feat: start keeping track of atomic changes on top of werc-1.5.0

This commit is contained in:
NunoSempere 2022-03-10 07:21:54 +00:00
commit f1486586ea
110 changed files with 7057 additions and 0 deletions

README Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
werc - a minimalist document management system
Werc is a content management system and web (anti-)framework designed to be simple to
use, simple to setup, simple to hack on, and not get in the way while allowing
users easy customization.
For more information see the official website: http://werc.cat-v.org/
* An http server that can handle CGIs
* Plan 9 from User Space: http://swtch.com/plan9port,
Or 9base-tip: http://tools.suckless.org/9base,
Or frontbase: http://openbsd.stanleylieber.com/frontbase
Note: Werc by default expects the Plan 9 tools to be installed under
/bin/, if you have installed them elsewhere you will need to edit the
#! line in bin/werc.rc and customize the $plan9port variable in your
Untar werc at your desired location, configure httpd to use
/path-to-your-werc-installation/bin/werc.rc as a cgi-script, it is recommended
that you make werc.rc handle all non-static files (this can be done by setting
it up as your 404 handler) and setup your virtual hosts to handle static files
by setting the document root for the domain to
/path-to-werc-installation/sites/yourdomain.com/, and create a directory for
your web site under sites/ where you can start adding content right away.
If you will want to allow updates via the web interface (eg., for wiki or
comments apps) make sure all files under sites/ are writable by the user your
cgi will run as, usually www-data, for example by doing: chown -R :www-data
sites/; chmod -R g+w sites/
If your Plan 9 binaries are located somewhere else than the standard /bin/ you
will need to edit the first line of bin/werc.rc (Note that p9p in particular is
picky about where it is located, once you run ./INSTALL you should *not* move
it to a different directory without running ./INSTALL again.)
For general configuration options copy etc/initrc to etc/initrc.local and
customize it as needed. Site (and directory) specific options can be set in a
sites/example.com/_werc/config file inside the site's directory. To customize
templates and included files you can store your own version of the files in
lib/ under sites/example.com/_werc/lib.
The source tree for the werc website is included under sites/werc.cat-v.org as
an example, feel free to use it as a template for your own site.
For more details see the documentation section of the website:
For comments, suggestions, bug reports or patches join the werc mailing list
at: http://werc.cat-v.org or the irc channel #cat-v in irc.freenode.org
If you have a public website that uses werc I would love to hear about it and
get feedback about you experience setting it up.
Garbeam, Kris Maglione, sqweek, soul9, mycroftiv, maht, yiyus, cinap_lenrek,
khm and many others for their ideas, patches, testing and other contributions.
Werc is in the public domain.

apps/blagh/app.rc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
fn conf_enable_blog {
if(~ $#blagh_dirs 0)
blagh_dirs=( . )
conf_enable_app blagh
if(~ $"conf_blog_editors '')
if(~ $"conf_max_posts_per_page '')
fn blagh_init {
if(~ $#blagh_dirs 0 && ~ $req_path */[bB]log/*) {
blagh_uri=`{echo $req_path | sed 's,(/[bB]log/).*,\1,'}
blagh_dirs=( . )
# Should not match sub-dirs!
if(! ~ $#blagh_dirs 0) {
# && test -d / `{echo '-a -d '^$blagh_root^$blagh_dirs}
if(check_user $conf_blog_editors) {
if(~ $"post_arg_date '')
post_date=`{datei|sed 's,-,/,g'}
if not
ll_add handlers_bar_left echo '<a href="'$blagh_uri'new_post">Make a new post</a>'
if(~ $req_path $blagh_uri) {
extraHeaders=$"extraHeaders ^ \
'<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="ATOM" href="'$"u'.atom" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="'$"u'.rss" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/json" title="JSON" href="'$"blagh_uri'feed.json" />'
if not if(~ $req_path $blagh_uri^index.atom)
blagh_setup_feed_handlers atom.tpl 'application/atom+xml'
if not if(~ $req_path $blagh_uri^index.rss)
blagh_setup_feed_handlers rss20.tpl 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'
if not if(~ $req_path $blagh_uri^feed.json)
blagh_setup_feed_handlers jsonfeed.tpl 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
if not if(~ $req_path $blagh_uri^new_post && ! ~ $#editor_mode 0) {
handler_body_main=( tpl_handler `{get_lib_file blagh/new_post.tpl apps/blagh/new_post.tpl} )
if(mkbpost $"post_arg_body $"post_date $"post_arg_title $post_arg_id)
post_redirect $blagh_uri
if not
fn blagh_setup_feed_handlers {
master_template=apps/blagh/$1 # Should we allow tempalte override?
fn blagh_body {
if (! ~ $"blogTitle '')
echo '<h1>'$"blogTitle'</h1>'
# Direct links to feeds are disabled because they are not very useful, add clutter and might waste pagerank.
# An user can add this on their own using handlers_body_head anyway.
#echo '<div style="text-align:right">(<a href="index.rss">RSS Feed</a>|<a href="index.atom">Atom Feed</a>)</div>'
# XXX Not sure why this fixes issues with blog setup, probably bug in fltr_cache!
for(p in `{get_post_list $blagh_root^$blagh_dirs}) {
l=`{echo -n $p|sed 's!'$sitedir^'/?(.*)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9])(/[^/]+/)!\2 /\1\2\3!'}
sed '1s!.*![&]('^$l(2)^') ('^$l(1)^')!' < $p/index.md
echo # Needed extra \n so markdown doesn't mess up the formatting, probably can be done in sed.
} | $formatter
# XXX BUG! Markdown [references] break because multiple markdown documents are merged. Should format each blog post independently.
# TODO: use fltr_cache directly, that can fix the previous bug plus provide a perf boost by caching title generation.
fn get_post_list {
# /./->/|/ done to sort -t| and order by date
# Note: $paths in blagh_dirs should not contain '/./' or '|'
ls -F $*^/./[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/ >[2]/dev/null | sed -n '/'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'/d; s,/\./,/|/,; /\/$/p' | sort -r '-t|' +1 | sed -e 's,/+\|/+,/,' -e $conf_max_posts_per_page^'q'
fn mkbpost {
if(~ $"bptext '')
_status=($_status 'You need to provide a post body.')
if(! ~ $"bpdate [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9])
_status=($_status 'Invalid date: '''^$"bpdate^'''') # XXX Should make semantic check.
if(~ $#_status 0) {
umask 002 # Let group write
if(! ~ $"bpid '')
bpid=`{echo -n '-'^$bpid | sed 's/'$forbidden_uri_chars'+/_/g; 1q'}
n=`{ls $ddir >[2]/dev/null |wc -l}
mkdir -p $ddir/$"n^$"bpid/
if(! ~ $"bptitle '') {
echo $bptitle
echo '========================================='
# TODO: Enable metadata
#echo '* Posted:' `{date}
#if(! ~ $#logged_user 0)
# echo '* Author: '$logged_user
echo $bptext
}> $ddir/$"n^$"bpid/index.md
# Experimental support for http://pubsubhubbub.googlecode.com/
if(! ~ $"conf_blog_pubsubdub_hub '') {
ifs='' { p=`{echo $req_url|sed 's/new_post$/index.atom/'|url_encode } }
dprint hget -p 'hub.mode=publish&hub.url='^$"p $conf_blog_pubsubdub_hub
hget -d -h -p 'hub.mode=publish&hub.url='^$"p $conf_blog_pubsubdub_hub >[1=2] &
fn strip_title_from_md_file {
sed '1N; /^.*\n===*$/N; /.*\n===*\n$/d'

apps/blagh/atom.tpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# See for more info:http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2005/07/27/Atomic-RSS
fn statpost {
f = $1
post_uri=$base_url^`{cleanname `{echo $f | sed -e 's!^'$sitedir'!!'}}^'/'
title=`{read $f/index.md}
by=`{ls -m $f | sed 's/^\[//g; s/].*$//g' >[2]/dev/null}
ifs=() { summary=`{cat $f/index.md | strip_title_from_md_file | ifs=$difs {$formatter} } }
# rfc3339 date when feed was last updated.
fupdated = `{ndate -a `{date `{mtime `{ls $blagh_root$blagh_dirs/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9] | tail -1} | awk '{print $1}'}}}
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
% if(! ~ $"conf_blog_pubsubdub_hub '') {
% echo '<link rel="hub" href="'$conf_blog_pubsubdub_hub'" />'
% }
<link rel="self" href="%($base_url^$req_path%)"/>
<link href="."/>
% for(f in `{get_post_list $blagh_root$blagh_dirs}) {
% statpost $f
% # Maybe we should be smarter, see: http://diveintomark.org/archives/2004/05/28/howto-atom-id, example: <id>tag:intertwingly.net,2004:2899</id>
<link href="%($post_uri%)"/>
% # <link rel="replies" href="2899.atom" thr:count="0"/>
<content type="xhtml"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
% # rfc3339 date when entry was last updated.
% eupdated=`{ndate -a `{date `{mtime $f | awk '{print $1}'}}}
% }
% exit

apps/blagh/convert.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#!/usr/bin/env rc
path=($PLAN9/bin/ $path)
for(p in *.md) {
echo '========================='
echo p $p
pp=`{echo $p | sed 's/^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])[\-_](.*).md$/\1 \2 \3 \4/' }
echo pp $pp
mkdir -p $d
echo $pp(4) | sed -e 's/^[0-9]_//; s/_/ /g;' > $d/index.md
echo '=================================' >> $d/index.md
echo >> $d/index.md
cat $p >> $d/index.md

apps/blagh/jsonfeed.tpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1",
"title": "%($siteTitle%)",
"home_page_url": "%($"base_url%)",
"feed_url": "%($"base_url^$"req_path%)",
"items": [
fn statpost {
f = $1
post_uri=$base_url^`{cleanname `{echo $f | sed -e 's!^'$sitedir'!!'}}^'/'
title=`{read $f/index.md}
#ifs=() { summary=`{cat $f/index.md | crop_text 1024 ... | $formatter } }
ifs=() { summary=`{cat $f/index.md | strip_title_from_md_file | ifs=$difs {$formatter| sed 's/"/\\"/g' | tr -d '\012' } } }
% #for(f in `{get_post_list $blagh_root$blagh_dirs}) {
% postlist=`{get_post_list $blagh_root$blagh_dirs}
% postcount=0
% for(f in $postlist) {
% statpost $f
"id": "%($post_uri%)",
"url": "%($post_uri%)",
"title": "%($title%)",
"content_html": "%($summary%)"
% postcount = `{echo $postcount 1+p | dc}
% if (! ~ $#postlist $postcount) { echo , }
% }
% exit

apps/blagh/new_post.tpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
% notices_handler
<form method="POST"><fieldset>
<legend>Submit a new blog post</legend>
<textarea cols="94" rows=16" name="body">%($"post_arg_body%)</textarea><br />
<label>Title: <input size="64" type="text" name="title" value="%($"post_arg_title%)" /></label>
<label>Id: <input size="8" type="text" name="id" value="%($"post_arg_id%)" /></label>
<label>Date: <input size="10" maxlength="10" type="text" name="date" value="%($"post_date%)" /></label>
<input type="submit" value="Post" />

apps/blagh/rss20.tpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
fn statpost {
f = $1
post_uri = `{echo $f | sed 's,^'$sitedir',,'}
title=`{read $f/index.md}
post_uri=$base_url^`{cleanname `{echo $f | sed -e 's!^'$sitedir'!!'}}^'/'
by=`{ls -m $f | sed 's/^\[//g; s/].*$//g' >[2]/dev/null}
ifs=() {summary=`{ cat $f/index.md |strip_title_from_md_file| ifs=$difs {$formatter | escape_html} }}
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<atom:link href="%($base_url^$req_path%)" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<generator><![CDATA[Tom Duff's rc, and Kris Maglione's clever hackery]]></generator>
# <webMaster>uriel99+rss@gmail.com (Uriel)</webMaster>
# rfc2822 last time channel content changed.
lbd=`{ndate -m `{date `{mtime `{ls $blagh_root$blagh_dirs/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9] | tail -1} | awk '{print $1}'}}}
echo '<lastBuildDate>'$"lbd'</lastBuildDate>'
# rfc2822 publication date for content in the channel.
pubdate=`{ndate -m}
for(f in `{get_post_list $blagh_root$blagh_dirs}){
statpost $f
<author><![CDATA[%($by%)@noreply.cat-v.org (%($by%))]]></author>
<guid isPermaLink="true">%($post_uri%)</guid>
<description> %($summary%) </description>
% }

apps/bridge/app.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
comment_file_types=(md html)
fn conf_enable_comments {
if(~ $1 -n) {
if not if(~ $1 -a) {
conf_enable_app bridge
fn bridge_init {
if(~ $#enable_comments 1 && ! ~ `{ls $local_path.$comment_file_types >[2]/dev/null|wc -l} 0) {
if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD GET && test -d $comments_dir)
ll_add handlers_body_foot template apps/bridge/comments_list.tpl
if(check_user $groups_allowed_comments || {~ $#logged_user 0 && ~ 1 $#allow_new_user_comments $#bridge_anon_comments}) {
if(~ $#post_arg_bridge_post 1) {
ll_add handlers_body_foot template apps/bridge/foot.tpl
if(mk_new_comment $comments_dir)
post_redirect $base_url^$req_path
if not
if not if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD GET)
ll_add handlers_body_foot template apps/bridge/foot.tpl
if not if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD GET)
ll_add handlers_body_foot echo '<hr><p>To post a comment you need to <a href="/_users/login">login</a> first.</p>'
fn validate_new_user {
usr=$1; pass=$2; pass2=$3
if(~ $"usr '' || ! echo $usr |sed 1q|grep -s '^'$allowed_user_chars'+$')
_status='Requested user name is invalid, must match: '^$allowed_user_chars^'+'
if not if(test -d etc/users/$usr)
_status='Sorry, user name '''^$usr^''' already taken, please pick a different one.'
if(~ $"pass '' || ! ~ $"pass $"pass2)
_status=($_status 'Provided passwords don''t match.')
fn mk_new_comment {
if(~ $"post_arg_comment_text '')
_status='Provide a comment!'
if not if(~ $#logged_user 0) {
if(! ~ $#allow_new_user_comments 0) {
if(validate_new_user $"post_arg_comment_user $post_arg_comment_passwd $post_arg_comment_passwd2) {
# XXX: This doesn't work because we then do a redirect.
notify_notes='Saved comment and registration info, they will be enabled when approved by an admin.'
if not
if not if(! ~ $#bridge_anon_comments 0) {
if(~ $"post_arg_ima_robot 'not')
u='Glenda' # Anonymous
if not
_status='You are a robot!'
if not
_status='You need to log in to comment.'
if not if(check_user $groups_allowed_comments)
if not
_status='You are not a member of a group allowed to comment.'
if(~ $#_status 0) {
umask 002
dir=$dir'/'`{date -n} # FIXME Obvious race
mkdir -m 775 -p $dir &&
echo $u > $dir/user &&
echo $current_date_time > $dir/posted &&
echo $post_arg_comment_text > $dir/body
if(! ~ $"_s '') {
dprint 'ERROR XXX: Could not create comment: ' $_s
_status='Could not post comment due internal error, sorry.'

