import Ajv, { JTDDataType, ValidateFunction } from "ajv/dist/jtd"; import axios from "axios"; import { sleep } from "../../utils/sleep"; // Type examples: // - group: // - claim: // - subquestion forecast: // - basic forecast: const RETRY_SLEEP_TIME = 5000; const commonProps = { id: { type: "uint32", }, title: { type: "string", }, } as const; const predictableProps = { publish_time: { type: "string", }, close_time: { type: "string", }, resolve_time: { type: "string", }, resolution: { type: "float64", nullable: true, }, possibilities: { properties: { type: { // Enum["binary", "continuous"], via // but metaculus might add new values in the future and we don't want the fetcher to break type: "string", }, }, additionalProperties: true, }, number_of_predictions: { type: "uint32", }, community_prediction: { properties: { full: { // q1/q2/q3 can be missing, e.g. optionalProperties: { q1: { type: "float64", }, q2: { type: "float64", }, q3: { type: "float64", }, }, additionalProperties: true, }, }, additionalProperties: true, }, } as const; const pageProps = { page_url: { type: "string", }, group: { type: "uint32", nullable: true, }, } as const; // these are missing in /api2/questions/ requests, and building two schemas is too much pain const optionalPageProps = { description: { type: "string", }, description_html: { type: "string", }, } as const; const questionSchema = { discriminator: "type", mapping: { forecast: { properties: { ...commonProps, ...pageProps, ...predictableProps, }, optionalProperties: { ...optionalPageProps, }, additionalProperties: true, }, group: { properties: { ...commonProps, ...pageProps, sub_questions: { elements: { properties: { ...commonProps, ...predictableProps, }, additionalProperties: true, }, }, }, optionalProperties: { ...optionalPageProps, }, additionalProperties: true, }, // we're not interested in claims currently (but we should be?) claim: { properties: { ...commonProps, ...pageProps, }, optionalProperties: { ...optionalPageProps, }, additionalProperties: true, }, discussion: { optionalProperties: { ...optionalPageProps, }, additionalProperties: true, }, }, } as const; const knownQuestionTypes = Object.keys(questionSchema.mapping); const shallowMultipleQuestionsSchema = { properties: { results: { elements: { properties: { type: { type: "string", }, }, additionalProperties: true, }, }, next: { type: "string", nullable: true, }, }, additionalProperties: true, } as const; export type ApiCommon = JTDDataType<{ properties: typeof commonProps; }>; export type ApiPredictable = JTDDataType<{ properties: typeof predictableProps; }>; export type ApiQuestion = JTDDataType; type ApiShallowMultipleQuestions = JTDDataType< typeof shallowMultipleQuestionsSchema >; export type ApiMultipleQuestions = { results: ApiQuestion[]; next: ApiShallowMultipleQuestions["next"]; // Omit doesn't work correctly here }; const validateQuestion = new Ajv().compile(questionSchema); const validateShallowMultipleQuestions = new Ajv().compile( shallowMultipleQuestionsSchema ); async function fetchWithRetries(url: string): Promise { try { const response = await axios.get(url); return; } catch (error) { console.log(`Error while fetching ${url}`); console.log(error); if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { if (error.response?.headers["retry-after"]) { const timeout = error.response.headers["retry-after"]; console.log(`Timeout: ${timeout}`); await sleep(Number(timeout) * 1000 + 1000); } else { await sleep(RETRY_SLEEP_TIME); } } } const response = await axios.get(url); return; } const fetchAndValidate = async ( url: string, validator: ValidateFunction ): Promise => { console.log(url); const data = await fetchWithRetries(url); if (validator(data)) { return data; } throw new Error( `Response validation for url ${url} failed: ` + JSON.stringify(validator.errors) ); }; export async function fetchApiQuestions( next: string ): Promise { const data = await fetchAndValidate(next, validateShallowMultipleQuestions); const isDefined = (argument: T | undefined): argument is T => { return argument !== undefined; }; return {, results: data.results .map((result) => { if (!knownQuestionTypes.includes(result.type)) { console.warn(`Unknown result type ${result.type}, skipping`); return undefined; } if (!validateQuestion(result)) { throw new Error( `Response validation failed: ` + JSON.stringify(validateQuestion.errors) ); } return result; }) .filter(isDefined), }; } export async function fetchSingleApiQuestion(id: number): Promise { return await fetchAndValidate( `${id}/`, validateQuestion ); }