"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.createDistance = void 0; var _is = require("../../utils/is.js"); var _factory = require("../../utils/factory.js"); var name = 'distance'; var dependencies = ['typed', 'addScalar', 'subtract', 'divideScalar', 'multiplyScalar', 'unaryMinus', 'sqrt', 'abs']; var createDistance = /* #__PURE__ */(0, _factory.factory)(name, dependencies, function (_ref) { var typed = _ref.typed, addScalar = _ref.addScalar, subtract = _ref.subtract, multiplyScalar = _ref.multiplyScalar, divideScalar = _ref.divideScalar, unaryMinus = _ref.unaryMinus, sqrt = _ref.sqrt, abs = _ref.abs; /** * Calculates: * The eucledian distance between two points in N-dimensional spaces. * Distance between point and a line in 2 and 3 dimensional spaces. * Pairwise distance between a set of 2D or 3D points * NOTE: * When substituting coefficients of a line(a, b and c), use ax + by + c = 0 instead of ax + by = c * For parametric equation of a 3D line, x0, y0, z0, a, b, c are from: (x−x0, y−y0, z−z0) = t(a, b, c) * * Syntax: * math.distance([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) *- math.distance({pointOneX: 4, pointOneY: 5}, {pointTwoX: 2, pointTwoY: 7}) * math.distance([x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2]) * math.distance({pointOneX: 4, pointOneY: 5, pointOneZ: 8}, {pointTwoX: 2, pointTwoY: 7, pointTwoZ: 9}) * math.distance([x1, y1, ... , N1], [x2, y2, ... , N2]) * math.distance([[A], [B], [C]...]) * math.distance([x1, y1], [LinePtX1, LinePtY1], [LinePtX2, LinePtY2]) * math.distance({pointX: 1, pointY: 4}, {lineOnePtX: 6, lineOnePtY: 3}, {lineTwoPtX: 2, lineTwoPtY: 8}) * math.distance([x1, y1, z1], [LinePtX1, LinePtY1, LinePtZ1], [LinePtX2, LinePtY2, LinePtZ2]) * math.distance({pointX: 1, pointY: 4, pointZ: 7}, {lineOnePtX: 6, lineOnePtY: 3, lineOnePtZ: 4}, {lineTwoPtX: 2, lineTwoPtY: 8, lineTwoPtZ: 5}) * math.distance([x1, y1], [xCoeffLine, yCoeffLine, constant]) * math.distance({pointX: 10, pointY: 10}, {xCoeffLine: 8, yCoeffLine: 1, constant: 3}) * math.distance([x1, y1, z1], [x0, y0, z0, a-tCoeff, b-tCoeff, c-tCoeff]) point and parametric equation of 3D line * math.distance([x, y, z], [x0, y0, z0, a, b, c]) * math.distance({pointX: 2, pointY: 5, pointZ: 9}, {x0: 4, y0: 6, z0: 3, a: 4, b: 2, c: 0}) * * Examples: * math.distance([0,0], [4,4]) // Returns 5.6569 * math.distance( * {pointOneX: 0, pointOneY: 0}, * {pointTwoX: 10, pointTwoY: 10}) // Returns 14.142135623730951 * math.distance([1, 0, 1], [4, -2, 2]) // Returns 3.74166 * math.distance( * {pointOneX: 4, pointOneY: 5, pointOneZ: 8}, * {pointTwoX: 2, pointTwoY: 7, pointTwoZ: 9}) // Returns 3 * math.distance([1, 0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0, -1]) // Returns 2 * math.distance([[1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 3]]) // Returns [0, 1, 1] * math.distance([[1,2,4], [1,2,6], [8,1,3]]) // Returns [2, 7.14142842854285, 7.681145747868608] * math.distance([10, 10], [8, 1, 3]) // Returns 11.535230316796387 * math.distance([10, 10], [2, 3], [-8, 0]) // Returns 8.759953130362847 * math.distance( * {pointX: 1, pointY: 4}, * {lineOnePtX: 6, lineOnePtY: 3}, * {lineTwoPtX: 2, lineTwoPtY: 8}) // Returns 2.720549372624744 * math.distance([2, 3, 1], [1, 1, 2, 5, 0, 1]) // Returns 2.3204774044612857 * math.distance( * {pointX: 2, pointY: 3, pointZ: 1}, * {x0: 1, y0: 1, z0: 2, a: 5, b: 0, c: 1} // Returns 2.3204774044612857 * * @param {Array | Matrix | Object} x Co-ordinates of first point * @param {Array | Matrix | Object} y Co-ordinates of second point * @return {Number | BigNumber} Returns the distance from two/three points */ return typed(name, { 'Array, Array, Array': function ArrayArrayArray(x, y, z) { // Point to Line 2D (x=Point, y=LinePoint1, z=LinePoint2) if (x.length === 2 && y.length === 2 && z.length === 2) { if (!_2d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 2 numbers or BigNumbers expected for first argument'); } if (!_2d(y)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 2 numbers or BigNumbers expected for second argument'); } if (!