## About This repository creates a react webpage that allows to extract a utility function from possibly inconsistent binary comparisons. It presents the users with a series of elements to compare, using merge-sort in the background to cleverly minimize the number of choices needed. Then, it cleverly aggregates them, by taking each element as a reference point in turn, and computing the possible distances from that reference point to all other points, and taking the geometric mean of these distances. This produces a number representing the value of each element, such that the ratios between elements represent the user's preferences: a utility function! Initially, users could only input numbers, e.g., "A is `3` times better than B". But now, users can also input distributions, using the [squiggle](https://www.squiggle-language.com/) syntax, e.g., "A is `1 to 10` times better than B", or "A is `mm(normal(1, 10), uniform(0,100))` better than B". ## Object structure The core structure is json array of objects. Only the "name" attribute is required. If there is a "url", it is displayed nicely. ``` [ { "name": "Peter Parker", "someOptionalKey": "...", "anotherMoreOptionalKey": "...", }, { "name": "Spiderman", "someOptionalKey": "...", "anotherMoreOptionalKey": "..." } ] ``` ## Netlify https://github.com/netlify/netlify-plugin-nextjs/#readme ## To do - [x] Extract merge, findPath and aggregatePath functionality into different repos - [ ] Add functionality like names, etc. - [x] Send to mongo upon completion - [ ] Add paths table - [ ] warn that the paths table is approximate. - [ ] Push to github - [ ] Push to netlify - [x] Don't allow further comparisons after completion - [ ] Look back at Amazon thing which has been running