/* Imports */ import axios from "axios"; import {Tabletojson} from "tabletojson"; import {average} from "../../utils"; import {applyIfSecretExists} from "../utils/getSecrets"; import {sleep} from "../utils/sleep"; import toMarkdown from "../utils/toMarkdown"; import {FetchedQuestion, Platform} from "./"; import {FullQuestionOption} from "../../common/types"; /* Definitions */ const platformName = "goodjudgmentopen"; const htmlEndPoint = "https://www.gjopen.com/questions?page="; const annoyingPromptUrls = [ "https://www.gjopen.com/questions/1933-what-forecasting-questions-should-we-ask-what-questions-would-you-like-to-forecast-on-gjopen", "https://www.gjopen.com/questions/1779-are-there-any-forecasting-tips-tricks-and-experiences-you-would-like-to-share-and-or-discuss-with-your-fellow-forecasters", "https://www.gjopen.com/questions/2246-are-there-any-forecasting-tips-tricks-and-experiences-you-would-like-to-share-and-or-discuss-with-your-fellow-forecasters-2022-thread", "https://www.gjopen.com/questions/2237-what-forecasting-questions-should-we-ask-what-questions-would-you-like-to-forecast-on-gjopen", "https://www.gjopen.com/questions/2437-what-forecasting-questions-should-we-ask-what-questions-would-you-like-to-forecast-on-gjopen" ]; const DEBUG_MODE: "on" | "off" = "off"; // "on" const id = () => 0; /* Support functions */ function cleanDescription(text : string) { let md = toMarkdown(text); let result = md.replaceAll("---", "-").replaceAll(" ", " "); return result; } async function fetchPage(page : number, cookie : string) { const response: string = await axios({ url: htmlEndPoint + page, method: "GET", headers: { Cookie: cookie } }).then((res) => res.data); // console.log(response) return response; } async function fetchStats(questionUrl : string, cookie : string) { let response: string = await axios({ url: questionUrl + "/stats", method: "GET", headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html", Cookie: cookie, Referer: questionUrl } }).then((res) => res.data); if (response.includes("Sign up or sign in to forecast")) { throw Error("Not logged in"); } // Init let options: FullQuestionOption[] = []; // Parse the embedded json let htmlElements = response.split("\n"); let jsonLines = htmlElements.filter((element) => element.includes("data-react-props")); let embeddedJsons = jsonLines.map((jsonLine, i) => { let innerJSONasHTML = jsonLine.split('data-react-props="')[1].split('"')[0]; let json = JSON.parse(innerJSONasHTML.replaceAll(""", '"')); return json; }); let firstEmbeddedJson = embeddedJsons[0]; let title = firstEmbeddedJson.question.name; let description = cleanDescription(firstEmbeddedJson.question.description); let comments_count = firstEmbeddedJson.question.comments_count; let numforecasters = firstEmbeddedJson.question.predictors_count; let numforecasts = firstEmbeddedJson.question.prediction_sets_count; let questionType = firstEmbeddedJson.question.type; if (questionType.includes("Binary") || questionType.includes("NonExclusiveOpinionPoolQuestion") || questionType.includes("Forecast::Question") || ! questionType.includes("Forecast::MultiTimePeriodQuestion")) { options = firstEmbeddedJson.question.answers.map((answer : any) => ({name: answer.name, probability: answer.normalized_probability, type: "PROBABILITY"})); if (options.length == 1 && options[0].name == "Yes") { let probabilityNo = options[0].probability > 1 ? 1 - options[0].probability / 100 : 1 - options[0].probability; options.push({name: "No", probability: probabilityNo, type: "PROBABILITY"}); } } let result = { description: description, options: options, qualityindicators: { numforecasts: Number(numforecasts), numforecasters: Number(numforecasters), comments_count: Number(comments_count) } }; // console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4)); return result; } function isSignedIn(html : string) { let isSignedInBool = !(html.includes("You need to sign in or sign up before continuing") || html.includes("Sign up")); // console.log(html) if (! isSignedInBool) { console.log("Error: Not signed in."); } console.log(`is signed in? ${ isSignedInBool ? "yes" : "no" }`); return isSignedInBool; } function reachedEnd(html : string) { let reachedEndBool = html.includes("No questions match your filter"); if (reachedEndBool) { // console.log(html) } console.log(`Reached end? ${reachedEndBool}`); return reachedEndBool; } /* Body */ async function goodjudgmentopen_inner(cookie : string) { let i = 1; let response = await fetchPage(i, cookie); let results = []; let init = Date.now(); // console.log("Downloading... This might take a couple of minutes. Results will be shown.") console.log("Page #1") while (! reachedEnd(response) && isSignedIn(response)) { let htmlLines = response.split("\n"); DEBUG_MODE == "on" ? htmlLines.forEach((line) => console.log(line)) : id(); let h5elements = htmlLines.filter((str) => str.includes("
'); let url = h5elementSplit[0].split('
", ""); await sleep(1000 + Math.random() * 1000); // don't be as noticeable try { let moreinfo = await fetchStats(url, cookie); /*if (moreinfo.isbinary) { if (! moreinfo.crowdpercentage) { // then request again. moreinfo = await fetchStats(url, cookie); } }*/ let questionNumRegex = new RegExp("questions/([0-9]+)"); const questionNumMatch = url.match(questionNumRegex); if (! questionNumMatch) { throw new Error(`Couldn't find question num in ${url}`); } let questionNum = questionNumMatch[1]; let id = `${platformName}-${questionNum}`; let question = { id: id, title: title, url: url, platform: platformName, ... moreinfo }; if (j % 30 == 0 || DEBUG_MODE == "on") { console.log(`Page #${i}`); console.log(question); } else { console.log(question.title) } // console.log(question) results.push(question); } catch (error) { console.log(error); console.log(`We encountered some error when fetching the URL: ${url}, so it won't appear on the final json`); } } j = j + 1; } i = i + 1; // console.log("Sleeping for 5secs so as to not be as noticeable to the gjopen servers") await sleep(5000 + Math.random() * 1000); // don't be a dick to gjopen server try { response = await fetchPage(i, cookie); } catch (error) { console.log(error); console.log(`We encountered some error when fetching page #${i}, so it won't appear on the final json`); } } if (results.length === 0) { console.log("Not updating results, as process was not signed in"); return; } let end = Date.now(); let difference = end - init; console.log(`Took ${ difference / 1000 } seconds, or ${ difference / (1000 * 60) } minutes.`); return results; } export const goodjudgmentopen: Platform = { name: platformName, label: "Good Judgment Open", color: "#002455", version: "v1", async fetcher() { let cookie = process.env.GOODJUDGMENTOPENCOOKIE; return(await applyIfSecretExists(cookie, goodjudgmentopen_inner)) || null; }, calculateStars(data) { let minProbability = Math.min(...data.options.map((option) => option.probability || 0)); let maxProbability = Math.max(...data.options.map((option) => option.probability || 0)); let nuno = () => ((data.qualityindicators.numforecasts || 0) > 100 ? 3 : 2); let eli = () => 3; let misha = () => minProbability > 0.1 || maxProbability < 0.9 ? 3.1 : 2.5; let starsDecimal = average([nuno(), eli(), misha()]); let starsInteger = Math.round(starsDecimal); return starsInteger; } };