2022-04-26 00:46:42 +04:00

148 lines
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input CreateDashboardInput {
The creator of the dashboard, e.g. "Peter Parker"
creator: String
"""The longer description of the dashboard"""
description: String
"""List of question ids"""
ids: [ID!]!
"""The title of the dashboard"""
title: String!
type CreateDashboardResult {
dashboard: Dashboard!
type Dashboard {
The creator of the dashboard, e.g. "Peter Parker"
creator: String!
"""The longer description of the dashboard"""
description: String!
id: ID!
"""The list of questions on the dashboard"""
questions: [Question!]!
"""The title of the dashboard"""
title: String!
"""Date serialized as the Unix timestamp."""
scalar Date
type Mutation {
Create a new dashboard; if the dashboard with given ids already exists then it will be returned instead.
createDashboard(input: CreateDashboardInput!): CreateDashboardResult!
type PageInfo {
endCursor: String
hasNextPage: Boolean!
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
startCursor: String
"""Forecasting platform supported by Metaforecast"""
type Platform {
Short unique platform name, e.g. "xrisk"
id: ID!
Platform name for displaying on frontend etc., e.g. "X-risk estimates"
label: String!
type ProbabilityOption {
name: String
"""0 to 1"""
probability: Float
"""Various indicators of the question's quality"""
type QualityIndicators {
liquidity: Float
numForecasters: Int
numForecasts: Int
openInterest: Float
sharesVolume: Float
spread: Float
"""0 to 5"""
stars: Int!
tradeVolume: Float
volume: Float
type Query {
"""Look up a single dashboard by its id"""
dashboard(id: ID!): Dashboard!
"""Get a list of questions that are currently on the frontpage"""
frontpage: [Question!]!
"""Look up a single question by its id"""
question(id: ID!): Question!
questions(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): QueryQuestionsConnection!
Search for questions; uses Algolia instead of the primary metaforecast database
searchQuestions(input: SearchInput!): [Question!]!
type QueryQuestionsConnection {
edges: [QueryQuestionsConnectionEdge]!
pageInfo: PageInfo!
type QueryQuestionsConnectionEdge {
cursor: String!
node: Question!
type Question {
description: String!
"""Unique string which identifies the question"""
id: ID!
options: [ProbabilityOption!]!
platform: Platform!
qualityIndicators: QualityIndicators!
"""Timestamp at which metaforecast fetched the question"""
timestamp: Date!
title: String!
Non-unique, a very small number of platforms have a page for more than one prediction
url: String!
visualization: String
input SearchInput {
"""List of platform ids to filter by"""
forecastingPlatforms: [String!]
"""Minimum number of forecasts on a question"""
forecastsThreshold: Int
limit: Int
query: String!
"""Minimum number of stars on a question"""
starsThreshold: Int