apps/bridge/comments_list.tpl Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
% for(c in `{ls $comments_dir/}) {
% if(test -s $c/body) {
<div class="comment">
<h5>By: <i>%(`{cat $c/user}%)</i></b> (%(`{cat $c/posted}%))
% cat $c/body | escape_html | sed 's,$,<br>,'
% }
% }

apps/bridge/foot.tpl Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
% notices_handler
<form action="" method="post">
<textarea name="comment_text" id="comment_text" cols="80" rows="16">%($"saved_comment_text%)</textarea>
<input type="submit" name="bridge_post" value="Post a comment">
% if(~ $#logged_user 0) {
% if(~ $#allow_new_user_comments 1) {
<label>New user name:
<input type="text" name="comment_user" value="%($"post_arg_comment_user%)">
<input type="password" name="comment_passwd" value="">
<label>Repeat password:
<input type="password" name="comment_passwd2" value="">
<div style="font-size: 70%">
Enter your desired user name/password and after your comment has been reviewed by an admin it will be posted and your account will be enabled. If you are already registered please <a href="/_users/login">login</a> before posting.
% }
% if not if(~ $#bridge_anon_comments 1) {
<label>Is <a href="http://glenda.cat-v.org">Glenda a cute bunny</a>?
<select name='ima_robot'>
<option value="yes">No</option>
<option value="not">Yes</option>
<option value="foobar">I hate bunnies!</option>
<option value="robot">I'm a robot!</option>
% }
% }

apps/dirdir/app.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
fn conf_enable_wiki {
conf_enable_app dirdir
fn dirdir_init {
if(! ~ $#enable_wiki 0 && check_user $wiki_editors_groups) {
# werc.rc doesn't append /index when $local_path doesn't exist
# maybe it should, but for now we can fix it up here.
if(~ $lp */)
if(~ 1 $#post_arg_dirdir_edit $#post_arg_dirdir_preview)
handler_body_main=(tpl_handler `{get_lib_file dirdir/edit.tpl apps/dirdir/edit.tpl})
if not if(! ~ '' $"post_arg_dirdir_save $"post_arg_edit_text)
if not if(~ $"handler_body_main '' || {~ $REQUEST_METHOD GET && test -f $local_path.md})
ll_add handlers_bar_left tpl_handler apps/dirdir/sidebar_controls.tpl
fn save_page {
dirdir_verdir=$dirdir_dir/^`{date -n}^/
mkdir -p $dirdir_verdir
umask 002
# XXX Use a tmp file and mv(1) to ensure updates are atomic?
echo $logged_user > $dirdir_verdir/author
echo $post_arg_edit_text > $dirdir_verdir/data
echo $post_arg_edit_text > $dirdir_file
post_redirect $base_url^$req_path
#notify_notes='Saved <a href="'$"req_path'">'$"req_path'</a>!'

apps/dirdir/edit.tpl Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
<h1>Editing: <a href="%($req_path%)">%($req_path%)</a></h1>
<form action="" method="POST">
<textarea name="edit_text" id="edit_text" cols="80" rows="43">%{
# FIXME Extra trailing new lines get added to the content somehow, should avoid it.
if(~ $#post_arg_edit_text 0 && test -f $dirdir_file)
cat $dirdir_file | escape_html
if not
echo -n $post_arg_edit_text | escape_html
<input type="submit" name="dirdir_save" value="Save">
<input type="submit" name="dirdir_preview" value="Preview">
<small>DirDir documents are written using <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax">Markdown syntax</a>.</small>
% if(! ~ $"post_arg_dirdir_preview '') {
<div id="preview">
% echo $post_arg_edit_text | $formatter
% }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="submit" name="dirdir_edit" value="Edit page" />

apps/duckduckgo/HOWTO Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
The default path for site search is /_search/. Assuming you want to keep
that default, you could enable site search like so:
mkdir -p /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_search/_werc/
echo 'conf_enable_duckduckgo' > /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_search/_werc/config
mkdir -p /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_werc/lib/
cp /www/werc/apps/duckduckgo/footer.inc.sample /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_werc/lib/footer.inc
Searches will POST to /_search/ and from there get redirected to Duck Duck
Go with a site:$SERVER_NAME prefix. To have the search path URL be some-
thing different, you'll have to edit line 23 of app.rc to point to the new
* Make it automatically work no matter which directory the app is enabled in.
* OR make the search path a configuration option.
* Provide a template for non-footer deployment
* Enable the search path itself to serve a search form to GET requests

apps/duckduckgo/app.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
fn conf_enable_duckduckgo {
conf_enable_app duckduckgo
pageTitle='Site Search'
fn duckduckgo_init {
get_post_args q
if (! ~ $#q 0) {
redirect_string = 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site:'$SERVER_NAME^'+'^$"q
http_redirect $redirect_string '302 Found'
if not {
fn duckduckgo_body {
echo '
<h1>Site search</h1>
<h2>using DuckDuckGo</h2>
<form action="/_search/" method="POST">
<label for="searchtext">Site search:</label>
<input type="text" id="searchtext" name="q" placeholder="Search text...">
<input type="submit" value="Search">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<div><a href="http://werc.cat-v.org">Powered by werc</a></div>
<div><form action="/_search/" method="POST"><label for="searchtext">Site search:</label> <input type="text" id="searchtext" name="q" placeholder="Enter search text..."><input type="submit" display="Search"></form></div>

apps/hello/app.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
fn hello_init {
if(~ $req_path /hello) {
pageTitle='Hi title!'
fn hello_body {
echo 'Hello world!'

apps/paste/app.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
fn conf_enable_wercpaste {
if (~ $#paste_dir 0) { paste_dir=`{pwd} }
conf_enable_app wercpaste
fn wercpaste_init {
if (~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST && ~ $post_arg_url url && ~ $req_path $paste_url ) { # incoming paste
now=`{ date -n }
cksum=`{ echo $"post_arg_paste | sum | awk '{ print $1 }' }
if (~ $cksum '1715a8eb' ) { # empty paste; discard
post_redirect $base_url^$paste_url
if not { # save and redirect
# TODO: stop using echo
# env var size limit is 16kb, this thing dies with larger input.
echo $"post_arg_paste > $paste_dir^/^$now^.^$cksum
# uncomment the following line to redirect to the pasted file
#post_redirect $base_url^$paste_url^$now^.^$cksum
# uncomment the following line instead to just return the url
echo 'Content-type: text/plain'; echo ''; exec echo $base_url^$paste_url^$now^.^$cksum
if not { # show a paste if there is one
if (test -r $werc_root/$local_path && ~ $QUERY_STRING raw ) {
echo 'Content-type: text/plain'; echo ''; exec cat $werc_root/$local_path
# drop a textbox
if (~ $REQUEST_METHOD GET ) { handler_body_main='begforpaste' }
fn begforpaste {
echo '<article class="pastebox">
<h3 style="text-align: center">pasted data is not publically indexed</h3>
<form action="'$paste_url'" method="post" style="margin:2em">
<textarea name="paste" cols="120" rows="20" required style="display: block; margin: 0 auto 0 auto" ></textarea><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="SUBMIT" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto 0 auto" ><br><br>
<span style="display: none"><input type="text" name="url" value="url" > (do not change) </span>

apps/wman/app.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
fn conf_enable_wman {
if(~ $#wman_man_path 0)
conf_enable_app wman
wman_junk_filter='/(\/(INDEX|\.cvsignore|_.*)|\.9p|\.html)$/d; s!/man([0-9]+/[^/]+)$!/\1!; '
fn wman_ls_pages {
ls $* \
| sed $dirfilter^$wman_junk_filter^' s/\.([0-9]|9p)$//; s!/0intro$!/intro!' \
| sort -u
fn wman_init {
ifs=$ifs^'/' { p=`{echo $req_path | sed 's!^'^$wman_base_uri^'!!'} }
if(~ $#wman_unix_mode 1) {
if(! ~ $"wman_cat '') {
if(! ~ $"wman_page '') {
# Hack to handle 0intro files.
if(~ $wman_page intro && test -f $wman_cat_path^/0^$"wman_page_file)
x=`{echo $"req_path|sed 's%.*/([^/]+)/'$"wman_cat'/'^$"wman_page^'%\1%; s%_% %g'}
pageTitle=$wman_page' page from Section '$wman_cat' of the '^$"x' manual'
wman_cat_list=`{ls -F $wman_man_path/*/ \
| sed -e $wman_junk_filter -e 's!.*/([^/]+)/[^/]+$!\1!; /[0-9]+/!d' \
| sort -un}
if(~ $req_path $wman_base_uri && ~ $"handler_body_main '')
handler_body_main=(tpl_handler apps/wman/section_list.tpl)
if not if(~ $req_path $wman_base_uri^*) {
#^*/[a-z0-9]*[a-z]* $wman_base_uri^*/*[a-z]*[a-z0-9] $wman_base_uri^*/[a-z])
if(echo $req_path | grep -s '^'^$wman_base_uri^'/*[0-9]+/[0-9a-z\-\+\.]+$')
if(test -f $wman_page_file) # Check for 404
handler_body_main=(tpl_handler apps/wman/man_page.tpl)
if not if(~ $req_path $wman_base_uri^*/)
handler_body_main=(tpl_handler apps/wman/page_list.tpl)
if not if(~ $p(2) [A-Z]* [0-9][A-Z]*) # Correct badly capitalized links
perm_redirect $wman_base_uri^$p(1)^/^`{echo $p(2) |tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'}
# Search
ll_add handlers_body_head tpl_handler apps/wman/search.tpl
if(! ~ $"post_arg_wman_search '') {
s=`{echo $post_arg_wman_search | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+//g; s/\.+/./g; 1q'}
ifs='' { wman_search_results=`{wman_ls_pages $wman_man_path/*/*^$"s^*} }
if(! ~ $"post_arg_go '' && ~ `{echo -n $wman_search_results|wc -l} 1)
post_redirect $wman_base_uri^`{echo $wman_search_results|awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1)"/"$NF}'}
fn wman_get_section_desc {
cat $wman_man_path/^$"wman_cp^$1/0intro* >[2]/dev/null| sed '1,2d; s!intro \\- [Ii]ntroduction to !!; 3q;'
fn wman_page_gen {
#troff -manhtml $1| troff2html -t 'Plan 9 from User Space'
troff -N -m$wman_tmac $1 | wman_out_filter
fn wman_out_filter {
fn wman_default_out_filter {
# col -x syntax is the same for UNIX and Plan 9.
escape_html \
| sed 's!([\.\-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\(('^`{echo $wman_cat_list|tr ' ' '|'}^')\)!<a href="../\2/\1">&</a>!g' \
| awk '/^$/ {if(n != 1) print; n=1; next} /./ {n=0; print}' \
| col -x

apps/wman/man_page.tpl Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
% wman_page_gen $wman_page_file

apps/wman/page_list.tpl Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
% d=`{wman_get_section_desc $wman_cat}
<h1>Manual pages - Section %($wman_cat%): %($"d%)</h1>
<ul style="float:left">
wman_ls_pages $wman_cat_path \
| awk -F/ '{ print "<li><a href=\""$(NF)"\">"$(NF)"</a></li>" }
NR%20 == 0 { print "</ul><ul style=\"float: left\">" }'

apps/wman/search.tpl Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="wman_search" value="%($"s%)" />
<input type="submit" name="go" value="Feel Lucky" />
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
% if(! ~ $"post_arg_wman_search '') {
% if(~ $"wman_search_results '') {
No matches found for <i>'%($post_arg_wman_search%)'</i>.
% }
% if not {
% echo $wman_search_results|awk -F/ '$(NF-1) ~ "^[0-9]+$" {printf "<li><a href=\"'$wman_base_uri'%s/%s\" />%s(%s)</a></li>", $(NF-1),$NF, $NF, $(NF-1)}'
% }
% }

apps/wman/section_list.tpl Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<h1>Manual Sections</h1>
<ul style="text-transform: capitalize;">
% for(c in $wman_cat_list) {
<li><a href="%($c%)/"><b>Section: %($c%)</b></a>
% wman_get_section_desc $c
% if(~ $status '' '|')
% echo '(<a href="'$c'/intro">intro</a>)'
% }

bin/aux/addwuser.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
if(! ~ $#werc_root 0)
cd $werc_root
fn usage {
if(! ~ $#* 0)
echo $0: $* >[1=2]
echo 'Usage:' $0 'user_name user_password [groups ...]' >[1=2]
exit usage
if(! test -d etc/users/)
usage 'Run for root of werc installation or set $werc_root'
if(~ $"user_name '' || ~ $"user_pass '')
mkdir etc/users/$user_name
echo $user_pass > etc/users/$user_name/password
if(! ~ $#user_groups 0)
for(g in $user_groups) {
mkdir -p etc/users/$g
echo $user_name >> etc/users/$g/members

bin/aux/bpst.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
path=( $PLAN9/bin $path )
if(~ $#user 0)
file=(); title=();
while(! ~ $#* 0) {
switch($1) {
case -u
case -b
case -f
if(~ $"EDITOR '')
if(~ $#file 0 || ! test -f $file) {
rm $file >[2]/dev/null
touch $file
$EDITOR $file
ispell $file
rm $file.bak >[2]/dev/null
fn mkbpost {
umask 002 # Let group write
if(! ~ $#2 0)
bpid=`{echo -n '-'^$"bpid | sed 's/'$forbidden_uri_chars'+/_/g; 1q'}
d=`{/bin/date +%F|sed 's,-,/,g'}
n=`{ls $ddir >[2]/dev/null |wc -l}
mkdir -p $ddir/$"n^$"bpid/
# TODO: Enable metadata
#echo '* Posted:' `{date}
#if(! ~ $#logged_user 0)
# echo '* Author: '$logged_user
cat $bptext
}> $ddir/$"n^$"bpid/index.md
if(test -s $file)
mkbpost $file
if not
echo Empty file!

bin/aux/gensitemaptxt.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# DEPRECATED: sitemap.tpl now generates and updates a sitemap.txt when requested, and is also more smart than this simplistic script.
for(d in sites/*/) {
echo $d
9 du -a $d | awk '/\.(md|html)$/ { print $2 }; {}' | 9 sed -e 's/\.(md|html)$//' -e 's,/index$,/,' -e 's,^sites/,http://,' > $d/sitemap.txt
if(! test -f $d/robots.txt) {
echo generating missing robots.txt for $d
echo $d|sed 's,sites/,Sitemap: http://,; s/$/sitemap.txt/;' > $d/robots.txt
cat $d/robots.txt

bin/aux/runtsts.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
cd sites/tst.cat-v.org
tstfiles=`{du -a |awk '/\.tst$/ { print $2 }; {} ' | sed 's/^\.//; s/\.tst$//'}
for(f in $tstfiles) {
' { tsts=`{cat ./$f.tst} }
for(t in $tsts) {
echo tst $t

