Site map

%{ tmpfile=/tmp/werc_sitemap_$pid.txt tmpfilex=/tmp/werc_sitemapx_$pid.txt saveddf=$dirfilter filtereddirs=( images ) MON2NUM='s/Jan/01/; s/Feb/02/; s/Mar/03/; s/Apr/04/; s/May/05/; s/Jun/06/; s/Jul/07/; s/Aug/08/; s/Sep/09/; s/Oct/10/; s/Nov/11/; s/Dec/12/;' fn get_mdate { t=`{mtime $1} t=`{date $t(1) | sed -e $MON2NUM -e 's/ ([0-9]) / 0\1 /g'} # Make sure day of the month is two digits. echo $t(6)^'-'^$t(2)^'-'^$t(3) } fn get_children { d=$1 children = `{ls -dF $d^*/ $d^*.md $d^*.html $d^*.txt >[2]/dev/null | sed $dirfilter} echo $children } fn listDir { d=$1 dirfilter=$saveddf if(test -f $d/_werc/config) . $d/_werc/config if(~ $#perm_redir_to 0) { siblings=`{get_children $d} numsiblings = $#siblings if(! ~ $numsiblings 0 && ! ~ $numsiblings 1){ echo '' } } } fltr_cache listDir $sitedir/ if(test -s $tmpfile) { mv $tmpfile $sitedir/sitemap.txt & } if not if(test -f $tmpfile) rm $tmpfile if(test -s $tmpfilex) { { echo ' ' cat $tmpfilex rm $tmpfilex & echo '' # TODO Enable automaic search engine update notification. #hget ''^`{url_encode $base_url'/sitemap.gz'} > /dev/null } | gzip > $sitedir/sitemap.gz & #} > $sitedir/sitemap.xml & } if not if(test -f $tmpfilex) rm $tmpfilex %}