import pkg from 'pg'; const { Pool } = pkg; import { platformNames } from "../platforms/all/platformNames.js" import { getSecret } from '../utils/getSecrets.js'; import { roughSizeOfObject } from "../utils/roughSize.js" // Definitions const schemas = ["latest", "history"] const tableNamesWhitelist = ["combined", ...platformNames] const createFullName = (schemaName, namesArray) => => `${schemaName}.${name}`) const tableWhiteList = [...createFullName("latest", tableNamesWhitelist), ...createFullName("history", tableNamesWhitelist)] /* Postgres database connection code */ const databaseURL = process.env.DIGITALOCEAN_POSTGRES || getSecret("digitalocean-postgres") // process.env.DATABASE_URL || getSecret("heroku-postgres") const readWritePool = new Pool({ connectionString: databaseURL, ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false } }); const readOnlyDatabaseURL = "postgresql://" const readOnlyPool = new Pool({ connectionString: readOnlyDatabaseURL, ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false } }); // Helpers const runPgCommand = async ({ command, pool }) => { console.log(command) const client = await pool.connect(); let result try { let response = await client.query(command); result = { 'results': (response) ? response.rows : null }; } catch (error) { console.log(error) } finally { client.release(); } // console.log(results) return result } // Initialize let dropTable = (schema, table) => `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${schema}.${table}` let buildMetaforecastTable = (schema, table) => `CREATE TABLE ${schema}.${table} ( id text, title text, url text, platform text, description text, options json, timestamp timestamp, stars int, qualityindicators json, extra json );` let createIndex = (schema, table) => `CREATE INDEX ${schema}_${table}_id_index ON ${schema}.${table} (id);` let createUniqueIndex = (schema, table) => `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ${schema}_${table}_id_index ON ${schema}.${table} (id);` async function setPermissionsForPublicUser() { let initCommands = ["REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE metaforecastpg FROM public_read_only_user;", "GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE metaforecastpg TO public_read_only_user;"] for (let command of initCommands) { await runPgCommand({ command, pool: readWritePool }) } let buildGrantSelectForSchema = (schema) => `GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA ${schema} TO public_read_only_user` for (let schema of schemas) { await runPgCommand({ command: buildGrantSelectForSchema(schema), pool: readWritePool }) } let alterDefaultPrivilegesForSchema = (schema) => `ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA ${schema} GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO public_read_only_user` for (let schema of schemas) { await runPgCommand({ command: alterDefaultPrivilegesForSchema(schema), pool: readWritePool }) } } export async function pgInitialize() { console.log("Create schemas") for (let schema of schemas) { await runPgCommand({ command: `CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ${schema}`, pool: readWritePool }) } console.log("") console.log("Set search path") await runPgCommand({ command: `SET search_path TO ${schemas.join(",")},public;`, pool: readWritePool }) console.log("") console.log("Set public user permissions") await setPermissionsForPublicUser() console.log("") console.log("Create tables & their indexes") for (let schema of schemas) { for (let table of tableNamesWhitelist) { await runPgCommand({ command: dropTable(schema, table), pool: readWritePool }) await runPgCommand({ command: buildMetaforecastTable(schema, table), pool: readWritePool }) if (schema == "history") { await runPgCommand({ command: createIndex(schema, table), pool: readWritePool }) } else { await runPgCommand({ command: createUniqueIndex(schema, table), pool: readWritePool }) } } } console.log("") } // pgInitialize() // Read async function pgReadWithPool({ schema, tableName, pool }) { if (tableWhiteList.includes(`${schema}.${tableName}`)) { let command = `SELECT * from ${schema}.${tableName}` let response = await runPgCommand({ command, pool }) let results = response.results return results } else { throw Error(`Table ${schema}.${tableName} not in whitelist; stopping to avoid tricky sql injections`) } } export async function pgRead({ schema, tableName }) { return await pgReadWithPool({ schema, tableName, pool: readWritePool }) } export async function pgReadWithReadCredentials({ schema, tableName }) { return await pgReadWithPool({ schema, tableName, readOnlyPool: readOnlyPool }) } export async function pgInsert({ datum, schema, tableName }) { if (tableWhiteList.includes(`${schema}.${tableName}`)) { let text = `INSERT INTO ${schema}.${tableName} VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)` let timestamp = datum.timestamp || new Date().toISOString() timestamp = timestamp.slice(0, 19).replace("T", " ") let values = [, datum.title, datum.url, datum.platform, datum.description || '', JSON.stringify(datum.options || []), timestamp, // fix datum.stars || (datum.qualityindicators ? datum.qualityindicators.stars : 2), JSON.stringify(datum.qualityindicators || []), JSON.stringify(datum.extra || []) ] const client = await readWritePool.connect(); let result try { result = await client.query(text, values); } catch (error) { console.log(error) } finally { client.release(); } // console.log(result) return result } else { throw Error(`Table ${schema}.${tableName} not in whitelist; stopping to avoid tricky sql injections`) } } /* pgInsert({ "id": "fantasyscotus-580", "title": "In Wooden v. U.S., the SCOTUS will affirm the lower court's decision", "url": "", "platform": "FantasySCOTUS", "description": "62.50% (75 out of 120) of FantasySCOTUS players predict that the lower court's decision will be affirmed. FantasySCOTUS overall predicts an outcome of Affirm 6-3. Historically, FantasySCOTUS has chosen the correct side 50.00% of the time.", "options": [ { "name": "Yes", "probability": 0.625, "type": "PROBABILITY" }, { "name": "No", "probability": 0.375, "type": "PROBABILITY" } ], "timestamp": "2022-02-11T21:42:19.291Z", "qualityindicators": { "numforecasts": 120, "stars": 2 } } ) */ export async function pgUpsert({ contents, schema, tableName }) { if (tableWhiteList.includes(`${schema}.${tableName}`)) { if (schema == "latest") { await runPgCommand({ command: dropTable(schema, tableName), pool: readWritePool }) await runPgCommand({ command: buildMetaforecastTable(schema, tableName), pool: readWritePool }) await runPgCommand({ command: createUniqueIndex(schema, tableName), pool: readWritePool }) } console.log(`Upserting into postgres table ${schema}.${tableName}`) let i = 0 for (let datum of contents) { await pgInsert({ datum, schema, tableName }) if (i < 10) { console.log(`Inserted ${}`) i++ } else if (i == 10) { console.log("...") i++ } } console.log(`Inserted rows with approximate cummulative size ${roughSizeOfObject(contents)} MB into ${schema}.${tableName}.`) let check = await pgRead({ schema, tableName }) console.log(`Received rows with approximate cummulative size ${roughSizeOfObject(check)} MB from ${schema}.${tableName}.`) console.log("Sample: ") console.log(JSON.stringify(check.slice(0, 1), null, 4)); //console.log(JSON.stringify(check.slice(0, 1), null, 4)); } else { throw Error(`Table ${schema}.${tableName} not in whitelist; stopping to avoid tricky sql injections`) } }