import { run, runPartial, mergeBindings } from "@quri/squiggle-lang"; function miniReducer(obj, parentName) { let nodes = [] let edges = [] let bindings = []; let inputs = obj.inputs let fn = obj.fn for (let childName of Object.keys(inputs)) { if (typeof inputs[childName] == "string") { // Produce bindings let childBindingSquiggleStrings = `${childName} = ${inputs[childName]}`; let childBinding = runPartial(childBindingSquiggleStrings).value; bindings.push(childBinding); // Produce value let childValueSquiggleString = `${childBindingSquiggleStrings} ${childName}` let childResultValue = run(childValueSquiggleString) // Process value for node and edges if (childResultValue.tag == "Error") { return childResultValue } else { // Node let childNode = ({ tag: 'Ok', id: childName, value: childResultValue.value, fn: inputs[childName] }) nodes.push(childNode) // Edge let edge = ({ id: `${childName}->${parentName}`, // has to be unique source: `${childName}`, target: `${parentName}`, }) edges.push(edge) } } else { // Produce data let childNodeOutput = miniReducer(inputs[childName], childName); if (childNodeOutput.tag == "Error") { return childNodeOutput } else { // Bindings bindings.push(childNodeOutput.binding) // Nodes from child node nodes.push(...childNodeOutput.nodes) // Edges from child node edges.push(...childNodeOutput.edges) /* Child node is included in the childNodeOutput.nodes let childNode = { tag: 'Ok', id: input, value: childNodeOutput.value, fn: inputs[childName].fn }; nodes.push(childNode) */ // Child edge let edge = ({ id: `${childName}->${parentName}`, // has to be unique source: `${childName}`, target: `${parentName}`, }) edges.push(edge) } } } let parentBindingSquiggleString = `${parentName} = { ${fn} }`; let parentResultSquiggleString = `${parentName} = { ${fn} } ${parentName}`; let parentBinding = runPartial( parentBindingSquiggleString, mergeBindings(bindings) ).value; if (parentBinding.tag == "Error") { return parentBinding } let parentValue = run(parentResultSquiggleString, mergeBindings(bindings)); if (parentValue.tag == "Error") { return parentValue } let resultNode = ({ tag: 'Ok', id: parentName, value: parentValue.value, fn: fn, binding: parentBinding }) nodes.push(resultNode) let result = { ...resultNode, value: parentValue, binding: parentBinding, nodes: nodes, edges: edges }; return (result); } export function createGraph() { let utility = { inputs: { productivity: { inputs: { hours: `4 to 12`, efficiency: `0.1 to 10`, }, fn: `hours * efficiency`, }, }, fn: `x = 1 to 10 r = productivity * (1 to 10) * x mean(r)`, }; let reducerResult = miniReducer(utility, "utility"); if (reducerResult.tag == "Error") { return reducerResult } else { let {nodes, edges} = reducerResult let nodeElements = => ({ data: { ...node, name:} })) let edgeElements = => ({ data: { ...edge, name: } })) let answer = { nodeElements, edgeElements } return answer } }