bin/cgilib.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
# Useful CGI stuff
fn dprint { echo $* >[1=2] }
fn dprintv { { for(v in $*) { echo -n $v^'#'^$#$v^'=' $$v '; ' }; echo } >[1=2] }
fn echo {if(! ~ $1 -n || ! ~ $2 '') /bin/echo $*}
fn escape_html { sed 's/&/\&amp;/g; s/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g' $* }
fn http_redirect {
if(~ $1 http://* https://*)
if not if(~ $1 /*)
if not
exec /bin/echo 'Status: '^$2^'
Location: '^$t^'
fn perm_redirect { http_redirect $1 '301 Moved Permanantly' }
fn post_redirect { http_redirect $1 '303 See Other' }
# Note: should check if content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded?
# Should compare with http://www.shelldorado.com/scripts/cmds/urlgetopt.txt
fn load_post_args {
if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST && ~ $#post_args 0) {
' for(pair in `{cat}) {
ifs='=' { pair=`{echo -n $pair} }
n='post_arg_'^`{echo $pair(1)|nurldecode|tr -cd 'a-zA-Z0-9_'}
post_args=( $post_args $n )
ifs=() { $n=`{echo -n $pair(2)|nurldecode|tr -d ' '} }
if not
status='No POST or post args already loaded'
# Status is () if at least one arg is found. DEPRECATED: access vars directly.
fn get_post_args {
_status='No post arg matches'
for(n in $*) {
if(! ~ $#$v 0) {
# This seems slightly improve performance, but might depend on httpd buffering behavior.
fn awk_buffer {
awk '{
buf = buf $0"\n"
if(length(buf) > 1400) {
printf "%s", buf
buf = ""
END { printf "%s", buf }'
fn nurldecode { urlencode -d || url_decode} # GROSS
fn url_decode {
awk '
hextab ["0"] = 0; hextab ["8"] = 8;
hextab ["1"] = 1; hextab ["9"] = 9;
hextab ["2"] = 2; hextab ["A"] = hextab ["a"] = 10
hextab ["3"] = 3; hextab ["B"] = hextab ["b"] = 11;
hextab ["4"] = 4; hextab ["C"] = hextab ["c"] = 12;
hextab ["5"] = 5; hextab ["D"] = hextab ["d"] = 13;
hextab ["6"] = 6; hextab ["E"] = hextab ["e"] = 14;
hextab ["7"] = 7; hextab ["F"] = hextab ["f"] = 15;
decoded = ""
i = 1
len = length ($0)
while ( i <= len ) {
c = substr ($0, i, 1)
if ( c == "%" ) {
if ( i+2 <= len ) {
c1 = substr ($0, i+1, 1)
c2 = substr ($0, i+2, 1)
if ( hextab [c1] == "" || hextab [c2] == "" ) {
print "WARNING: invalid hex encoding: %" c1 c2 | "cat >&2"
} else {
code = 0 + hextab [c1] * 16 + hextab [c2] + 0
c = sprintf ("%c", code)
i = i + 2
} else {
print "WARNING: invalid % encoding: " substr ($0, i, len - i)
} else if ( c == "+" ) {
c = " "
decoded = decoded c
printf "%s", decoded
fn nurlencode { urlencode || url_encode } # GROSS
fn url_encode {
awk '
# We assume an awk implementation that is just plain dumb.
# We will convert an character to its ASCII value with the
# table ord[], and produce two-digit hexadecimal output
# without the printf("%02X") feature.
EOL = "%0A" # "end of line" string (encoded)
split ("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F", hextab, " ")
hextab [0] = 0
for ( i=1; i<=255; ++i ) ord [ sprintf ("%c", i) "" ] = i + 0
if ("'^$"EncodeEOL^'" == "yes") EncodeEOL = 1; else EncodeEOL = 0
encoded = ""
for ( i=1; i<=length ($0); ++i ) {
c = substr ($0, i, 1)
if ( c ~ /[a-zA-Z0-9.-]/ ) {
encoded = encoded c # safe character
} else if ( c == " " ) {
encoded = encoded "+" # special handling
} else {
# unsafe character, encode it as a two-digit hex-number
lo = ord [c] % 16
hi = int (ord [c] / 16);
encoded = encoded "%" hextab [hi] hextab [lo]
if ( EncodeEOL ) {
printf ("%s", encoded EOL)
} else {
print encoded
#if ( EncodeEOL ) print ""
' $*
# Cookies
fn set_cookie {
# TODO: should check input values more carefully
extraHttpHeaders=( $extraHttpHeaders 'Set-cookie: '^$"name^'='^$"val^'; path=/;' )
fn get_cookie {
ifs=';' { co=`{echo $HTTP_COOKIE} }
# XXX: we might be adding a trailing new line?
# The ' ?' is needed to deal with '; ' inter-cookie delimiter
{ for(c in $co) echo $c } | sed -n 's/^ ?'$1'=//p'
fn static_file {
echo -n 'Content-Type: '
select_mime $1
exec cat $1
fn select_mime {
if(~ $1 *.css)
if not if(~ $1 *.ico)
if not if(~ $1 *.png)
if not if(~ $1 *.jpg *.jpeg)
if not if(~ $1 *.gif)
if not if(~ $1 *.pdf)
echo $m
# Generic rc programming helpers
# Manage nested lists
fn ll_add {
$1=( $$1 $_l )
# Add to the head: dangerous if you shrink list by hand!
fn ll_addh {
$1=( $_l $$1 )
# crop_text [max_lenght [ellipsis]]
# TODO: Option to crop only at word-delimiters.
fn crop_text {
if(! ~ $#1 0)
if(! ~ $#2 0)
awk -v 'max='^$"m -v 'ellipsis='$e '
nc += 1 + length;
if(nc > max) {
print substr($0, 1, nc - max) " " ellipsis

bin/contrib/fix-rc-scripts Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Fix rc shell scripts to find rc without launching env every time.
# Invoke with rc and plan9 versions of grep and ed in $PATH
# If your system lacks which (e.g. some gnu/linux)
# substitute the full path to rc in this line:
if(~ $#* 0) files = *
if not files = $*
myname = `{basename $0}
for(file in $files) {
if(test -d $file) $0 $file/*
if not if(~ $file *$myname) {}
if not if(sed 1q $file | grep '^#!/.*[/ ]rc$' > /dev/null) {
echo 1c
echo $firstline
echo .
echo wq
} | ed $file > /dev/null

bin/contrib/hgweb.config Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
style = gitweb
allow_archive = bz2
#w9 = /gsoc/hg/w9/
#allow_archive = bz2 zip
/gsoc/hg = /gsoc/hg/
#/var/hg = /var/hg/

bin/contrib/hgwebdir.cgi Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# An example CGI script to export multiple hgweb repos, edit as necessary
# send python tracebacks to the browser if an error occurs:
import cgitb
# adjust python path if not a system-wide install:
#import sys
#sys.path.insert(0, "/path/to/python/lib")
# If you'd like to serve pages with UTF-8 instead of your default
# locale charset, you can do so by uncommenting the following lines.
# Note that this will cause your .hgrc files to be interpreted in
# UTF-8 and all your repo files to be displayed using UTF-8.
#import os
#os.environ["HGENCODING"] = "UTF-8"
from mercurial.hgweb.hgwebdir_mod import hgwebdir
from mercurial.hgweb.request import wsgiapplication
import mercurial.hgweb.wsgicgi as wsgicgi
# The config file looks like this. You can have paths to individual
# repos, collections of repos in a directory tree, or both.
# [paths]
# virtual/path = /real/path
# virtual/path = /real/path
# [collections]
# /prefix/to/strip/off = /root/of/tree/full/of/repos
# collections example: say directory tree /foo contains repos /foo/bar,
# /foo/quux/baz. Give this config section:
# [collections]
# /foo = /foo
# Then repos will list as bar and quux/baz.
# Alternatively you can pass a list of ('virtual/path', '/real/path') tuples
# or use a dictionary with entries like 'virtual/path': '/real/path'
def make_web_app():
return hgwebdir("hgweb.config")

bin/contrib/markdown.pl Executable file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

bin/contrib/md2html.awk Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
#!/bin/awk -f
# by: Jesus Galan (yiyus) 2009
# Usage: md2html.awk file.md > file.html
# See: http://4l77.com/src/md2html.awk
function eschtml(t) {
gsub("&", "\\&amp;", t);
gsub("<", "\\&lt;", t);
return t;
function oprint(t){
if(nr == 0)
print t;
otext = otext "\n" t;
function subref(id){
for(; nr > 0 && sub("<<" id, ref[id], otext); nr--);
if(nr == 0 && otext) {
print otext;
otext = "";
function nextil(t) {
if(!match(t, /[`<&\[*_\\-]|(\!\[)/))
return t;
t1 = substr(t, 1, RSTART - 1);
tag = substr(t, RSTART, RLENGTH);
t2 = substr(t, RSTART + RLENGTH);
if(ilcode && tag != "`")
return eschtml(t1 tag) nextil(t2);
# Backslash escaping
if(tag == "\\"){
if(match(t2, /^[\\`*_{}\[\]()#+\-\.!]/)){
tag = substr(t2, 1, 1);
t2 = substr(t2, 2);
return t1 tag nextil(t2);
# Dashes
if(tag == "-"){
if(sub(/^-/, "", t2))
tag = "&#8212;";
return t1 tag nextil(t2);
# Inline Code
if(tag == "`"){
if(sub(/^`/, "", t2)){
if(!match(t2, /``/))
return t1 "&#8221;" nextil(t2);
ilcode2 = !ilcode2;
else if(ilcode2)
return t1 tag nextil(t2);
tag = "<code>";
t1 = eschtml(t1);
tag = "</code>";
ilcode = !ilcode;
return t1 tag nextil(t2);
if(tag == "<"){
# Autolinks
if(match(t2, /^[^ ]+[\.@][^ ]+>/)){
url = eschtml(substr(t2, 1, RLENGTH - 1));
t2 = substr(t2, RLENGTH + 1);
linktext = url;
if(match(url, /@/) && !match(url, /^mailto:/))
url = "mailto:" url;
return t1 "<a href=\"" url "\">" linktext "</a>" nextil(t2);
# Html tags
if(match(t2, /^[A-Za-z\/!][^>]*>/)){
tag = tag substr(t2, RSTART, RLENGTH);
t2 = substr(t2, RLENGTH + 1);
return t1 tag nextil(t2);
return t1 "&lt;" nextil(t2);
# Html special entities
if(tag == "&"){
if(match(t2, /^#?[A-Za-z0-9]+;/)){
tag = tag substr(t2, RSTART, RLENGTH);
t2 = substr(t2, RLENGTH + 1);
return t1 tag nextil(t2);
return t1 "&amp;" nextil(t2);
# Images
if(tag == "!["){
if(!match(t2, /(\[.*\])|(\(.*\))/))
return t1 tag nextil(t2);
match(t2, /^[^\]]*/);
alt = substr(t2, 1, RLENGTH);
t2 = substr(t2, RLENGTH + 2);
if(match(t2, /^\(/)){
# Inline
sub(/^\(/, "", t2);
match(t2, /^[^\)]+/);
url = eschtml(substr(t2, 1, RLENGTH));
t2 = substr(t2, RLENGTH + 2);
title = "";
if(match(url, /[ ]+\".*\"[ ]*$/)) {
title = substr(url, RSTART, RLENGTH);
url = substr(url, 1, RSTART - 1);
match(title, /\".*\"/);
title = " title=\"" substr(title, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2) "\"";
if(match(url, /^<.*>$/))
url = substr(url, 2, RLENGTH - 2);
return t1 "<img src=\"" url "\" alt=\"" alt "\"" title " />" nextil(t2);
# Referenced
sub(/^ ?\[/, "", t2);
id = alt;
if(match(t2, /^[^\]]+/))
id = substr(t2, 1, RLENGTH);
t2 = substr(t2, RLENGTH + 2);
r = ref[id];
r = "<<" id;
return t1 "<img src=\"" r "\" alt=\"" alt "\" />" nextil(t2);
# Links
if(tag == "["){
if(!match(t2, /(\[.*\])|(\(.*\))/))
return t1 tag nextil(t2);
match(t2, /^[^\]]*(\[[^\]]*\][^\]]*)*/);
linktext = substr(t2, 1, RLENGTH);
t2 = substr(t2, RLENGTH + 2);
if(match(t2, /^\(/)){
# Inline
match(t2, /^[^\)]+(\([^\)]+\)[^\)]*)*/);
url = substr(t2, 2, RLENGTH - 1);
pt2 = substr(t2, RLENGTH + 2);
title = "";
if(match(url, /[ ]+\".*\"[ ]*$/)) {
title = substr(url, RSTART, RLENGTH);
url = substr(url, 1, RSTART - 1);
match(title, /\".*\"/);
title = " title=\"" substr(title, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2) "\"";
if(match(url, /^<.*>$/))
url = substr(url, 2, RLENGTH - 2);
url = eschtml(url);
return t1 "<a href=\"" url "\"" title ">" nextil(linktext) "</a>" nextil(pt2);
# Referenced
sub(/^ ?\[/, "", t2);
id = linktext;
if(match(t2, /^[^\]]+/))
id = substr(t2, 1, RLENGTH);
t2 = substr(t2, RLENGTH + 2);
r = ref[id];
r = "<<" id;
pt2 = t2;
return t1 "<a href=\"" r "\" />" nextil(linktext) "</a>" nextil(pt2);
# Emphasis
if(match(tag, /[*_]/)){
ntag = tag;
if(sub("^" tag, "", t2)){
if(stag[ns] == tag && match(t2, "^" tag))
t2 = tag t2;
ntag = tag tag
n = length(ntag);
tag = (n == 2) ? "strong" : "em";
if(match(t1, / $/) && match(t2, /^ /))
return t1 tag nextil(t2);
if(stag[ns] == ntag){
tag = "/" tag;
stag[++ns] = ntag;
tag = "<" tag ">";
return t1 tag nextil(t2);
function inline(t) {
ilcode = 0;
ilcode2 = 0;
ns = 0;
return nextil(t);
function printp(tag) {
if(!match(text, /^[ ]*$/)){
text = inline(text);
if(tag != "")
oprint("<" tag ">" text "</" tag ">");
text = "";
blank = 0;
code = 0;
hr = 0;
html = 0;
nl = 0;
nr = 0;
otext = "";
text = "";
par = "p";
# References
!code && /^ *\[[^\]]*\]:[ ]+/ {
sub(/^ *\[/, "");
match($0, /\]/);
id = substr($0, 1, RSTART - 1);
sub(id "\\]:[ ]+", "");
title = "";
if(match($0, /\".*\"$/))
title = "\" title=\"" substr($0, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2);
sub(/[ ]+\".*\"$/, "");
url = eschtml($0);
ref[id] = url title;
# html
!html && /^<(address|blockquote|center|dir|div|dl|fieldset|form|h[1-6r]|\
isindex|menu|noframes|noscript|ol|p|pre|table|ul|!--)/ {
for(; !text && block[nl] == "blockquote"; nl--)
match($0, /^<(address|blockquote|center|dir|div|dl|fieldset|form|h[1-6r]|\
htag = substr($0, 2, RLENGTH - 1);
if(!match($0, "(<\\/" htag ">)|((^<hr ?\\/?)|(--)>$)"))
html = 1;
if(html && match($0, /^<hr/))
hr = 1;
html && (/(^<\/(address|blockquote|center|dir|div|dl|fieldset|form|h[1-6r]|\
isindex|menu|noframes|noscript|ol|p|pre|table|ul).*)|(--)>$/ ||
(hr && />$/)) {
html = 0;
hr = 0;
html {
# List and quote blocks
# Remove indentation
for(nnl = 0; nnl < nl; nnl++)
if((match(block[nnl + 1], /[ou]l/) && !sub(/^( | )/, "")) || \
(block[nnl + 1] == "blockquote" && !sub(/^> ?/, "")))
nnl < nl && !blank && text && ! /^ ? ? ?([*+-]|([0-9]+\.)+)( +| )/ { nnl = nl; }
# Quote blocks
while(sub(/^> /, ""))
nblock[++nnl] = "blockquote";
# Horizontal rules
{ hr = 0; }
(blank || (!text && !code)) && /^ ? ? ?([-*_][ ]*)([-*_][ ]*)([-*_][ ]*)+$/ {
code = 0;
blank = 0;
nnl = 0;
hr = 1;
# List items
block[nl] ~ /[ou]l/ && /^$/ {
blank = 1;
{ newli = 0; }
!hr && (nnl != nl || !text || block[nl] ~ /[ou]l/) && /^ ? ? ?[*+-]( +| )/ {
sub(/^ ? ? ?[*+-]( +| )/, "");
nblock[nnl] = "ul";
newli = 1;
(nnl != nl || !text || block[nl] ~ /[ou]l/) && /^ ? ? ?([0-9]+\.)+( +| )/ {
sub(/^ ? ? ?([0-9]+\.)+( +| )/, "");
nblock[nnl] = "ol";
newli = 1;
newli {
if(blank && nnl == nl && !par)
par = "p";
blank = 0;
if(nnl == nl && block[nl] == nblock[nl])
blank && ! /^$/ {
if(match(block[nnl], /[ou]l/) && !par)
par = "p";
par = "p";
blank = 0;
# Close old blocks and open new ones
nnl != nl || nblock[nl] != block[nl] {
code = 0;
b = (nnl > nl) ? nblock[nnl] : block[nnl];
par = (match(b, /[ou]l/)) ? "" : "p";
nnl < nl || (nnl == nl && nblock[nl] != block[nl]) {
for(; nl > nnl || (nnl == nl && pblock[nl] != block[nl]); nl--){
if(match(block[nl], /[ou]l/))
oprint("</" block[nl] ">");
nnl > nl {
for(; nl < nnl; nl++){
block[nl + 1] = nblock[nl + 1];
oprint("<" block[nl + 1] ">");
if(match(block[nl + 1], /[ou]l/))
hr {
# Code blocks
code && /^$/ {
blank = 1;
!text && sub(/^( | )/, "") {
blank = 0;
code = 1;
$0 = eschtml($0);
code {
code = 0;
# Setex-style Headers
text && /^=+$/ {printp("h1"); next;}
text && /^-+$/ {printp("h2"); next;}
# Atx-Style headers
/^#+/ && (!newli || par=="p" || /^##/) {
for(n = 0; n < 6 && sub(/^# */, ""); n++)
sub(/#$/, "");
par = "h" n;
# Paragraph
/^$/ {
par = "p";
# Add text
{ text = (text ? text " " : "") $0; }
code = 0;
for(; nl > 0; nl--){
if(match(block[nl], /[ou]l/))
oprint("</" block[nl] ">");
gsub(/<<[^\"]*/, "", otext);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
if(~ $REMOTE_USER ''){
extra_headers=($extra_headers 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'$"SERVER_NAME'"')
error 401

