[ { "source": "Stanford University — Machine Learning Security Research Led by Dan Boneh and Florian Tramer", "target": "Wilson Center — AI Policy Seminar Series", "distance": 4.039836724233664, "reasoning": "Jaime's estimates.\nThe Wilson Center seems to not be running the AI Policy Seminar Series anymore, so I am led to believe it was not a great success (?). There could be someone key influenced that will facilitate things later but seems unlikely\nThe ML Security program does not seem to have resulted on anything substantial", "squiggleString": "1 to 10" }, { "source": "Stanford University — Machine Learning Security Research Led by Dan Boneh and Florian Tramer", "target": "Open Phil AI Fellowship — 2018 Class", "distance": 657.4661082204123, "reasoning": "The AI fellows have produced work on interpretability and out of distribution learning.\nSeems to have been better for purchasing influence too, though that's a secondary consideration IMO", "squiggleString": "400 to 1000" }, { "source": "Wilson Center — AI Policy Seminar Series", "target": "Open Phil AI Fellowship — 2018 Class", "distance": 403.9836724233662, "reasoning": "The research seems more directly relevant from the AI fellows, the policy seminar has no legible output", "squiggleString": "100 to 1000" }, { "source": "UC Berkeley — AI Safety Research (2018)", "target": "Machine Intelligence Research Institute — AI Safety Retraining Program", "distance": 40.39836724233665, "reasoning": "Seems to support directly people working on the topic, and more counterfactual", "squiggleString": "10 to 100" }, { "source": "Stanford University — Machine Learning Security Research Led by Dan Boneh and Florian Tramer", "target": "UC Berkeley — AI Safety Research (2018)", "distance": 7.229755173700019, "reasoning": "AI Safety Research Affects more people, someone might end up doing something cool", "squiggleString": "5 to 10" }, { "source": "Wilson Center — AI Policy Seminar Series", "target": "UC Berkeley — AI Safety Research (2018)", "distance": 2.663515640351876, "reasoning": "Similar value from the outside", "squiggleString": "0.1 to 10" }, { "source": "UC Berkeley — AI Safety Research (2018)", "target": "Open Phil AI Fellowship — 2018 Class", "distance": 247.53475654135346, "reasoning": "AI fellows produced directly relevant research, are more successful", "squiggleString": "(1/(0.001 to 0.01))" }, { "source": "Machine Intelligence Research Institute — AI Safety Retraining Program", "target": "Open Phil AI Fellowship — 2018 Class", "distance": 49.50695130827075, "reasoning": "aI fellows seem to have produced more relevant research, though grant is less counterfactual", "squiggleString": "(1/(0.005 to 0.05))" }, { "source": "Ought — General Support (2018)", "target": "Oxford University — Research on the Global Politics of AI", "distance": 403.9836724233662, "reasoning": "GovAI is doing cool stuff, Ought not so much", "squiggleString": "100 to 1000" }, { "source": "AI Impacts — General Support (2018)", "target": "Michael Cohen and Dmitrii Krasheninnikov — Scholarship Support (2018)", "distance": 2.5202870466776885, "reasoning": "Direct work seems more important, but Ai impacts work is pretty cool", "squiggleString": "1 to 5" }, { "source": "Ought — General Support (2018)", "target": "AI Impacts — General Support (2018)", "distance": 109.28343925564944, "reasoning": "AI impacts work has been more successful \\ useful for my research", "squiggleString": "50 to 200" }, { "source": "AI Impacts — General Support (2018)", "target": "Oxford University — Research on the Global Politics of AI", "distance": 39.678020061969825, "reasoning": "GovAI is doing more work and on a more neglected topic. Both are doing good work, but GOvAI output is bigger", "squiggleString": "(1/(0.01 to 0.05))" }, { "source": "Oxford University — Research on the Global Politics of AI", "target": "Michael Cohen and Dmitrii Krasheninnikov — Scholarship Support (2018)", "distance": 2.865987655844147, "reasoning": "Cohens work seems harder to replace.\nGovAI is doing more work though", "squiggleString": "0.01 to 10" }, { "source": "Stanford University — Machine Learning Security Research Led by Dan Boneh and Florian Tramer", "target": "Ought — General Support (2018)", "distance": 14.338510859889407, "reasoning": "At least Ought is trying ", "squiggleString": "1 to 50" }, { "source": "Wilson Center — AI Policy Seminar Series", "target": "Ought — General Support (2018)", "distance": 2.663515640351876, "reasoning": "Unclear", "squiggleString": "0.1 to 10" }, { "source": "UC Berkeley — AI Safety Research (2018)", "target": "Ought — General Support (2018)", "distance": 4.039836724233664, "reasoning": "At least ought is trying", "squiggleString": "1 to 10" }, { "source": "Machine Intelligence Research Institute — AI Safety Retraining Program", "target": "Ought — General Support (2018)", "distance": 1.4338510859889406, "reasoning": "Value more the potential new hire than oughts research", "squiggleString": "0.1 to 5" }, { "source": "Ought — General Support (2018)", "target": "Open Phil AI Fellowship — 2018 Class", "distance": 247.53475654135346, "reasoning": "Fellows seem to have produced more relevant research", "squiggleString": "(1/(0.001 to 0.01))" }, { "source": "AI Impacts — General Support (2018)", "target": "Open Phil AI Fellowship — 2018 Class", "distance": 13.831727022205978, "reasoning": "Fellows produced more relevant research, AI impacts work is cool though", "squiggleString": "(1/(0.05 to 0.1))" }, { "source": "Open Phil AI Fellowship — 2018 Class", "target": "Oxford University — Research on the Global Politics of AI", "distance": 32.87330541102063, "reasoning": "GovAI's grant seems moe counterfactual, their work more directly relevant\n", "squiggleString": "20 to 50" } ]