_2d(z)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 2 numbers or BigNumbers expected for third argument'); } var m = divideScalar(subtract(z[1], z[0]), subtract(y[1], y[0])); var xCoeff = multiplyScalar(multiplyScalar(m, m), y[0]); var yCoeff = unaryMinus(multiplyScalar(m, y[0])); var constant = x[1]; return _distancePointLine2D(x[0], x[1], xCoeff, yCoeff, constant); } else { throw new TypeError('Invalid Arguments: Try again'); } }, 'Object, Object, Object': function ObjectObjectObject(x, y, z) { if (Object.keys(x).length === 2 && Object.keys(y).length === 2 && Object.keys(z).length === 2) { if (!_2d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Values of pointX and pointY should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if (!_2d(y)) { throw new TypeError('Values of lineOnePtX and lineOnePtY should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if (!_2d(z)) { throw new TypeError('Values of lineTwoPtX and lineTwoPtY should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if ('pointX' in x && 'pointY' in x && 'lineOnePtX' in y && 'lineOnePtY' in y && 'lineTwoPtX' in z && 'lineTwoPtY' in z) { var m = divideScalar(subtract(z.lineTwoPtY, z.lineTwoPtX), subtract(y.lineOnePtY, y.lineOnePtX)); var xCoeff = multiplyScalar(multiplyScalar(m, m), y.lineOnePtX); var yCoeff = unaryMinus(multiplyScalar(m, y.lineOnePtX)); var constant = x.pointX; return _distancePointLine2D(x.pointX, x.pointY, xCoeff, yCoeff, constant); } else { throw new TypeError('Key names do not match'); } } else { throw new TypeError('Invalid Arguments: Try again'); } }, 'Array, Array': function ArrayArray(x, y) { // Point to Line 2D (x=[pointX, pointY], y=[x-coeff, y-coeff, const]) if (x.length === 2 && y.length === 3) { if (!_2d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 2 numbers or BigNumbers expected for first argument'); } if (!_3d(y)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 3 numbers or BigNumbers expected for second argument'); } return _distancePointLine2D(x[0], x[1], y[0], y[1], y[2]); } else if (x.length === 3 && y.length === 6) { // Point to Line 3D if (!_3d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 3 numbers or BigNumbers expected for first argument'); } if (!_parametricLine(y)) { throw new TypeError('Array with 6 numbers or BigNumbers expected for second argument'); } return _distancePointLine3D(x[0], x[1], x[2], y[0], y[1], y[2], y[3], y[4], y[5]); } else if (x.length === y.length && x.length > 0) { // Point to Point N-dimensions if (!_containsOnlyNumbers(x)) { throw new TypeError('All values of an array should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if (!_containsOnlyNumbers(y)) { throw new TypeError('All values of an array should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } return _euclideanDistance(x, y); } else { throw new TypeError('Invalid Arguments: Try again'); } }, 'Object, Object': function ObjectObject(x, y) { if (Object.keys(x).length === 2 && Object.keys(y).length === 3) { if (!_2d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Values of pointX and pointY should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if (!_3d(y)) { throw new TypeError('Values of xCoeffLine, yCoeffLine and constant should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if ('pointX' in x && 'pointY' in x && 'xCoeffLine' in y && 'yCoeffLine' in y && 'constant' in y) { return _distancePointLine2D(x.pointX, x.pointY, y.xCoeffLine, y.yCoeffLine, y.constant); } else { throw new TypeError('Key names do not match'); } } else if (Object.keys(x).length === 3 && Object.keys(y).length === 6) { // Point to Line 3D if (!_3d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Values of pointX, pointY and pointZ should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if (!_parametricLine(y)) { throw new TypeError('Values of x0, y0, z0, a, b and c should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if ('pointX' in x && 'pointY' in x && 'x0' in y && 'y0' in y && 'z0' in y && 'a' in y && 'b' in y && 'c' in y) { return _distancePointLine3D(x.pointX, x.pointY, x.pointZ, y.x0, y.y0, y.z0, y.a, y.b, y.c); } else { throw new TypeError('Key names do not match'); } } else if (Object.keys(x).length === 2 && Object.keys(y).length === 2) { // Point to Point 2D if (!_2d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Values of pointOneX and pointOneY should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if (!