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
fn filter_headers{
response=(200 OK)
while(~ $done false){
head=`{echo $line | awk '{print tolower($1)}'}
if(~ $head status:*)
response=`{echo $line | awk '{$1="" ; print}'}
if not if(~ $line '')
if not
echo 'HTTP/1.1' $"response^$cr
echo -n $"lines
do_log $response(1)
fn run_cgi {
path=$cgi_path exec $"cgi_bin $params || echo 'Status: 500'
if(! ~ $#* 1)
if not if(~ $"cgi_bin /*){
cgi_dir=`{basename -d $"cgi_bin}
if(! ~ $"cgi_bin */*)
if(! builtin cd $"cgi_dir >[2]/dev/null || ! test -x $"cgi_bin){
error 500
run_cgi | {
echo $cr
exec cat

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
PATH_INFO=`{echo $PATH_INFO | urldecode.awk}
if(! test -d $full_path){
error 404
if(! test -r $full_path -x $full_path){
error 503
do_log 200
builtin cd $full_path
if(! ~ $ifile(1) *'*'){
exec serve-static
title=`{echo $SITE_TITLE | sed s,%s,^$"PATH_INFO^,}
case size
# ls has no option to sort by size
# could pipe it through sort, I suppose
case date
echo 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'^$cr
echo 'Content-type: text/html'^$cr
echo $cr
echo '<html>
<style type="text/css">
.size {
text-align: right;
padding-right: 4pt;
.day {
text-align: right;
padding-right: 3pt;
.datetime {
text-align: right;
.name {
text-align: right;
padding-left: 3pt;
echo '<h1>'^$title^'</h1>'
if(! ~ $PATH_INFO /)
echo '<a href="../">Parent directory</a>'
echo '<table>'
ls -lQ $lso | awk '
function urlencode(loc){
# very minimal encoding, just enough for our static-file purposes
gsub("%", "%25", url) # this one first!
gsub("\\$", "%24", url)
gsub("&", "%26", url)
gsub("\\+", "%2B", url)
gsub("\\?", "%3F", url)
gsub(" ", "%20", url)
gsub("\"", "%22", url)
gsub("#", "%23", url)
return url
function hrsize(size){
if(size > 1073741824) return sprintf("%.1fGB", size/1073741824)
if(size > 10485760) return sprintf("%iMB", size/1048576)
if(size > 1048576) return sprintf("%.1fMB", size/1048576)
if(size > 10240) return sprintf("%iKB", size/1024)
if(size > 1024) return sprintf("%.1fKB", size/1024)
return sprintf("%iB", size)
/^(-|a)/ {
print "<tr>"
print "<td class=\"size\">"hrsize($6)"</td>"
print "<td class=\"month\">"$7"</td>"
print "<td class=\"day\">"$8"</td>"
print "<td class=\"datetime\">"$9"</td>"
$1="" ; $2="" ; $3="" ; $4="" ; $5="" ; $6="" ; $7="" ; $8="" ; $9=""
sub("^ *?", "")
print "<td><a class=\"file name\" href=\""urlencode($0)"\">"$0"</a></td>"
print "</tr>"
/^d/ {
print "<tr>"
print "<td class=\"size\"> </td>"
print "<td class=\"month\">"$7"</td>"
print "<td class=\"day\">"$8"</td>"
print "<td class=\"datetime\">"$9"</td>"
$1="" ; $2="" ; $3="" ; $4="" ; $5="" ; $6="" ; $7="" ; $8="" ; $9=""
sub("^ *?", "")
print "<td><a class=\"dir name\" href=\""urlencode($0)"/\">"$0"/</a></td>"
print "</tr>"
echo '</table>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# DO NOT make this script callable directly from the web!
fn do_error{
echo 'HTTP/1.1 '^$1^$cr
echo 'Content-type: text/html'^$cr
echo $cr
echo '<html>
echo $2
echo '<p><i>rc-httpd at' $SERVER_NAME '</i>'
echo '
fn 401{
do_error '401 Unauthorized' \
'The requested path '^$"location^' requires authorization.'
fn 404{
do_error '404 Not Found' \
'The requested path '^$"location^' was not found on this server.'
fn 500{
do_error '500 Internal Server Error' \
'The server has encountered an internal misconfiguration and is unable to satisfy your request.'
fn 503{
do_error '503 Forbidden' \
'You do not have permission to access '^$"location^' on this server.'
do_log $1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
if(~ $#2 0){
error 500
case perm*
do_log 301
echo 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'^$cr
case temp*
do_log 302
echo 'HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily'^$cr
case seeother
do_log 303
echo 'HTTP/1.1 303 See Other'^$cr
case *
error 500
echo 'Location: ' ^ $2 ^ $cr
echo 'Content-type: text/html'^$cr
echo $cr
echo '<html><body>'
if(~ $#3 0)
echo 'Browser did not accept redirect.'
if not
echo $3
echo '<a href="'^$"location^'/">Click here</a>'
echo '</body></html>'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
full_path=`{echo $"FS_ROOT^$"PATH_INFO | urldecode.awk}
if(~ $full_path */)
error 503
if(test -d $full_path){
redirect perm $"location^'/' \
'URL not quite right, and browser did not accept redirect.'
if(! test -e $full_path){
error 404
if(! test -r $full_path){
error 503
do_log 200
case *.html *.htm
case *.css
case *.txt
type='text/plain; charset=utf-8'
case *.jpg *.jpeg
case *.gif
case *.png
case *
type=`{file -m $full_path || file -i $full_path} # GROSS
max_age=3600 # 1 hour
echo 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'^$cr
echo 'Content-type: '^$type^'; charset=utf-8'^$cr
echo 'Content-length: '^`{ls -l $full_path | awk '{print $6}'}
echo 'Cache-control: max-age='^$max_age^$cr
echo $cr
exec cat $full_path

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
fn error{
if(~ $1 404)
exec cgi $cgiargs
if not
$rc_httpd_dir/handlers/error $1
if(~ $location */)
exec cgi $cgiargs
if not
exec serve-static

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
if(~ $PATH_INFO */)
exec dir-index $params
if not
exec serve-static

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# taken from werc
hextab ["0"] = 0; hextab ["8"] = 8;
hextab ["1"] = 1; hextab ["9"] = 9;
hextab ["2"] = 2; hextab ["A"] = hextab ["a"] = 10
hextab ["3"] = 3; hextab ["B"] = hextab ["b"] = 11;
hextab ["4"] = 4; hextab ["C"] = hextab ["c"] = 12;
hextab ["5"] = 5; hextab ["D"] = hextab ["d"] = 13;
hextab ["6"] = 6; hextab ["E"] = hextab ["e"] = 14;
hextab ["7"] = 7; hextab ["F"] = hextab ["f"] = 15;
decoded = ""
i = 1
len = length ($0)
while ( i <= len ) {
c = substr ($0, i, 1)
if ( c == "%" ) {
if ( i+2 <= len ) {
c1 = substr ($0, i+1, 1)
c2 = substr ($0, i+2, 1)
if ( hextab [c1] == "" || hextab [c2] == "" ) {
print "WARNING: invalid hex encoding: %" c1 c2 | "cat >&2"
} else {
code = 0 + hextab [c1] * 16 + hextab [c2] + 0
c = sprintf ("%c", code)
i = i + 2
} else {
print "WARNING: invalid % encoding: " substr ($0, i, len - i)
} else if ( c == "+" ) {
c = " "
decoded = decoded c
printf "%s", decoded

bin/contrib/rc-httpd/rc-httpd Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
libdir = $rc_httpd_dir/lib
path=($PLAN9/bin $rc_httpd_dir/handlers $PATH)
SERVER_PORT=80 # default for CGI scripts, may be overridden by the Host header
extra_headers='Server: rc-httpd'
fn do_log{
echo `{date} :: $SERVER_NAME :: $request :: \
fn emit_extra_headers{
for(header in $extra_headers)
echo $"header^$cr
fn getline{ read | sed 's/'^$"cr^'$//g' }
fn terminate{
echo `{date} connection terminated >[1=2]
exit terminate
fn trim_input{ dd -bs 1 -count $CONTENT_LENGTH }
if(~ $#request 0)
while(~ $"done false){
if(~ $#line 0)
h=`{echo $line | awk '{print tolower($1)}'}
case ''
case host:
case referer:
case user-agent:
HTTP_USER_AGENT=`{echo $line | sed 's;[^:]+:[ ]+;;'}
case content-length:
case content-type:
case cookie:
cookie=`{echo $line | sed 's;^[^:]+:[ ]*;;'}
case authorization:
REMOTE_USER=`{auth/httpauth $line(3)}
case transfer-encoding:
~ $line(2) chunked && chunked=yes
if(~ $REQUEST_URI *://* //*){
QUERY_STRING=`{echo $REQUEST_URI | sed 's;[^?]*\??;;'}
params=`{echo $QUERY_STRING | sed 's;\+; ;g'}
location=`{echo $REQUEST_URI | sed 's;\?.*;;'}
location=`{echo $location | sed '
SERVER_NAME=`{echo $SERVER_NAME | sed 's;^(\[[^\]]+\]|[^:]+)\:([0-9]+)$;\1 \2;'}
if(~ $#SERVER_NAME 2){
if(! ~ $"CONTENT_LENGTH '')
trim_input | exec $rc_httpd_dir/select-handler
if not{
if(~ $chunked yes){
echo 'HTTP/1.1 411 Length required'^$cr
echo $cr
exec $rc_httpd_dir/select-handler
if not
. $rc_httpd_dir/select-handler

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
rfork n
# Route requests to werc.
# Change paths to match your system.
if(~ $SERVER_NAME 9base.werc.cat-v.org)
if(~ $SERVER_NAME frontbase.werc.cat-v.org)
if(~ $SERVER_NAME plan9port.werc.cat-v.org)
if(~ $SERVER_NAME *){
exec static-or-cgi /home/sl/www/werc/bin/werc.rc
if not
error 503

bin/contrib/tcp80 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# For use with listen(8).
# Change paths to match your system.
# Eitdit rc-httpd/rc-httpd to match your system.
PATH=($PATH /home/sl/www/werc/bin/contrib)
exec /home/sl/www/werc/bin/contrib/rc-httpd/rc-httpd >>[2]/var/log/rc-httpd

bin/contrib/urldecode.awk Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/bin/awk -f
hextab ["0"] = 0; hextab ["8"] = 8;
hextab ["1"] = 1; hextab ["9"] = 9;
hextab ["2"] = 2; hextab ["A"] = hextab ["a"] = 10
hextab ["3"] = 3; hextab ["B"] = hextab ["b"] = 11;
hextab ["4"] = 4; hextab ["C"] = hextab ["c"] = 12;
hextab ["5"] = 5; hextab ["D"] = hextab ["d"] = 13;
hextab ["6"] = 6; hextab ["E"] = hextab ["e"] = 14;
hextab ["7"] = 7; hextab ["F"] = hextab ["f"] = 15;
decoded = ""
i = 1
len = length ($0)
while ( i <= len ) {
c = substr ($0, i, 1)
if ( c == "%" ) {
if ( i+2 <= len ) {
c1 = substr ($0, i+1, 1)
c2 = substr ($0, i+2, 1)
if ( hextab [c1] == "" || hextab [c2] == "" ) {
print "WARNING: invalid hex encoding: %" c1 c2 | "cat >&2"
} else {
code = 0 + hextab [c1] * 16 + hextab [c2] + 0
c = sprintf ("%c", code)
i = i + 2
} else {
print "WARNING: invalid % encoding: " substr ($0, i, len - i)
} else if ( c == "+" ) {
c = " "
decoded = decoded c
print decoded

bin/contrib/urlencode.awk Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# Taken from http://www.shelldorado.com/scripts/cmds/urlencode
# Title : urlencode - encode URL data
# Author : Heiner Steven (heiner.steven@odn.de)
# Date : 2000-03-15
# Requires : awk
# Categories : File Conversion, WWW, CGI
# SCCS-Id. : @(#) urlencode 1.4 06/10/29
# Description
# Encode data according to
# RFC 1738: "Uniform Resource Locators (URL)" and
# RFC 1866: "Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0" (HTML)
# This encoding is used i.e. for the MIME type
# "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
# Notes
# o The default behaviour is not to encode the line endings. This
# may not be what was intended, because the result will be
# multiple lines of output (which cannot be used in an URL or a
# HTTP "POST" request). If the desired output should be one
# line, use the "-l" option.
# o The "-l" option assumes, that the end-of-line is denoted by
# the character LF (ASCII 10). This is not true for Windows or
# Mac systems, where the end of a line is denoted by the two
# characters CR LF (ASCII 13 10).
# We use this for symmetry; data processed in the following way:
# cat | urlencode -l | urldecode -l
# should (and will) result in the original data
# o Large lines (or binary files) will break many AWK
# implementations. If you get the message
# awk: record `...' too long
# record number xxx
# consider using GNU AWK (gawk).
# o urlencode will always terminate it's output with an EOL
# character
# Thanks to Stefan Brozinski for pointing out a bug related to non-standard
# locales.
# See also
# urldecode
PN=`basename "$0"` # Program name
: ${AWK=awk}
Usage () {
echo >&2 "$PN - encode URL data, $VER
usage: $PN [-l] [file ...]
-l: encode line endings (result will be one line of output)
The default is to encode each input line on its own."
exit 1
Msg () {
for MsgLine
do echo "$PN: $MsgLine" >&2
Fatal () { Msg "$@"; exit 1; }
set -- `getopt hl "$@" 2>/dev/null` || Usage
[ $# -lt 1 ] && Usage # "getopt" detected an error
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
case "$1" in
-l) EncodeEOL=yes;;
--) shift; break;;
-h) Usage;;
-*) Usage;;
*) break;; # First file name
LANG=C export LANG
$AWK '
# We assume an awk implementation that is just plain dumb.
# We will convert an character to its ASCII value with the
# table ord[], and produce two-digit hexadecimal output
# without the printf("%02X") feature.
EOL = "%0A" # "end of line" string (encoded)
split ("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F", hextab, " ")
hextab [0] = 0
for ( i=1; i<=255; ++i ) ord [ sprintf ("%c", i) "" ] = i + 0
if ("'"$EncodeEOL"'" == "yes") EncodeEOL = 1; else EncodeEOL = 0
encoded = ""
for ( i=1; i<=length ($0); ++i ) {
c = substr ($0, i, 1)
if ( c ~ /[a-zA-Z0-9.-]/ ) {
encoded = encoded c # safe character
} else if ( c == " " ) {
encoded = encoded "+" # special handling
} else {
# unsafe character, encode it as a two-digit hex-number
lo = ord [c] % 16
hi = int (ord [c] / 16);
encoded = encoded "%" hextab [hi] hextab [lo]
if ( EncodeEOL ) {
printf ("%s", encoded EOL)
} else {
print encoded
#if ( EncodeEOL ) print ""
' "$@"

