2022-08-01 03:43:16 -04:00

19 lines
715 B

import { DynamicSquiggleEditorWithImportedBindings as SquiggleEditor } from "../components/DynamicSquiggleEditorWithImportedBindings"
# Squiggle demonstration
We can enter in arbitrary, live squiggle code in the `defaultCode` argument of our `SquiggleEditor` component.
<SquiggleEditor defaultCode={`
x = 1 to 2
y = {a: x, b: 1e1}
f(t) = normal(t, 1.1)
z = y.b * y.a
f(z)`} />
We can also import assignments from files that live in `/public/estimates/` of the repo.
<SquiggleEditor defaultCode=",2), ski)" bindingsImportUrl="/estimates/baz.squiggle" />
Files you import for bindings have to consist only of assignments: they cannot end in an expression, unless that expression is a record.