import { factory } from '../../utils/factory.js'; import { arraySize } from '../../utils/array.js'; var name = 'rotate'; var dependencies = ['typed', 'multiply', 'rotationMatrix']; export var createRotate = /* #__PURE__ */factory(name, dependencies, _ref => { var { typed, multiply, rotationMatrix } = _ref; /** * Rotate a vector of size 1x2 counter-clockwise by a given angle * Rotate a vector of size 1x3 counter-clockwise by a given angle around the given axis * * Syntax: * * math.rotate(w, theta) * math.rotate(w, theta, v) * * Examples: * * math.rotate([11, 12], math.pi / 2) // returns matrix([-12, 11]) * math.rotate(matrix([11, 12]), math.pi / 2) // returns matrix([-12, 11]) * * math.rotate([1, 0, 0], unit('90deg'), [0, 0, 1]) // returns matrix([0, 1, 0]) * math.rotate(matrix([1, 0, 0]), unit('90deg'), [0, 0, 1]) // returns matrix([0, 1, 0]) * * math.rotate([1, 0], math.complex(1 + i)) // returns matrix([cos(1 + i) - sin(1 + i), sin(1 + i) + cos(1 + i)]) * * See also: * * matrix, rotationMatrix * * @param {Array | Matrix} w Vector to rotate * @param {number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit} theta Rotation angle * @param {Array | Matrix} [v] Rotation axis * @return {Array | Matrix} Multiplication of the rotation matrix and w */ return typed(name, { 'Array , number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit': function ArrayNumberBigNumberComplexUnit(w, theta) { _validateSize(w, 2); var matrixRes = multiply(rotationMatrix(theta), w); return matrixRes.toArray(); }, 'Matrix , number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit': function MatrixNumberBigNumberComplexUnit(w, theta) { _validateSize(w, 2); return multiply(rotationMatrix(theta), w); }, 'Array, number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit, Array | Matrix': function ArrayNumberBigNumberComplexUnitArrayMatrix(w, theta, v) { _validateSize(w, 3); var matrixRes = multiply(rotationMatrix(theta, v), w); return matrixRes; }, 'Matrix, number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit, Array | Matrix': function MatrixNumberBigNumberComplexUnitArrayMatrix(w, theta, v) { _validateSize(w, 3); return multiply(rotationMatrix(theta, v), w); } }); function _validateSize(v, expectedSize) { var actualSize = Array.isArray(v) ? arraySize(v) : v.size(); if (actualSize.length > 2) { throw new RangeError("Vector must be of dimensions 1x".concat(expectedSize)); } if (actualSize.length === 2 && actualSize[1] !== 1) { throw new RangeError("Vector must be of dimensions 1x".concat(expectedSize)); } if (actualSize[0] !== expectedSize) { throw new RangeError("Vector must be of dimensions 1x".concat(expectedSize)); } } });