bin/contrib/webserver.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# A web server in rc by maht
# Originally from http://www.proweb.co.uk/~matt/rc/webserver.rc
ifs=' '
request=`{sed 1q}
file=`{echo $url | sed 's/http:\/\/[^\/]*//' | tr -d \012}
if(test -d $file){
file=$file ^'/index.html'
if(test -e $file) {
if not {
echo 'HTTP/1.1 ' ^$response
echo 'Date: ' `{date}
echo 'Server: rc shell'
echo 'Content-Length: ' `{cat $file | wc -c | tr -d ' '}
echo 'Content-Type: ' `{file -i $file | awk '{ print $2 }'}
echo 'Connection: close'
cat $file

bin/corehandlers.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
# Werc builtin handlers
fn nav_tree {
if(! ~ $#sideBarNavTitle 0)
echo '<p class="sideBarTitle">'$"sideBarNavTitle':</p>'
# Ignore stderr, last path element might be a file that doesn't exist (eg., foo for foo.md)
# /./ to deal with p9p's ls failure to follow dir symlinks otherwise
ls -F $sitedir/./$req_paths_list >[2]/dev/null \
| {
sed $dirfilter'/\/[^_.\/][^\/]*(\.(md|txt|html)|\/)$/!d; s!^'$sitedir'!!; '$dirclean
if(! ~ $#synth_paths 0) echo $synth_paths | tr ' ' $NEW_LINE
} | sort -u | awk -F/ '
function p(x, y, s) { for(i=0; i < x-y; i+=1) print s }
BEGIN { lNF=2; print "<ul>" }
d = ""
if(match($0, "/$"))
d = "/"
sub("/$", "") # Strip trailing / for dirs so NF is consistent
p(NF, lNF, "<li><ul>")
p(lNF, NF, "</ul></li>")
lNF = NF
bname = $NF d
path = $0 d
gsub(/[\-_]/, " ", bname)
# To avoid false matches add trailing / even for plain files to act as delimiter
pa = path
gsub(/[^\/]$/, "&/", pa)
if(index(ENVIRON["req_path"] "/", pa) == 1)
print "<li><a href=\"" path "\" class=\"thisPage\">&raquo;<i> " bname "</i></a></li>"
print "<li><a href=\"" path "\">&rsaquo; " bname "</a></li>"
END { p(lNF, 2, "</ul></li>"); print "</ul>" }'
fn link_bar {
if(~ $1 -t) {
echo '<p class="sideBarTitle">'$2'</p>'
shift; shift
echo '<ul>'
while(! ~ $#* 0) {
echo '<li><a href="'$2'">- '$1'</a></li>'
shift; shift
echo '</ul>'
fn md_handler { $formatter $1 }
fn tpl_handler { template $* }
fn html_handler {
# body states: 0 = no <body> found, 2 = after <body>, 1 = after <body></body>, -1 = after </body>
awk 'gsub(".*<[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>", "") > 0 {body=2}
gsub("</ *[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>.*", "") > 0 {print; body=body-1}
body==2 {print}
body==0 {buf=buf "\n" $0}
END {if(body<=0) {print buf}}' < $1
fn txt_handler {
# Note: Words are not broken, even if they are way beyond 82 chars long
echo '<pre>'
sed 's/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g' < $1 | fmt -l 82 -j
echo '</pre>'
fn dir_listing_handler {
d=`{basename -d $1}
if(~ $#d 0)
echo $d|sed 's,.*//,,g; s,/$,,; s,/, / ,g; s,.*,<h1 class="dir-list-head">&</h1> <ul class="dir-list">,'
# Symlinks suck: '/.' forces ls to list the linked dir if $d is a symlink.
ls -F $dir_listing_ls_opts $sitedir$d/. | sed $dirfilter$dirclean' s,.*/([^/]+/?)$,<li><a href="\1">\1</a></li>,'
echo '</ul>'
fn notices_handler {
for(type in notify_errors notify_notes notify_success)
for(n in $$type)
echo '<div class="'$type'"><b>'$"n'</b></div>'
fn setup_handlers {
if(test -f $local_path.md) {
handler_body_main=(md_handler $local_file)
if not if(test -f $local_path.tpl) {
handler_body_main=(tpl_handler $local_file)
if not if(test -f $local_path.html) {
handler_body_main=(html_handler $local_file)
# Global tpl (eg sitemap.tpl), should take precedence over txt handler!
if not if(test -f tpl^$req_path^.tpl)
# XXX Should we set $local_file for global .tpls?
handler_body_main=(tpl_handler tpl^$req_path^.tpl)
if not if(test -f $local_path.txt) {
handler_body_main=(txt_handler $local_file)
# XXX Should check that $enabled_apps exist in $werc_apps?
# XXX Should split init of apps that provide main handler (eg., blog) and apps that don't (eg., comments)?
if(! ~ $#enabled_apps 0)
for(a in $enabled_apps)
if(! ~ $#handler_body_main 0)
{ } # We are done
# Dir listing
if not if(~ $local_path */index) {
handler_body_main=(dir_listing_handler $req_path)
if(test -f $sitedir$req_path'_header.md')
ll_add handlers_body_head md_handler $sitedir$req_path'_header.md'
if(test -f $sitedir$req_path'_footer.md')
ll_add handlers_body_foot md_handler $sitedir$req_path'_footer.md'
# Canonize explicit .html urls, the web server might handle this first!
if not if(~ $local_path *.html && test -f $local_path)
perm_redirect `{ echo $req_path|sed 's/.html$//' }
# Fallback static file handler
if not if(test -f $local_path)
static_file $local_path
if not if(~ $req_path /pub/* && test -f .$req_path)
static_file .$req_path
# File not found
if not
# This function allows config files to define their own 404 handlers.
fn setup_404_handler {
handler_body_main=(tpl_handler `{get_lib_file 404.tpl})
echo 'Status: 404 Not Found'
fn run_handlers { for(h in $*) run_handler $$h }
fn run_handler { $*(1) $*(2-) }

bin/fltr_cache.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
fn fltr_cache {
if(~ $#* 0) {
score=`{{tee $tmpf || exit 1} | sha1sum}
if not {
if(~ $f */) {
score=`{du -an $f | sha1sum || exit 1} # XXX using -n(bytes) instead of -t(lastmod) because sitemap proc touches files in tree.
if not {
score=`{sha1sum $f || exit 1}
mkdir -p $cachedir >[2]/dev/null
if(test -s $cachedir/$proc)
cat $cachedir/$proc
if not
if($proc $a < $f | tee $cachedir/$pid)
mv $cachedir/$pid $cachedir/$proc
rm $tmpf $cachedir/$pid >[2]/dev/null &

bin/template.awk Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#!/bin/awk -f
function pr(str) {
if(lastc !~ "[{(]")
gsub(/'/, "''", str)
printf "%s", str
function trans(c) {
printf "%s", end
lastc = c
end = "\n"
if(c == "%")
end = ""
else if(c == "(")
printf "echo -n "
else if(c ~ "[})]") {
end = "'\n"
printf "echo -n '"
lastc = "{"
print end
/^%/ && $0 !~ /^%[{()}%]/ && lastc !~ /[({]/ {
print substr($0, 2)
if(lastc == "%")
n = split($0, a, "%")
for(i=2; i<=n; i++) {
c = substr(a[i], 1, 1)
rest = substr(a[i], 2)
if((lastc !~ "[({]" && c ~ "[({]") ||
(lastc == "{" && c == "}") ||
(lastc == "(" && c == ")"))
else if(c == "%")
pr("%" c)

bin/werc.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
. ./cgilib.rc
. ./werclib.rc
. ./wercconf.rc
. ./corehandlers.rc
. ./fltr_cache.rc
cd ..
difs=$ifs # Used to restore default ifs when needed
# Expected input: ls -F style, $sitedir/path/to/files/
# <ls -F+x><symlink hack><Useless?><hiden files >
dirfilter='s/\*$//; s,/+\./+,/,g; s,^\./,,; /\/[._][^\/]/d; /'$forbidden_uri_chars'/d; /\/sitemap\.xml$/d; /\/index\.(md|html|txt|tpl)$/d; /\/(robots|sitemap)\.txt$/d; /_werc\/?$/d; '
dirclean=' s/\.(md|html|txt)$//; '
# Careful, the proper p9p path might not be set until initrc.local is sourced
path=(. /bin ./bin)
ll_add handlers_bar_left nav_tree
werc_apps=( apps/* )
. ./etc/initrc
if(test -f etc/initrc.local)
. ./etc/initrc.local
for(a in $werc_apps)
. ./$a/app.rc
fn werc_exec_request {
headers=`{get_lib_file headers.tpl}
master_template=`{get_lib_file default_master.tpl}
# Note: $REQUEST_URI is not officially in CGI 1.1, but seems to be de-facto
# Note: We only urldecode %5F->'_' because some sites (stackoverflow.com?) urlencode it in their links,
# perhaps we should completel urldecode the whole url.
req_path=`{echo -n $REQUEST_URI | sed 's/\?.*//; s!//+!/!g; s/%5[Ff]/_/g; s/'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'//g; s/\.\.*/./g; 1q'}
ifs='/' { args=`{echo -n $req_path} }
# Preload post args for templates where cgi's stdin is not accessible
if(~ $req_path */index)
perm_redirect `{echo $req_path | sed 's,/index$,/,'}
if(~ $local_path */) {
if(test -d $local_path)
# XXX: This redir might step on apps with synthetic dirs.
if not if(ls `{basename -d $local_path}^* >/dev/null >[2]/dev/null)
perm_redirect `{echo $req_path|sed 's,/+$,,'}
if not if(~ $req_path *'.' *',' *';' *':')
perm_redirect `{echo $req_path | sed 's/[.,;:)]$//'}
if not if(test -d $local_path)
perm_redirect $req_path^'/'
if(! ~ $#args 0)
ifs=$NEW_LINE { pageTitle=`{ echo $args|sed -e 's/ / - /g' -e 's/([a-z])-([a-z])/\1 \2/g' -e 's/_/ /g' } }
cd $sitedir
req_paths_list='/' # Note: req_paths_list doesn't include 'stnythetic' dirs.
conf_wd='/' # Used in config files to know where we are in the document tree.
if(test -f _werc/config)
. _werc/config
for(i in $args) {
req_paths_list=($req_paths_list $conf_wd)
if(test -d $i) {
cd $i
if(test -f _werc/config)
. _werc/config
cd $werc_root
if(~ $#perm_redir_to 1)
perm_redirect $perm_redir_to
for(l in $perm_redir_patterns) {
# If target is absolute, then patern must match whole string
if(~ $p(2) http://* https://*)
t=`{ echo $req_path | sed 's!'^$r^'!'^$p(2)^'!' } # Malicious danger!
if(! ~ $"t '' $req_path)
perm_redirect $t
# Set Page title
if(! ~ $local_file '') {
t=`{get_file_title $local_file}
if(! ~ $"t '')
# XXX Is this never true? because we set pageTitle earlier based on url.
if(~ $"pageTitle '')
pageTitle=$"siteTitle' '$"siteSubTitle
# if not
# pageTitle=$"pageTitle' | '$"siteTitle' '$"siteSubTitle
for(h in $extraHttpHeaders)
echo $h
echo Content-Type: $http_content_type
echo # End of HTTP headers
if(! ~ $#debug 0)
dprint $"SERVER_NAME^$"REQUEST_URI - $"HTTP_USER_AGENT - $"REQUEST_METHOD - $"handler_body_main - $"master_template
template $headers $master_template # | awk_buffer
echo $res_tail

bin/werc_errlog_wrap.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# This is a wrapper script for broken http servers like recent lighttpd versions which throw away cgi's stderr.
./werc.rc >>[2]/tmp/wlog.txt

bin/wercconf.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# To be used from config files
fn conf_perm_redirect {
if(~ $#* 1)
if not
ll_addh perm_redir_patterns $1 $2
fn conf_hide_paths {
for(i in $*)
dirfilter=$dirfilter^'/'^`{echo $sitedir$conf_wd$i|sed 's!/+!\\/!g'}^'/d; '
# Usually will be called from within conf_enable_foo
fn conf_enable_app {
# Note: maybe we should add test -d apps/$1/?
if(! ~ $1 $enabled_apps)
enabled_apps=( $enabled_apps $1 )

