"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.csDfs = csDfs; var _csMarked = require("./csMarked.js"); var _csMark = require("./csMark.js"); var _csUnflip = require("./csUnflip.js"); /** * Depth-first search computes the nonzero pattern xi of the directed graph G (Matrix) starting * at nodes in B (see csReach()). * * @param {Number} j The starting node for the DFS algorithm * @param {Matrix} g The G matrix to search, ptr array modified, then restored * @param {Number} top Start index in stack xi[top..n-1] * @param {Number} k The kth column in B * @param {Array} xi The nonzero pattern xi[top] .. xi[n - 1], an array of size = 2 * n * The first n entries is the nonzero pattern, the last n entries is the stack * @param {Array} pinv The inverse row permutation vector, must be null for L * x = b * * @return {Number} New value of top * * Reference: http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/davis/publications.html */ function csDfs(j, g, top, xi, pinv) { // g arrays var index = g._index; var ptr = g._ptr; var size = g._size; // columns var n = size[1]; // vars var i, p, p2; // initialize head var head = 0; // initialize the recursion stack xi[0] = j; // loop while (head >= 0) { // get j from the top of the recursion stack j = xi[head]; // apply permutation vector var jnew = pinv ? pinv[j] : j; // check node j is marked if (!(0, _csMarked.csMarked)(ptr, j)) { // mark node j as visited (0, _csMark.csMark)(ptr, j); // update stack (last n entries in xi) xi[n + head] = jnew < 0 ? 0 : (0, _csUnflip.csUnflip)(ptr[jnew]); } // node j done if no unvisited neighbors var done = 1; // examine all neighbors of j, stack (last n entries in xi) for (p = xi[n + head], p2 = jnew < 0 ? 0 : (0, _csUnflip.csUnflip)(ptr[jnew + 1]); p < p2; p++) { // consider neighbor node i i = index[p]; // check we have visited node i, skip it if ((0, _csMarked.csMarked)(ptr, i)) { continue; } // pause depth-first search of node j, update stack (last n entries in xi) xi[n + head] = p; // start dfs at node i xi[++head] = i; // node j is not done done = 0; // break, to start dfs(i) break; } // check depth-first search at node j is done if (done) { // remove j from the recursion stack head--; // and place in the output stack xi[--top] = j; } } return top; }