The default path for site search is /_search/.  Assuming you want to keep
that default, you could enable site search like so:

mkdir -p /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_search/_werc/
echo 'conf_enable_duckduckgo' > /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_search/_werc/config
mkdir -p /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_werc/lib/
cp /www/werc/apps/duckduckgo/ /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_werc/lib/

Searches will POST to /_search/ and from there get redirected to Duck Duck 
Go with a site:$SERVER_NAME prefix.  To have the search path URL be some-
thing different, you'll have to edit line 23 of app.rc to point to the new

* Make it automatically work no matter which directory the app is enabled in.
* OR make the search path a configuration option.
* Provide a template for non-footer deployment
* Enable the search path itself to serve a search form to GET requests