bin/werclib.rc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
fn get_lib_file {
if(! ~ $#sitedir 0 && test -f $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1)
echo -n $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1
if not if(! ~ $#masterSite 0 && test -f $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1)
echo -n $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1
if not if(test -f lib/$1)
echo -n lib/$1
if not if(~ $#* 2)
echo -n $2
if not
status='Can''t find lib file: '$1
fn template { awk -f bin/template.awk $* | rc $rcargs }
# Auth code
# TODO: check http://cookies.lcs.mit.edu/pubs/webauth:tr.pdf
# Cookie format: WERC_USER: name:timestamp:hash(name.timestamp.password)
# login_user can't be used from a template because it sets a cookie
fn login_user {
# Note: we set the cookie even if it is already there.
if(get_user $*)
set_cookie werc_user $"logged_user^':0:'^$"logged_password
# Check login status, if called with group arg we check membership too
fn check_user {
g=($* admin)
if(! ~ $"_status '')
_status=(Not logged in: $"_status)
if not if(! ~ $#* 0 && ! ~ $logged_user $* && ! grep -s '^'^$logged_user^'$' $werc_root/etc/users/$g/members >[2]/dev/null)
_status=(User $logged_user not in: $*)
# If not logged in, try to get user login info from POST or from cookie
fn get_user {
if(~ $#logged_user 0) {
if(~ $#* 2) {
get_post_args user_name user_password
if(~ $#user_name 0) {
ifs=':' { cu=`{ifs=$difs {get_cookie werc_user} | tr -d $NEW_LINE} }
if(! ~ $#cu 0) {
auth_user $user_name $user_password
if not
# Check if user_name and user_password represent a valid user account
# If valid, 'log in' by setting logged_user
fn auth_user {
if(~ $#user_name 0 || ~ $#user_password 0)
status=('Auth: missing user name or pass: '^$"user_name^' / '^$"user_password)
if not if(! test -f $pfile)
status=('Auth: cant find '^$pfile)
if not if(! test -s $pfile || ! ~ $user_password `{cat $pfile})
status=('Auth: Pass '$user_password' doesnt match '^`{cat $pfile})
if not {
dprint Auth: success
fn user_controls {
echo User: $"logged_user
# .md '(meta-)data' extract
fn get_md_file_attr {
sed -n '/^\* '$2': /p; /^\* '$2': /q; /^$/q' < $1
# File title extraction
fn get_md_title {
#sed 's/^(................................................................[^ ]*).*$/\1/g; 1q' < $1
sed -n -e '1N; /^.*\n===*$/N; /.*\n===*\n *$/!b' -e 's/\n==*\n//p' < $1
fn get_html_title {
t=`{sed -n '32q; s/^.*<[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee]> *([^<]+) *(<\/[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee]>.*)?$/\1/p' < $1}
# As a backup we might want to pick the first 'non-tag' text in the file with:
if(~ $"t '')
t=`{sed -n -e 's/^(<[^>]+>)*([^<]+).*/\2/p; 32q' < $1 | sed 1q}
echo $t
fn get_file_title {
if (~ $1 *.md)
get_md_title $1
if not if(~ $1 *.html)
get_html_title $1
if not if(~ $1 */) {
if(test -f $1/index.md)
get_md_title $1/index.md
if not if(test -f $1/index.html)
get_html_title $1/index.html
fn ndate {
if(~ $#* 7)
if not
case Jan; mo=01
case Feb; mo=02
case Mar; mo=03
case Apr; mo=04
case May; mo=05
case Jun; mo=06
case Jul; mo=07
case Aug; mo=08
case Sep; mo=09
case Oct; mo=10
case Nov; mo=11
case Dec; mo=12
case [0-9]
case *
case A; tz=+0100
case ADT; tz=-0300
case AFT; tz=+430
case AKDT; tz=-0800
case AKST; tz=-0900
case ALMT; tz=+0600
case AMST; tz=-0300
case AMT; tz=-0400
case ANAST; tz=+1200
case ANAT; tz=+1200
case AQTT; tz=+0500
case ART; tz=-0300
case AST; tz=-0400
case AZOST; tz=+0000
case AZOT; tz=-0100
case AZST; tz=+0500
case AZT; tz=+0400
case B; tz=+0200
case BNT; tz=+0800
case BOT; tz=-0400
case BRST; tz=-0200
case BRT; tz=-0300
case BST; tz=+0100
case BTT; tz=+0600
case C; tz=+0300
case CAST; tz=+0800
case CAT; tz=+0200
case CCT; tz=+0630
case CDT; tz=-0500
case CEST; tz=+0200
case CET; tz=+0100
case CHADT; tz=+1345
case CHAST; tz=+1245
case CKT; tz=-1000
case CLST; tz=-0300
case CLT; tz=-0400
case COT; tz=-0500
case CST; tz=-0600
case CVT; tz=-0100
case CXT; tz=+0700
case ChST; tz=+1000
case D; tz=+0400
case DAVT; tz=+0700
case E; tz=+0500
case EASST; tz=-0500
case EAST; tz=-0600
case EAT; tz=+0300
case ECT; tz=-0500
case EDT; tz=-0400
case EEST; tz=+0300
case EET; tz=+0200
case EGST; tz=+0000
case EGT; tz=-0100
case EST; tz=-0500
case ET; tz=-0500
case F; tz=+0600
case FJST; tz=+1300
case FJT; tz=+1200
case FKST; tz=-0300
case FKT; tz=-0400
case FNT; tz=-0200
case G; tz=+0700
case GALT; tz=-0600
case GAMT; tz=-0900
case GET; tz=+0400
case GFT; tz=-0300
case GILT; tz=+1200
case GMT; tz=+0000
case GST; tz=+0400
case GYT; tz=-0400
case H; tz=+0800
case HAA; tz=-0300
case HAC; tz=-0500
case HADT; tz=-0900
case HAE; tz=-0400
case HAP; tz=-0700
case HAR; tz=-0600
case HAST; tz=-1000
case HAT; tz=-0230
case HAY; tz=-0800
case HKT; tz=+0800
case HLV; tz=-0430
case HNA; tz=-0400
case HNC; tz=-0600
case HNE; tz=-0500
case HNP; tz=-0800
case HNR; tz=-0700
case HNT; tz=-0330
case HNY; tz=-0900
case HOVT; tz=+0700
case I; tz=+0900
case ICT; tz=+0700
case IDT; tz=+0300
case IOT; tz=+0600
case IRDT; tz=+0430
case IRKST; tz=+0900
case IRKT; tz=+0800
case IRST; tz=+0330
case IST; tz=+0200
case JST; tz=+0900
case K; tz=+1000
case KGT; tz=+0600
case KRAST; tz=+0800
case KRAT; tz=+0700
case KST; tz=+0900
case KUYT; tz=+0400
case L; tz=+1100
case LHDT; tz=+1100
case LHST; tz=+1030
case LINT; tz=+1400
case M; tz=+1200
case MAGST; tz=+1200
case MAGT; tz=+1100
case MART; tz=-0930
case MAWT; tz=+0500
case MDT; tz=-0600
case MHT; tz=+1200
case MMT; tz=+0630
case MSD; tz=+0400
case MSK; tz=+0300
case MST; tz=-0700
case MUT; tz=+0400
case MVT; tz=+0500
case MYT; tz=+0800
case N; tz=-0100
case NCT; tz=+1100
case NDT; tz=-0230
case NFT; tz=+1130
case NOVST; tz=+0700
case NOVT; tz=+0600
case NPT; tz=+0545
case NST; tz=-0330
case NUT; tz=-1100
case NZDT; tz=+1300
case NZST; tz=+1200
case O; tz=-0200
case OMSST; tz=+0700
case OMST; tz=+0600
case P; tz=-0300
case PDT; tz=-0700
case PET; tz=-0500
case PETST; tz=+1200
case PETT; tz=+1200
case PGT; tz=+1000
case PHOT; tz=+1300
case PHT; tz=+0800
case PKT; tz=+0500
case PMDT; tz=-0200
case PMST; tz=-0300
case PONT; tz=+1100
case PST; tz=-0800
case PT; tz=-0800
case PWT; tz=+0900
case PYST; tz=-0300
case PYT; tz=-0400
case Q; tz=-0400
case R; tz=-0500
case RET; tz=+0400
case S; tz=-0600
case SAMT; tz=+0400
case SAST; tz=+0200
case SBT; tz=+1100
case SCT; tz=+0400
case SGT; tz=+0800
case SRT; tz=-0300
case SST; tz=-1100
case T; tz=-0700
case TAHT; tz=-1000
case TFT; tz=+0500
case TJT; tz=+0500
case TKT; tz=-1000
case TLT; tz=+0900
case TMT; tz=+0500
case TVT; tz=+1200
case U; tz=-0800
case ULAT; tz=+0800
case UYST; tz=-0200
case UYT; tz=-0300
case UZT; tz=+0500
case V; tz=-0900
case VET; tz=-0430
case VLAST; tz=+1100
case VLAT; tz=+1000
case VUT; tz=+1100
case W; tz=-1000
case WAST; tz=+0200
case WAT; tz=+0100
case WDT; tz=+0900
case WEST; tz=+0100
case WET; tz=+0000
case WFT; tz=+1200
case WGST; tz=-0200
case WGT; tz=-0300
case WIB; tz=+0700
case WIT; tz=+0900
case WITA; tz=+0800
case WST; tz=+0800
case WT; tz=+0000
case X; tz=-1100
case Y; tz=-1200
case YAKST; tz=+1000
case YAKT; tz=+0900
case YAPT; tz=+1000
case YEKST; tz=+0600
case YEKT; tz=+0500
case Z; tz=+0000
case -a # rfc3339
tz=`{echo $tz | sed 's/00$/:00/'}
echo $date(6)^-$mo-$da^T^$date(4)^$tz
case -i # iso-8601 lite
echo $date(6)^-$mo-$da
case -m # rfc2822
echo $date(1)^, $da $date(2) $date(6) $date(4) $tz
case -t # iso-8601
echo $date(6)^-$mo-$da^T^$date(4)^$tz
#app_blog_methods = ( _post index.rss )
#fn app_blog__post {
# echo
#app_blog___default {
# if (~ $blog)
# call_app blogpost
## --
#app_blogpost_methods = ( comment _edit )
#fn app_blogpost_comment {
# call_app comments
## --
#app_comments_methods = ( _post _edit )
#fn app_comments___default {

etc/initrc Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# This file contains the default werc settings.
# DO NOT EDIT, to customize copy to etc/initrc.local and edit at will.
# Some settings can also be set for a specific site or directory in their
# respective _werc/config or their $masterSite/_werc/config file.
# General options
# Location of your Plan 9 from User Space installation (usually /usr/local/plan9)
# If you use 9base, it should point to your 9base root, try for example:
#plan9port=/usr/lib/9base # This is the default 9base install path in Debian.
# If rc has not been copied to /bin/rc you will also need to change
# the #! line in bin/*.rc!
# Path, make sure the plan9port /bin directory is included before /bin
# Keep '.' in path! It is needed.
path=($plan9port/bin . ./bin ./bin/contrib /bin /usr/bin)
# Set this to your favorite markdown formatter, eg., markdown.pl (fltr_cache
# takes as an argument a filter, in the default configuration markdown.pl, that
# caches output) Note that some werc components assume a markdown-like
# formatter, but all major functionality should should be formatter agnostic.
#formatter=(fltr_cache markdown.pl)
formatter=(fltr_cache md2html.awk) # no perl for old men
# Enable debugging, to disable set to ()
# Globally enabled apps
# Default site variables, must be set in initrc.local or _werc/config, only siteTitle is required.
#masterSite=cat-v.org # Not required!
#siteSubTitle='Considered harmful'

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
This is just a dummy file to force hg to preserve this directory that is used to store user and group account information.

lib/404.tpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<h1>The requested document at '<i>%($base_url$"req_path%)</i>' doesn't exist</h1>
<h4>Or take a look at the <a href="/sitemap">sitemap</a>.</h4>

lib/default_master.tpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
% cat `{ get_lib_file top_bar.inc }
<h1><a href="/">%($"siteTitle%) <span id="headerSubTitle">%($"siteSubTitle%)</span></a></h1>
% if(! ~ $#handlers_bar_left 0) {
<nav id="side-bar">
% for(h in $handlers_bar_left) {
% run_handler $$h
% }
% }
% run_handlers $handlers_body_head
% run_handler $handler_body_main
% run_handlers $handlers_body_foot
% cat `{ get_lib_file footer.inc }

lib/footer.inc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<div><a href="http://werc.cat-v.org/">Powered by werc</a></div>
<div><a href="/_users/login">User Login</a>
<!-- TODO: add duckduckgo site search
<form action="/_search" method=get><input type=text name=q />

lib/headers.tpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/pub/style/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen, handheld" title="default">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/vnd.microsoft.icon">
% if(test -f $sitedir/_werc/pub/style.css)
% echo ' <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_werc/pub/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="default">'
<meta charset="UTF-8">
% # Legacy charset declaration for backards compatibility with non-html5 browsers.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
% if(! ~ $#meta_description 0)
% echo ' <meta name="description" content="'$"meta_description'">'
% if(! ~ $#meta_keywords 0)
% echo ' <meta name="keywords" content="'$"meta_keywords'">'
% h = `{get_lib_file headers.inc}
% if(! ~ $#h 0)
% cat $h

lib/top_bar.inc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<a href="http://gsoc.cat-v.org">gsoc</a> |
<a href="http://doc.cat-v.org">doc archive</a> |
<a href="http://repo.cat-v.org">software repo</a> |
<a href="http://ninetimes.cat-v.org">ninetimes</a> |
<a href="http://harmful.cat-v.org">harmful</a> |
<a href="http://9p.cat-v.org/">9P</a> |
<a href="http://cat-v.org">cat-v.org</a>
<a href="http://cat-v.org/update_log">site updates</a> |
<a href="/sitemap">site map</a>

pub/default_favicon.ico Executable file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.1 KiB

pub/style/imgs/sgl.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 14 KiB

pub/style/sinorca-screen-alt.css Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
* TITLE: Sinorca Alterative Screen Stylesheet *
* URI : sinorca/sinorca-screen-alt.css *
* MODIF: 2003-May-13 18:48 +0800 *
/* ##### Common Styles ##### */
body {
color: black;
background-color: white;
font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 71%; /* Enables font size scaling in MSIE */
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
html > body {
font-size: 8.5pt;
acronym, .titleTip {
border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(153,153,153);
cursor: help;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 0.4px 0;
.doNotDisplay {
display: none;
.smallCaps {
font-size: 110%;
font-variant: small-caps;
/* ##### Header ##### */
.superHeader {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
height: 2em;
.superHeader a {
color: white;
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 91%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0.5ex 0 0.25ex;
.superHeader a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.superHeader .left {
position: absolute;
left: 1.5mm;
top: 0.75ex;
.superHeader .right {
position: absolute;
right: 1.5mm;
top: 0.75ex;
.midHeader {
color: rgb(39,78,144);
background-color: rgb(140,170,230);
.headerTitle {
font-size: 337%;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0 0 0 4mm;
padding: 0.25ex 0;
.subHeader {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(0,51,153);
margin: 0;
padding: 1ex 1ex 1ex 1.5mm;
.subHeader a {
color: white;
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0.75ex 0 0.5ex;
.subHeader a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.superHeader .highlight, .subHeader .highlight {
color: rgb(253,160,91);
background-color: transparent;
/* ##### Side Boxes ##### */
#side-bar {
width: 14em;
margin: 2.5em 0 0 1.25mm;
float: left;
clear: left;
body > #side-bar {
margin-left: 2.5mm; /* Circumvents a rendering bug in MSIE (6.0) */
.sideBarTitle {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
padding: 0.4ex 0 0.4ex 0.6ex;
#side-bar ul {
list-style-type: none;
list-style-position: outside;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 2.25em 0;
#side-bar li {
margin: 0;
padding: 0.1ex 0; /* Circumvents a rendering bug (?) in MSIE (6.0) */
#side-bar a, .thisPage {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
padding: 1.3ex 2ex;
display: block;
.thisPage {
color: black;
background-color: transparent;
#side-bar a:hover {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
text-decoration: none;
.sideBarText {
line-height: 1.5em;
margin: 0 0 2.5em 0;
padding: 1ex 0.5ex 0 0.5ex;
display: block;
.sideBarText + .sideBarText { /* Not recognised by MSIE (6.0) */
margin-top: -1.5em;
#side-bar .sideBarText a {
text-decoration: underline;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
display: inline;
#side-bar .sideBarText a:hover {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: none;
/* ##### Main Copy ##### */
#main-copy {
color: black;
background-color: transparent;
text-align: justify;
line-height: 1.5em;
margin: -1em 0 0 15em;
padding: 0.5mm 5mm 5mm 5mm;
#bodyText {
margin: 0 0 0 15.5em;
padding: 2mm 5mm 2mm 5mm;
#main-copy p {
margin: 1em 1ex 2em 1ex;
padding: 0;
#main-copy a {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: underline;
#main-copy a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
#main-copy h1 {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
font-size: 145.5%;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 2em 0 0 0;
padding: 0.5ex 0 0.5ex 0.6ex;
border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(0,102,204);
#main-copy .topOfPage {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
font-size: 91%;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
margin: 3ex 1ex 0 0;
padding: 0;
float: right;
dl {
margin: 1em 1ex 2em 1ex;
padding: 0;
dt {
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 0 0 0;
padding: 0;
dd {
margin: 0 0 2em 2em;
padding: 0;
/* ##### Footer ##### */
#footer {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
font-size: 91%;
margin: 0;
padding: 1em 2.5mm 2.5ex 2.5mm;
clear: both;
#footer .left {
text-align: left;
line-height: 1.45em;
float: left;
clear: left;
#footer .right {
text-align: right;
line-height: 1.45em;
#footer a {
color: white;
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: underline;
#footer a:hover {
text-decoration: none;

pub/style/style.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
body { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; font-family: sans; }
header { flex-basis: 100%; flex-shrink: 0; }
article { flex-basis: 60%; padding-left: 1em; }
footer { flex-basis: 100%; flex-shrink: 0; }
header nav { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; }
nav a, header a { text-decoration: none ; color: inherit; }
header h1 span { margin-left: 1em; font-size: 50%; font-style: italic; }
body > nav { flex-basis: content; padding-right: 1vw; min-width: 16em; }
nav ul { display: flex; flex-direction: column; list-style-type: none; list-style-position: outside; padding-left: 0; }
nav li ul { padding-left: 0.6em }
footer { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; }

