import pkg from 'pg'; const { Pool } = pkg /* Postgres database connection code */ const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL, ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false } }); const tableWhiteList = ["latest.combined"] export async function pgRead(tableName="latest.combined"){ if(tableWhiteList.includes(tableName)){ const client = await pool.connect(); const result = await client.query(`SELECT * from ${tableName}`); const results = { 'results': (result) ? result.rows : null}; // response.render('pages/db', results ); client.release(); return results }else{ throw Error("Table not in whitelist; stopping to avoid tricky sql injections") } } export async function pgInsert(data, tableName="latest.combined"){ if(tableWhiteList.includes(tableName)){ let text = `INSERT INTO ${tableName} VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)` let values = [, data.title, data.url, data.platform, data.description || '', data.options || [], data.timestamp ||, // fix data.stars || (data.qualityindicators ? data.qualityindicators.stars : 2), data.qualityindicators || [], data.extra || [] ] const client = await pool.connect(); const result = await client.query(text, values); client.release(); }else{ throw Error("Table not in whitelist; stopping to avoid tricky sql injections") } }