_2d(y)) { throw new TypeError('Values of pointTwoX and pointTwoY should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if ('pointOneX' in x && 'pointOneY' in x && 'pointTwoX' in y && 'pointTwoY' in y) { return _euclideanDistance([x.pointOneX, x.pointOneY], [y.pointTwoX, y.pointTwoY]); } else { throw new TypeError('Key names do not match'); } } else if (Object.keys(x).length === 3 && Object.keys(y).length === 3) { // Point to Point 3D if (!_3d(x)) { throw new TypeError('Values of pointOneX, pointOneY and pointOneZ should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if (!_3d(y)) { throw new TypeError('Values of pointTwoX, pointTwoY and pointTwoZ should be numbers or BigNumbers'); } if ('pointOneX' in x && 'pointOneY' in x && 'pointOneZ' in x && 'pointTwoX' in y && 'pointTwoY' in y && 'pointTwoZ' in y) { return _euclideanDistance([x.pointOneX, x.pointOneY, x.pointOneZ], [y.pointTwoX, y.pointTwoY, y.pointTwoZ]); } else { throw new TypeError('Key names do not match'); } } else { throw new TypeError('Invalid Arguments: Try again'); } }, Array: function Array(arr) { if (!_pairwise(arr)) { throw new TypeError('Incorrect array format entered for pairwise distance calculation'); } return _distancePairwise(arr); } }); function _isNumber(a) { // distance supports numbers and bignumbers return typeof a === 'number' || (0, _is.isBigNumber)(a); } function _2d(a) { // checks if the number of arguments are correct in count and are valid (should be numbers) if (a.constructor !== Array) { a = _objectToArray(a); } return _isNumber(a[0]) && _isNumber(a[1]); } function _3d(a) { // checks if the number of arguments are correct in count and are valid (should be numbers) if (a.constructor !== Array) { a = _objectToArray(a); } return _isNumber(a[0]) && _isNumber(a[1]) && _isNumber(a[2]); } function _containsOnlyNumbers(a) { // checks if the number of arguments are correct in count and are valid (should be numbers) if (!Array.isArray(a)) { a = _objectToArray(a); } return a.every(_isNumber); } function _parametricLine(a) { if (a.constructor !== Array) { a = _objectToArray(a); } return _isNumber(a[0]) && _isNumber(a[1]) && _isNumber(a[2]) && _isNumber(a[3]) && _isNumber(a[4]) && _isNumber(a[5]); } function _objectToArray(o) { var keys = Object.keys(o); var a = []; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { a.push(o[keys[i]]); } return a; } function _pairwise(a) { // checks for valid arguments passed to _distancePairwise(Array) if (a[0].length === 2 && _isNumber(a[0][0]) && _isNumber(a[0][1])) { if (a.some(function (aI) { return aI.length !== 2 || !_isNumber(aI[0]) || !_isNumber(aI[1]); })) { return false; } } else if (a[0].length === 3 && _isNumber(a[0][0]) && _isNumber(a[0][1]) && _isNumber(a[0][2])) { if (a.some(function (aI) { return aI.length !== 3 || !_isNumber(aI[0]) || !_isNumber(aI[1]) || !_isNumber(aI[2]); })) { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; } function _distancePointLine2D(x, y, a, b, c) { var num = abs(addScalar(addScalar(multiplyScalar(a, x), multiplyScalar(b, y)), c)); var den = sqrt(addScalar(multiplyScalar(a, a), multiplyScalar(b, b))); return divideScalar(num, den); } function _distancePointLine3D(x, y, z, x0, y0, z0, a, b, c) { var num = [subtract(multiplyScalar(subtract(y0, y), c), multiplyScalar(subtract(z0, z), b)), subtract(multiplyScalar(subtract(z0, z), a), multiplyScalar(subtract(x0, x), c)), subtract(multiplyScalar(subtract(x0, x), b), multiplyScalar(subtract(y0, y), a))]; num = sqrt(addScalar(addScalar(multiplyScalar(num[0], num[0]), multiplyScalar(num[1], num[1])), multiplyScalar(num[2], num[2]))); var den = sqrt(addScalar(addScalar(multiplyScalar(a, a), multiplyScalar(b, b)), multiplyScalar(c, c))); return divideScalar(num, den); } function _euclideanDistance(x, y) { var vectorSize = x.length; var result = 0; var diff = 0; for (var i = 0; i < vectorSize; i++) { diff = subtract(x[i], y[i]); result = addScalar(multiplyScalar(diff, diff), result); } return sqrt(result); } function _distancePairwise(a) { var result = []; var pointA = []; var pointB = []; for (var i = 0; i < a.length - 1; i++) { for (var j = i + 1; j < a.length; j++) { if (a[0].length === 2) { pointA = [a[i][0], a[i][1]]; pointB = [a[j][0], a[j][1]]; } else if (a[0].length === 3) { pointA = [a[i][0], a[i][1], a[i][2]]; pointB = [a[j][0], a[j][1], a[j][2]]; } result.push(_euclideanDistance(pointA, pointB)); } } return result; } }); exports.createDistance = createDistance;