pub/style/style.werc140.css Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
/* Default werc style */
body {
color: black;
background-color: white;
font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, 'Liberation Sans', FreeSans, sans-serif;
font-size: 84%; /* Enables font size scaling in MSIE */
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
/* # Header # */
.superHeader {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
height: 1.6em;
.superHeader img { vertical-align: bottom; }
.superHeader a {
color: white;
background-color: transparent;
font-size: 91%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0.5ex 0 0.25ex;
a { text-decoration: none; }
a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
.superHeader div {
position: absolute;
top: 0.40ex;
.superHeader .left { left: 0.4em; }
.superHeader .right { right: 0.4em; }
.midHeader {
color: rgb(39,78,144);
background-color: rgb(140,170,230);
background-color: #ff6d06;
border: solid 0 black;
border-width: 2px 0;
.headerTitle {
color: black;
font-size: 233%;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0 0 0 4mm;
padding: 0.25ex 0;
#headerSubTitle {
font-size: 50%;
font-style: italic;
margin-left: 1em;
.headerTitle a { color: black; }
.headerTitle a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
.subHeader {
display: none;
color: white;
background-color: rgb(0,51,153);
margin: 0;
padding: 1ex 1ex 1ex 1.5mm;
.subHeader a {
color: white;
background-color: transparent;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0.75ex 0 0.5ex;
.superHeader .highlight, .subHeader .highlight {
color: rgb(253,160,91);
background-color: transparent;
/* # Side # */
#side-bar {
width: 16em;
float: left;
clear: left;
border-right: 1px solid #ddd;
#side-bar div {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
.sideBarTitle {
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 0 0.5em 2mm;
padding: 1em 0 0 0;
#side-bar ul {
list-style-type: none;
list-style-position: outside;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 0.3em 0;
li ul {
padding-left: 0.6em !important;
#side-bar li {
margin: 0;
padding: 0.1ex 0; /* Circumvents a rendering bug (?) in MSIE 6.0 XXX should move to iehacks.css, this causes an ugly gap */
#side-bar a {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
margin: 0;
padding: 0.25em 1ex 0.25em 2mm;
display: block;
text-transform: capitalize;
font-weight: bold!important;
font-size: 102%;
border-left: white solid 0.2em;
.thisPage, .thisPage a {
color: black!important;
background-color: white;
padding-left: 5mm;
#side-bar a:hover {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
border-left: black solid 0.2em;
text-decoration: none;
.sideBarText {
line-height: 1.5em;
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
padding: 0 1.5ex 0 2.5mm;
display: block;
#side-bar .sideBarText a {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
display: inline;
#side-bar .sideBarText a:hover {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: none;
/* # Main Copy # */
#main-copy {
max-width: 70em;
color: black;
background-color: transparent;
text-align: justify;
line-height: 1.5em;
margin: 0em 0 0 16em;
padding: 0.5mm 5mm 5mm 5mm;
border-left: 1px solid #ddd;
#bodyText {
margin: 0 0 0 15.5em;
padding: 2mm 5mm 2mm 5mm;
#main-copy p {
margin: 1em 1ex 1em 1ex !important; /* Need !important so troff-generated pages don't look totally squezed */
padding: 0;
#main-copy a {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
#main-copy a:hover {
color: rgb(100,135,220);
#main-copy h1, #main-copy h2 {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
font-size: 145.5%;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 2em 0 0 0;
padding: 0.5ex 0 0.5ex 0.6ex;
border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(0,102,204);
#main-copy h2 {
font-size: 115.5%;
border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(0,102,204);
#main-copy .topOfPage {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
font-size: 91%;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
margin: 3ex 1ex 0 0;
padding: 0;
float: right;
dl {
margin: 1em 1ex 2em 1ex;
padding: 0;
dt {
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 0 0 0;
padding: 0;
dd {
margin: 0 0 2em 2em;
padding: 0;
/* # Footer # */
#footer {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
padding: 1em;
clear: both;
#footer .left {
text-align: left;
line-height: 1.55em;
float: left;
clear: left;
#footer .right {
text-align: right;
line-height: 1.45em;
#footer a {
color: white;
background-color: transparent;
table {
border: solid 1px black;
th {
background-color: #abc;
border: solid 1px black;
text-align: center;
td {
background-color: #def;
border: solid 1px black;
hr {
border-width: 0px 0px 0.1em 0px;
border-color: black;
acronym, .titleTip {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
cursor: help;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 0.4px 0;
pre {
margin-left: 2em;
font-size: 1.2em;
blockquote {
border-left: 1px solid blue;
font-style: italic;
.smallCaps {
font-size: 110%;
font-variant: small-caps;
.doNotDisplay { display: none; }
.notify_success { padding: .8em; margin-bottom: 1em; border: 2px solid #ddd; }
.notify_errors { background: #FBE3E4; color: #8a1f11; border-color: #FBC2C4; }
.notify_notes { background: #FFF6BF; color: #514721; border-color: #FFD324; }
.notify_success { background: #E6EFC2; color: #264409; border-color: #C6D880; }
.notify_errors a { color: #8a1f11; }
.notify_notes a { color: #514721; }
.notify_success a { color: #264409; }
/* # Page/Handler specific # */
h1.dir-list-head, ul.dir-list {
text-transform: capitalize;
font-weight: bold;
ul.sitemap-list a {
text-transform: capitalize;

pub/style/style_old.css Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
/* Old Default style */
/* ##### Common Styles ##### */
body {
color: black;
XXXbackground-color: rgb(240,240,240);
background-color: white;
font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 71%; /* Enables font size scaling in MSIE */
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
html > body {
font-size: 8.5pt;
acronym, .titleTip {
border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(153,153,153);
cursor: help;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 0.4px 0;
.doNotDisplay {
display: none;
.smallCaps {
font-size: 110%;
font-variant: small-caps;
/* ##### Header ##### */
.superHeader {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
height: 2em;
.superHeader a {
color: white;
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 91%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0.5ex 0 0.25ex;
.superHeader a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.superHeader .left {
position: absolute;
left: 1.5mm;
top: 0.75ex;
.superHeader .right {
position: absolute;
right: 1.5mm;
top: 0.75ex;
.midHeader {
color: rgb(39,78,144);
background-color: rgb(140,170,230);
border: solid 0 black;
border-width: 0.3em 0;
.headerTitle {
color: black;
font-size: 337%;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0 0 0 4mm;
padding: 0.25ex 0;
#headerSubTitle {
font-size: 50%;
font-style: italic;
.subHeader {
display: none;
color: white;
background-color: rgb(0,51,153);
margin: 0;
padding: 1ex 1ex 1ex 1.5mm;
.subHeader a {
color: white;
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0.75ex 0 0.5ex;
.subHeader a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.superHeader .highlight, .subHeader .highlight {
color: rgb(253,160,91);
background-color: transparent;
/* ##### Side Bar ##### */
#side-bar {
width: 15em;
float: left;
clear: left;
border-right: 1px solid rgb(153,153,153);
#side-bar div {
border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(153,153,153);
.sideBarTitle {
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 0 0.5em 2.5mm;
padding: 1em 0 0 0;
#side-bar ul {
list-style-type: none;
list-style-position: outside;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 1.1em 0;
#side-bar li {
margin: 0;
padding: 0.1ex 0; /* Circumvents a rendering bug (?) in MSIE 6.0 */
#side-bar a, .thisPage {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
XXXtext-decoration: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0.55em 1ex 0.55em 5mm;
display: block;
.thisPage {
color: black;
background-color: white;
padding-left: 5mm;
XXXborder-top: 1px solid rgb(153,153,153);
XXXborder-bottom: 1px solid rgb(153,153,153);
font-weight: 600;
#side-bar a:hover {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
text-decoration: none;
.sideBarText {
line-height: 1.5em;
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
padding: 0 1.5ex 0 2.5mm;
display: block;
#side-bar .sideBarText a {
text-decoration: underline;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
display: inline;
#side-bar .sideBarText a:hover {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: none;
.lighterBackground {
color: inherit;
background-color: white;
/* ##### Main Copy ##### */
#main-copy {
max-width: 90em;
color: black;
background-color: white;
text-align: justify;
line-height: 1.5em;
margin: 0 0 0 15em;
padding: 0.5mm 5mm 5mm 5mm;
border-left: 1px solid rgb(153,153,153);
#main-copy p {
margin: 1em 1ex 2em 1ex;
padding: 0;
#main-copy a {
color: rgb(0,102,204);
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: underline;
#main-copy a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
#main-copy h1 {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
font-size: 100%;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 3em 0 0 0;
padding: 0.5ex 0 0.5ex 1ex;
#main-copy .topOfPage {
color: white;
background-color: transparent;
font-size: 91%;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
margin: 2.5ex 1ex 0 0; /* For MSIE */
padding: 0;
float: right;
#main-copy > .topOfPage {
margin: 2.75ex 1ex 0 0; /* For fully standards-compliant user agents */
dl {
margin: 1em 1ex 2em 1ex;
padding: 0;
dt {
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 0 0 0;
padding: 0;
dd {
margin: 0 0 2em 2em;
padding: 0;
/* ##### Footer ##### */
#footer {
color: white;
background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
font-size: 91%;
margin: 0;
padding: 1em 2.5mm 2.5ex 2.5mm;
clear: both;
#footer .left {
line-height: 1.45em;
float: left;
clear: left;
#footer .right {
text-align: right;
line-height: 1.45em;
#footer a {
color: white;
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: underline;
#footer a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
/* Spam */
.spam {
text-align: center;
/* Tables */
table {
border: solid 1px black;
th {
background-color: #abc;
border: solid 1px black;
td {
background-color: #def;
border: solid 1px black;
hr {
border-width: 0px 0px 0.1em 0px;
border-color: black;
.spam table, .spam th, .spam td {
border: none;
/* Code */
pre {
margin-left: 2em;

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<br class="doNotDisplay doNotPrint" />
<div style="margin-right: auto;"><a href="http://werc.cat-v.org">Powered by werc</a></div>
<div><form action="/_search/" method="POST"><input type="text" id="searchtext" name="q"> <input type="submit" value="Search"></form></div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<div class="left">
<a href="http://quotes.cat-v.org">quotes</a> |
<a href="http://doc.cat-v.org">docs</a> |
<a href="http://repo.cat-v.org">repo</a> |
<a href="http://go-lang.cat-v.org">golang</a> |
<a href="http://sam.cat-v.org">sam</a> |
<a href="http://man.cat-v.org">man</a> |
<a href="http://acme.cat-v.org">acme</a> |
<a href="http://glenda.cat-v.org">Glenda</a> |
<a href="http://ninetimes.cat-v.org">9times</a> |
<a href="http://harmful.cat-v.org">harmful</a> |
<a href="http://9p.cat-v.org/">9P</a> |
<a href="http://cat-v.org">cat-v.org</a>
<div class="right">
<span class="doNotDisplay">Related sites:</span>
| <a href="http://cat-v.org/update_log">site updates</a>
| <a href="/sitemap">site map</a> |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
siteTitle='Werc Test Suite'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
conf_enable_comments -a

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Werc Test Suite
This site contants sample/test content for the werc web anti-framework.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
This page has an all-lower case dashed title.
The correct page title should be: `Dashed Title`.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
This page has an all-lower case underscore separated title.
The correct page title should be: `Under Title`.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
siteSubTitle='Bringing minimalism and sanity to the web'
#ll_add handlers_body_head echo '<div style="text-align:right"><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/button.js?t=1"></script></div>'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
External Apps
This are some apps developed by werc users, to install them put them in your werc's `apps/` dir and enable them from any config file as usual.
* [Xibit](https://web.archive.org/web/20111231181538/http://xibit.soul9.org/): an image gallery app by written by soul9.
* [SMAK](https://web.archive.org/web/20091231051800/http://www.anarchyinthetubes.com/hg/smak/): a "very simple" image gallery by yiyus.
* [hgwerc](https://web.archive.org/web/20091106041738/http://www.anarchyinthetubes.com/hg/hgwerc/): a wrapper around the mercurial web interface to integrate it into werc sites, also by yiyus.
* [scrappydog](http://code.google.com/p/scrappydog/): A werc based online scrapbook by maht.
* [flip](https://web.archive.org/web/20120330121431/http://www.anarchyinthetubes.com/hg/flip/): A web interface to view PDFs, by yiyus.
* [barf](https://code.9front.org/hg/barf): blog, image, log, paste sites with pagination and tagging, by sl.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Werc Apps
Werc includes the following 'apps' by default that any site can enable usually by executing a function of the form `conf_enable_myapp` in any given `_werc/config` file.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Blagh - A Blogging engine for people who hate blogs
Blagh is a werc app that implements a blogging engine.
Some features include:
* File based, database free.
* History browsing.
* Atom, JSON, and RSS feeds.
* Server-side feed 'aggregation' (merge multiple blogs into a single one).
* Comments using [bridge](../bridge/)
* Markdown formatting.
Possible alternative names: Blag, Blah, Bragg.
New pots can be created in at least two different ways: using the web interface (if you have logged in and your user or groups are in `$conf_blog_editors`) or from the command line using the script at `bin/aux/bpst.rc`. This script will, optionally, take a file as an argument using the `-f` switch. It will open that file in your `$EDITOR` or create a new temporary file if the `-f` switch is omitted. When you have finished editing the file, the script will call `ispell` (so you may want to install that as well) to check for spelling errors. Once that has completed a new directory structure will be created in your blog's root directory as a hidden folder named after the current year (as detected by `date`). You can inspect this directory structure for continuity and `mv` it to unhide it when you are satisfied. You are encouraged to read the source of that very simple script, and you shall see that it is trivial to create new posts by simply using `mkdir` and `echo`.
Configuration options
This are options you can set in your _werc/config
### `conf_enable_blog` *[blog dirs]*
Setup a blog in this dir. By default the blog contents will only include posts stored in this dir, if you pass any arguments the posts in the various dirs will be aggregated in this feed.
# This will setup a blog in this dir that includes only posts in this dir.
# This will create a blog that aggregates all the posts in all blog dirs in any users/ sub dir.
conf_enable_blog users/*/blog
### `conf_blog_editors`=(*groups or users that will be allowed to make new blog posts*)
This is optional and by default set to the 'blog-editors' group.
### `conf_max_lines_per_post=`*[integer]*
This option may be added using the patch linked bellow. It defaults to `7` which **should** only include the page heading and the first two paragraphs of each post on the main blogroll(?) page. This makes many assumptions that should be noted. It just removes everything from `conf_max_lines_per_post` to the end of the file. Traditionally, line 1 is the H1 title and line 2 is the line of = required to tell mardown of it's importance. This then assumes that each paragraph is on a single line, which is not enforced by markdown. See it in action at <http://blog.senet.us>
[blagh-91a4597480a7-conf\_max\_lines\_per\_post.diff](https://gist.github.com/anjandev/c517e79042148c136b98334867c545d8) (1.2K) (20100114)
**Author:** A Momi <anjan@momi.ca>
See also:
* To edit blog posts you can use the functionality provided by [the dirdir app](../dirdir/).
* Commenting can be handled by [the bridge app](../bridge/).

