import React, { useRef, useState, useEffect } from "react"; import cytoscape from "cytoscape"; import dagre from 'cytoscape-dagre'; import { DynamicSquiggleChart } from "../dynamicSquiggleChart.js"; import { createGraph } from "./createGraph" export function Graph({ }) { const containerRef = useRef("hello-world"); const [cs, setCs] = useState(null); const [selectedElement, setSelectedElement] = useState(null); const [selectedElementTimeout, setSelectedElementTimeout] = useState(null); const graphInit = createGraph() const [nodeElements, setNodeElements] = useState(graphInit.nodeElements) const [edgeElements, setEdgeElements] = useState(graphInit.edgeElements) cytoscape.use(dagre); let callEffect = () => { const cytoscapeStylesheet = [ { selector: "node", style: { padding: "10px", shape: "round-rectangle", content: "data(id)", "background-color": "darkblue",//"data(color)", "text-wrap": "wrap", "text-max-width": 40, "z-index": 1, }, }, { selector: "node[id]", style: { label: "data(id)", "font-size": "9", color: "white",//"data(labelColor)", "text-halign": "center", "text-valign": "center", "z-index": 1, }, }, { selector: "edge", style: { "curve-style": "unbundled-bezier", "target-arrow-shape": "vee", width: 1.5, "target-arrow-color": "darkblue", "arrow-scale": 1.3, "lineColor": "darkblue", "target-arrow-fill": "filled", "text-rotation": "autorotate", "z-index": 0, }, }, { selector: "edge[label]", style: { label: "data(label)", "font-size": "9", "text-background-color": "#f9f9f9", "text-background-opacity": 1, "text-background-padding": "3px", "text-border-color": "black", "text-border-style": "solid", "text-border-width": 0.5, "text-border-opacity": 1, "z-index": 3, }, }, ]; let { nodeElements, edgeElements } = createGraph(); setNodeElements(nodeElements) setEdgeElements(edgeElements) const config = { container: containerRef.current, style: cytoscapeStylesheet, elements: [...nodeElements, ...edgeElements], layout: { name: "dagre", // circle, grid, dagre minDist: 20, rankDir: "BT", // prelayout: false, // animate: false, // whether to transition the node positions // animationDuration: 250, // duration of animation in ms if enabled // the cytoscape documentation is pretty good here. }, userZoomingEnabled: false, userPanningEnabled: false, }; let newCs = cytoscape(config); setCs(newCs); // cy.layout({ name: 'dagre', rankDir: "BT"}).run() // setTimeout(() => setVisibility(""), 700); // necessary for themes like spread, which have // a confusing animation at the beginning }; useEffect(() => { callEffect({ }); }, [selectedElement]); useEffect(() => { if (cs != null) { setTimeout(() => { /* cs.edges().on("click", (event) => { clearTimeout(selectedElementTimeout); let edge =; console.log(JSON.stringify(edge.json())); let newTimeout = setTimeout(() => { let setSelectedElement(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(edge.json())).data) }); setSelectedElementTimeout(newTimeout) });*/ cs.nodes().on("click", (event) => { clearTimeout(selectedElementTimeout); let node =; // console.log(JSON.stringify(node.json())); let newTimeout = setTimeout(() => { let selectedElementIncomplete = (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(node.json())).data) let selectedElementName = let selectedElementInFull = nodeElements.filter(node => == selectedElementName) // console.log("selectedElementInFull", selectedElementInFull) if(selectedElementInFull.length == 1){ let elementToBeSelected = selectedElementInFull[0] // console.log("elementToBeSelected", elementToBeSelected) setSelectedElement( } }); setSelectedElementTimeout(newTimeout) }); }, 100) } }, [cs]); return (