2022-03-16 21:02:34 +00:00
/* Imports */
// React
import { useRouter } from "next/router"; // https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next/router
import React, { useState } from "react";
// Data
2022-03-26 00:36:50 +00:00
import displayForecasts from "../web/display/displayForecasts";
2022-03-21 21:00:16 +00:00
import { getDashboardForecastsByDashboardId } from "../web/worker/getDashboardForecasts";
2022-03-16 21:02:34 +00:00
/* get Props */
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
console.log("getServerSideProps: ");
let urlQuery = context.query; // this is an object, not a string which I have to parse!!
// so for instance if the url is metaforecasts.org/dashboards?a=b&c=d
// this returns ({a: "b", c: "d"}})
let dashboardId = urlQuery.dashboardId;
let numCols = urlQuery.numCols;
let props;
if (!!dashboardId) {
let { dashboardForecasts, dashboardItem } =
await getDashboardForecastsByDashboardId({
props = {
initialDashboardForecasts: dashboardForecasts,
initialDashboardId: urlQuery.dashboardId,
initialDashboardItem: dashboardItem,
initialNumCols: !numCols ? null : numCols < 5 ? numCols : 4,
} else {
props = {
initialDashboardForecasts: [],
initialDashboardId: urlQuery.dashboardId || null,
initialDashboardItem: null,
initialNumCols: !numCols ? null : numCols < 5 ? numCols : 4,
return {
props: props,
let dashboardforecasts = await getdashboardforecasts({
ids: ["metaculus-6526", "smarkets-20206424"],
let props = {
dashboardforecasts: dashboardforecasts,
return {
props: props,
/* Body */
export default function Home({
}) {
const router = useRouter();
const [dashboardForecasts, setDashboardForecasts] = useState(
const [dashboardItem, setDashboardItem] = useState(initialDashboardItem);
const [numCols, setNumCols] = useState(initialNumCols);
console.log("initialNumCols", initialNumCols);
// <div className={`grid ${!!numCols ? `grid-cols-${numCols} md:grid-cols-${numCols} lg:grid-cols-${numCols}`: "grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3"} gap-4 mb-6`}>
// <div className={`grid grid-cols-${numCols || 1} md:grid-cols-${numCols || 2} lg:grid-cols-${numCols || 3} gap-4 mb-6`}>
return (
<div className="mb-4 mt-3 flex flex-row justify-left items-center ">
<div className="ml-2 mr-2 place-self-left">
className={`grid grid-cols-${numCols || 1} sm:grid-cols-${
numCols || 1
} md:grid-cols-${numCols || 2} lg:grid-cols-${
numCols || 3
} gap-4 mb-6`}
results: dashboardForecasts,
numDisplay: dashboardForecasts.length,
showIdToggle: false,