"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.createAnd = void 0; var _algorithm = require("../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm02.js"); var _algorithm2 = require("../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm11.js"); var _algorithm3 = require("../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm13.js"); var _algorithm4 = require("../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm14.js"); var _algorithm5 = require("../../type/matrix/utils/algorithm06.js"); var _factory = require("../../utils/factory.js"); var _index = require("../../plain/number/index.js"); var name = 'and'; var dependencies = ['typed', 'matrix', 'equalScalar', 'zeros', 'not']; var createAnd = /* #__PURE__ */(0, _factory.factory)(name, dependencies, function (_ref) { var typed = _ref.typed, matrix = _ref.matrix, equalScalar = _ref.equalScalar, zeros = _ref.zeros, not = _ref.not; var algorithm02 = (0, _algorithm.createAlgorithm02)({ typed: typed, equalScalar: equalScalar }); var algorithm06 = (0, _algorithm5.createAlgorithm06)({ typed: typed, equalScalar: equalScalar }); var algorithm11 = (0, _algorithm2.createAlgorithm11)({ typed: typed, equalScalar: equalScalar }); var algorithm13 = (0, _algorithm3.createAlgorithm13)({ typed: typed }); var algorithm14 = (0, _algorithm4.createAlgorithm14)({ typed: typed }); /** * Logical `and`. Test whether two values are both defined with a nonzero/nonempty value. * For matrices, the function is evaluated element wise. * * Syntax: * * math.and(x, y) * * Examples: * * math.and(2, 4) // returns true * * a = [2, 0, 0] * b = [3, 7, 0] * c = 0 * * math.and(a, b) // returns [true, false, false] * math.and(a, c) // returns [false, false, false] * * See also: * * not, or, xor * * @param {number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | Array | Matrix} x First value to check * @param {number | BigNumber | Complex | Unit | Array | Matrix} y Second value to check * @return {boolean | Array | Matrix} * Returns true when both inputs are defined with a nonzero/nonempty value. */ return typed(name, { 'number, number': _index.andNumber, 'Complex, Complex': function ComplexComplex(x, y) { return (x.re !== 0 || x.im !== 0) && (y.re !== 0 || y.im !== 0); }, 'BigNumber, BigNumber': function BigNumberBigNumber(x, y) { return !x.isZero() && !y.isZero() && !x.isNaN() && !y.isNaN(); }, 'Unit, Unit': function UnitUnit(x, y) { return this(x.value || 0, y.value || 0); }, 'SparseMatrix, SparseMatrix': function SparseMatrixSparseMatrix(x, y) { return algorithm06(x, y, this, false); }, 'SparseMatrix, DenseMatrix': function SparseMatrixDenseMatrix(x, y) { return algorithm02(y, x, this, true); }, 'DenseMatrix, SparseMatrix': function DenseMatrixSparseMatrix(x, y) { return algorithm02(x, y, this, false); }, 'DenseMatrix, DenseMatrix': function DenseMatrixDenseMatrix(x, y) { return algorithm13(x, y, this); }, 'Array, Array': function ArrayArray(x, y) { // use matrix implementation return this(matrix(x), matrix(y)).valueOf(); }, 'Array, Matrix': function ArrayMatrix(x, y) { // use matrix implementation return this(matrix(x), y); }, 'Matrix, Array': function MatrixArray(x, y) { // use matrix implementation return this(x, matrix(y)); }, 'SparseMatrix, any': function SparseMatrixAny(x, y) { // check scalar if (not(y)) { // return zero matrix return zeros(x.size(), x.storage()); } return algorithm11(x, y, this, false); }, 'DenseMatrix, any': function DenseMatrixAny(x, y) { // check scalar if (not(y)) { // return zero matrix return zeros(x.size(), x.storage()); } return algorithm14(x, y, this, false); }, 'any, SparseMatrix': function anySparseMatrix(x, y) { // check scalar if (not(x)) { // return zero matrix return zeros(x.size(), x.storage()); } return algorithm11(y, x, this, true); }, 'any, DenseMatrix': function anyDenseMatrix(x, y) { // check scalar if (not(x)) { // return zero matrix return zeros(x.size(), x.storage()); } return algorithm14(y, x, this, true); }, 'Array, any': function ArrayAny(x, y) { // use matrix implementation return this(matrix(x), y).valueOf(); }, 'any, Array': function anyArray(x, y) { // use matrix implementation return this(x, matrix(y)).valueOf(); } }); }); exports.createAnd = createAnd;