUndefined(x) { return x === undefined; } export function isAccessorNode(x) { return x && x.isAccessorNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isArrayNode(x) { return x && x.isArrayNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isAssignmentNode(x) { return x && x.isAssignmentNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isBlockNode(x) { return x && x.isBlockNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isConditionalNode(x) { return x && x.isConditionalNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isConstantNode(x) { return x && x.isConstantNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isFunctionAssignmentNode(x) { return x && x.isFunctionAssignmentNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isFunctionNode(x) { return x && x.isFunctionNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isIndexNode(x) { return x && x.isIndexNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isNode(x) { return x && x.isNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isObjectNode(x) { return x && x.isObjectNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isOperatorNode(x) { return x && x.isOperatorNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isParenthesisNode(x) { return x && x.isParenthesisNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isRangeNode(x) { return x && x.isRangeNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isSymbolNode(x) { return x && x.isSymbolNode === true && x.constructor.prototype.isNode === true || false; } export function isChain(x) { return x && x.constructor.prototype.isChain === true || false; } export function typeOf(x) { var t = typeof x; if (t === 'object') { // JavaScript types if (x === null) return 'null'; if (Array.isArray(x)) return 'Array'; if (x instanceof Date) return 'Date'; if (x instanceof RegExp) return 'RegExp'; // math.js types if (isBigNumber(x)) return 'BigNumber'; if (isComplex(x)) return 'Complex'; if (isFraction(x)) return 'Fraction'; if (isMatrix(x)) return 'Matrix'; if (isUnit(x)) return 'Unit'; if (isIndex(x)) return 'Index'; if (isRange(x)) return 'Range'; if (isResultSet(x)) return 'ResultSet'; if (isNode(x)) return x.type; if (isChain(x)) return 'Chain'; if (isHelp(x)) return 'Help'; return 'Object'; } if (t === 'function') return 'Function'; return t; // can be 'string', 'number', 'boolean', ... }