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Bridge is a comments/forum application for werc, which lets people post comments related to any existing document/element.
Configuration options
### `conf_enable_comments` [-n] [*users and groups allowed to comment*]
This will enable comments in this directory and all sub-directories. `-n` enables commenting by unregistered users (their posts will be set aside for review and approval by administrators).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
DirDir - A directory-oriented WikiWiki
DirDir is the next generation [diri wiki](http://repo.cat-v.org/diri/), now implemented on top of werc and
taking advantage of its user, site management frameworks and other
DirDir is still somewhat experimental, but already all features diri had, plus some extras thanks to werc's power:
* Hierarchical organization.
* Markdown formatting.
* Easily customizable templates
* Simple and fine grained user permisions system.
* Completely database free.
* All needed to setup diridiri is to set a flag in your _werc/config file.
* Automatically wiki-fy existing werc documents.
* Implemented in about two dozen lines of rc scripts.
Just login, go to any page, and click the `Edit` button.
To create a new page, go to the address where you want to create the new page, click `Edit`, enter the initial contents, `Save`, and you are done.
Mostly usable, all basic features already implemented in the latest werc source
* Do some markdown preprocessing, for example: `[[Foo Bar]]` -> `[Foo Bar](foo-bar)`
About the name
DirDir is a pun on its predecessor diri and WikiWiki, and [Dirdir is also the title of a novel](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0879974788?ie=UTF8&tag=catv-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0879974788) by science fiction and literature grand master [Jack Vance](http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fs%3Fie%3DUTF8%26redirect%3Dtrue%26search-type%3Dss%26index%3Dbooks%26ref%3Dntt%255Fathr%255Fdp%255Fsr%255F1%26field-author%3DJack%2520Vance&tag=catv-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=39095).

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
duckduckgo - Simple sitesearch using DuckDuckGo.com
duckduckgo is a very simple app that allows you to redirect a path
(by default /_search/) to a query to duckduckgo.com restricted to
your site.
Currently, to change that path requires editing the app. In the
future, the path will be a configuration option.
First, create the search path and the _werc directory under it:
mkdir -p /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_search/_werc/
Then, enable the duckduckgo app in that directory:
echo 'conf_enable_duckduckgo' > /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_search/_werc/config
Next, deploy the search form somewhere on your site. This example puts
it in your footer:
mkdir -p /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_werc/lib/
cp /www/werc/apps/search/footer.inc.sample /www/werc/sites/MYSITE/_werc/lib/footer.inc
For a demo of this app, see the footer of your favorite cat-v.org site.
* Make the search path a configuration option
* Provide a template for non-footer deployment
* Enable the search path itself to serve a search form to GET requests

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
wman - A Web Interface to Man Pages
Wman is an app that allows you to export Unix and Plan 9-style man pages. It
can do this directly, without need to generate static html versions and will
automatically pick updates and new man pages.
It is also fairly smart in generating links for man page references.
To display a collection of man pages in a desired path you can use the following config directive:
conf_enable_wman /usr/share/man
This will allow you to browse the man pages under /usr/share/man.
For man pages organized in the traditional unix structure `manN/foo.N` where N is the section number, set in your config file:
For a demo of this app see [man.cat-v.org](http://man.cat-v.org).
* We don't handle compressed man pages, but this should be trivial to add.
* Unix systems might use different macros for their man pages.
* Search (using keywords? Google? grep?)
* Inferno contains man pages named like 'foo-0intro', which are refered as foo-intro(X), should automatically add (or remove) the extra '0' (Examples: sys-intro(2) and draw-intro(2)).

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Werc Development
The latest dev code is available in the werc mercurial repo: <https://code.9front.org/hg/werc>
Version Numbering and Branching Rules
There is no such thing! Originally a convention similar to that of the Linux kernel was used, but it is easier to do incremental work on a single branch.
For radical or experimental changes the `werc-dev` branch might be used, but at the moment it is outdated.
Bug reports, feature requests, bug fixes and other patches are all very welcome, just send them to the [werc mailing list](http://lists.9front.org).
See Also
* The [Roadmap](roadmap).
* [TODO](todo) list.

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
Development Roadmap
The versioning scheme is a mess, originally even minor version numbers were
supposed to be stable and odd ones development branches, but turns out that for
the most part it is easier to do incremental development instead of keeping
'dev' and 'stable' branches.
A development branch might be added in the future if the changes are radical
enough and break backwards compatibility in some important way. For this the
deprecated and currently outdated `werc-dev` mercurial repo will be used.
Werc 1.5.x, current stable branch
Planned major changes in 1.5
* <strike>Include required p9p binaries in standard distribution (or with some easy to deploy packaging).</strike>
* New/rewritten css layout, using html5 flexbox [*Done*]
* File upload support [*Code contributed by maht, needs integration*]
* OpenID support [*Code contributed by maht, also needs integration*]
* More complete test suite. [*See: <http://tst.cat-v.org>*]
* Integrate all changes from 9front live sites [*Done*]
* Add rc-httpd [*Done*]
* Add optional headers.tpl to site-specific templates in _werc/lib/ [*Done*]
* Add apps/mdir [*Code contributed by khm, needs integration*]
* Add apps/paste [*Code contributed by khm, rewrite to use apps/upload*]
Werc 1.4.x, previous stable branch
* Mostly bugfixes, documentation work, and minor improvements.
Werc 1.2.x
* Only security fixes.
Werc 1.1.x dev branch
* Convert all templates and pages to HTML 5. [*Done*]
* Include new markdown implementation in pure awk by yuyis.[*Done*]
* Native Plan 9 httpd works out of the box. [*Mostly done*]
* Support for Google's Pubsubhubbub. [*Experimental implementation already done*]
* Include test suite/site (also to be hosted at http://tst.cat-v.org) [*In Progress*]
Werc 1.0.x
* Abandoned, please upgrade.
Werc 2.0 Plans
* Big redesigns / rewrites.
* Any non-backwards compatible changes.
* Bring some sanity to the function/config-variable naming insanity.
* Nothing else planned yet.

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Plans and Ideas for the Future
This page lists various assorted ideas and features that have been proposed at
some point or another, nothing (except fixing the listed bugs) is assured to be
implemented, many things here might turn out to be bad ideas.
* Review ideas from: http://www.w3.org/TR/chips/ and http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI and see if we can do better.
* Canonize and redirect all requests, we already do this for things like missing or trailing /, should do the same for /. and /./, etc. Deleting trailing . and , should make pasted urls in emails work as links (**Mostly done in RC1**)
* Blog:
* Comment threading.
* Some form of pagination (taking advantage of history browsing.) (**Partially done**)
* Sitemaps:
* Index pages should be used for description of directories.
* Cache web sitemap generation. (**Done in RC0**)
* Layout improvements:
* Need to find a way to rig the order of items in the sidebar.
* Right sidebar.
* Top+left/right nav vars (breadcrumbs at the top, current dir listing on the side)
* Make it easier to disable all sidebars and headers/footers, eg., for full screen mode.
* More testing and optimizations for mobile browsers, eg., http://www.operamini.com/demo/ Left sidebar had some minor issues in cellphones at some point.
* Better page titles (include whole path hierarchy?) (**Partially done, is it good enough now?**)
* Allow utf-8 characters in path elements (need to make sure this is safe, and not sure how useful it will be)
* General code:
* Write a regression test suite. (*Started*)
* Replace all references to non p9p/p9 programs (*Done?*)
* Document better the 'API' for sub-apps, both a set of environment vars apps can rely on (and in some cases set) and functions they can call (WIP).
* Better generation of descriptive HTML META tags, eg.,: {META name="description" content="This is the Google Summer of Code blog for Plan9 and Inferno projects."} {META name="keywords" content="google, summer of code, inferno, plan9, programming"}
* Should add werc to certain wikipedia lists:
* `http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_content_management_systems`
* `http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_wiki_software`
* Include txt2tags as builtin alternative to markdown.
* Spam protection:
* Mathematic pseudo-CAPTCHA ala WP's 'Math Comment Spam Protection Plugin'.
* kfx (via cinap) suggests you just put a hidden text input box (or textarea?), "Dont write in this input box: [ ..... ]", if the bots fill it out ignore the post
Future Plans and Blue Sky
* Wanted [apps](/apps/):
* Tagging, eg., append to _werc/tags
* Related links sidebar generation.
* [Bug/issue tracking app](/apps/gregor/).
* Hg/git repository browser.
* Implement AtomPub.
* Further modularization and extensibility (meta-templates) (Is the new app framework enough for this?)
* A way to wrap external cgi applications (eg., existing hg/git browser)
* A way to generate static sites (ie., use werc as an offline templating system)
* [9P](http://9p.cat-v.org) interface.
* New (simplified) markdown implementation, ideally in C or awk (maybe smu/libsmu by gottox?), yiyus great md2html.awk is a great start!
* Simplified
* Tables
* Images
* Autogenerated anchors/navigation boxes
* No inline html
Similar frameworks to be investigated and mined for good ideas to steal:
* TinyTim: http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/duplicates/dbaee/
* nanoblogger: http://nanoblogger.sourceforge.net/
Known Bugs
* It seems that certain chars are not propely encoded in cookies, possibly broken chars: :&%[+ Fix should go in cgilib.rc^set_cookie (Have to figure out the proper way to scape cookie strings first)
* If a dir under apps/ doesn't contain an app.rc file, werc fails to start. A possible fix would be to replace $werc_apps default with `apps/*/app.rc` instead of `apps/*/`, this would be backwards incompatible, but I doubt anyone uses that option.
* Links in Blagh feeds become confused if markdown 'references' are used, markdown references suck, but I guess we need to address this somehow...
* Somewhat similarly to the abouve, relative urls in imgs, links, etc. can easily break when used in Blagh posts, so it is not all markdown's fault.
* .md files of the following form, without a new line after the last = seem to cause problems in some setups:
Foo Bar
Fixed or WFM Bugs
* Sitemap can handle $dirfilter inconsistently from other places (**fixed**).
* Finding directories that are inaccessible (-rx) can generate an infinite loop (**Works for me? Fixed with new menu code?**)
* Some cat-v.org bits still left over here and there, should make them configurable (1.0 blocker) (**fixed**?)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
conf_perm_redirect _ -

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Werc Configuration Options
You can also find a description of some basic config options in the `etc/initrc` file itself.
General Setup Options
* `formatter` - Command to use for document formatting (usually some form of markdown), should be able to take input both from file names passed as arguments or from stdin if no file names are provided. By default: `formatter=(fltr_cache md2html.awk)`
Titles and Metadata
* Page title:
* siteTitle
* siteSubTitle
* Html header meta tags:
* meta_description - `<meta name="description" ...`
* meta_keywords - `<meta name="keywords" ...`
* extraHeaders - Raw extra html headers, the content of this var will be inserted inside the `<head>` tag..
Sidebar and Navigation
* sideBarNavTitle
* `conf_hide_paths [path_patterns ...]` - Hide the given patterns from navigation menu, sitemap and dir listing (do *not* depend on this for security!).
HTTP Control
* extraHttpHeaders - Raw HTTP headers to be added to response.
* `conf_perm_redirect [pattern] destination` - If pattern is provided, match it against the requested url, and replace the match with `destination`; ie., *s/pattern/destination/.
Access Control and Permissions
The permissions system is very flexible, for example to only allow access to members of the group 'editors' you can do something like:
switch ($req_path) {
case /_users/login
case /pub/*
case /robots.txt
case *
if(! check_user editors)
perm_redirect /_users/login
To automatically redirect users without permission to the login page if they are not members of the group 'editors'.
See also [the documentation on user and group management](user_management).

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Custom CSS Stylesheets
If you create a file under your site's dir at _werc/pub/style.css it will be included automatically after the standard werc stylesheet.
You can copy pub/style/style.css and customize it, or you can take a simpler file and just change the main color theme.
Here is an example of how to set the main werc colors:
header nav { background-color: rgb(100,135,220); color: white; }
header h1 { background-color: #ff6d06; color: black; }
body > nav > div { border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; }
body > nav > div a { color: rgb(0, 102, 204); }
body > nav > div a:hover { color: white; background-color: rgb(100,135,220); }

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Autogenerated Directory Listings
If a directory has no `index.md`, `index.html` or `index.txt` and has no other
*main handler* set up by a [werc app](/apps/), the default directory listing
handler is used.
The default directory handler simply displays the path to the directory, and a
list of links to all files and dirs located at this path.
Header and footer
If a `_header.md` or `_footer.md` files are found in the directory, their
contents will be displayed in the corresponding sections before and after
the directory contents.
Tuning the item's order
You can set the `dir_listing_ls_opts` config variable in the dir's corresponding _werc/config to change the way items will be ordered.
For example to list items in reverse chronological order simply add:
dir_listing_ls_opts=( -t )
The options taken are [the standard Plan 9 ls(1) flags](http://man.cat-v.org/plan_9/1/ls).

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
The Rc Template Language
Implemented by Kris, thanks!
Basic syntax:
* Lines starting with % are executed as rc commands, the resulting output is inserted in the document.
* use %{ and %} to delimit multi line sections of rc code (note the lack of space between % and { or }!
* To 'inline' the value of an environment variable use `%($my_var%)`
That is basically it!
For further documentation on rc see:
* [The rc(1) man page from Plan 9](http://man.cat-v.org/plan_9/1/rc).
* [The rc shell paper by Tom Duff](http://rc.cat-v.org).
% for(i in a b c) {
% echo '<li>'$i'</li>'
% }
Can also be writen as:
for(i in a b c) {
echo '<li>'$i'</li>'
and is equivalent to:
% for(i in a b c) {
% }
All three code examples result in this output:

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Site Customization
To change any of the default templates or include files found in /lib/ simply copy them from /lib/ to your site's _werc/lib/ and edit at will.
To change any of the templates found in /tpl/ (e.g. sitemap.tpl), copy the file to your site's root (e.g. /sites/foo.bar.com/sitemap.tpl) and then edit.
File Types
* '.tpl' files are rc [template files](rc_template_lang).
* '.inc' are text files that are inserted 'as is' without any extra processing.
Site Groups
Site configuration and customization and be 'grouped' to allow a shared set of templates among a specific group of sites (useful for sets of sub-domains for example).
Simply set 'masterSite' configuration variable to the name of the site you want to 'inherit' templates, style and configuration from.
For example, if we have two sites bar.com and foo.bar.com, and in sites/foo.bar.com/_werc/conf we add:
When a template (eg., 404.tpl) is requested it will be looked up first in /sites/foo.bar.com/_werc/lib/404.tpl, if that fails then in /sites/bar.com/_werc/lib/, and if that is missing too, the default /lib/404.tpl is used.
The same applies to .inc files.
List of Template and Included Files
Here is a list of the most commonly used templates and include files with their corresponding descriptions.
* top_bar.inc: The thin header at the top of every page, usually contains static links to other related sites or anything else you like.
* footer.inc: Similar but at the bottom of every page, by default includes a link to the user login page.
* headers.inc: Raw html headers to be included inside <head> tag.
* default_master.tpl: This is the main template, which calls all the sidebar and other handlers and applications, usually you won't need to edit it unless you want to make changes to the layout or similar dramatic changes.
* headers.tpl: Template for the default headers.
* sitemap.tpl: Template for the sitemap page.
* 404.tpl: Template for 'File Not Found' pages.
See also
* [CSS style sheets customization](css_style).

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
User and Group Management
User account and group membership information are stored under `etc/users/`.
A user account consists of a directory under `etc/users/` that contains files with that users account information, the only required file is `password` containing a password for the user. For example:
% ls etc/users/
eekee uriel yosyp
% cat etc/users/uriel/password
Users and groups share the same namespace, you can create a group the same way you create a user but instead of a 'password' file adding a 'members' file containing the names of the group members, one per line.
A 'user-group' directory can contain both a password and members file, in which case it will act concurrently as a user and as a group.
The group 'admin' is 'built-in' and any members in that group will have admin privileges for most werc apps by default.
To create a user called [glenda](http://glenda.cat-v.org) that is a member of the group `rabbits` you can do:
% mkdir etc/users/glenda/
% echo carrot > etc/users/glenda/password
% mkdir -p etc/users/rabbits
% echo glenda >> etc/users/rabbits/members
The script at bin/aux/addwuser.rc allows you to even more trivially add users.
addwuser.rc user_name user_pass [groups ...]

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Setting Up Your HTTP Server to Run Werc
Werc should work with any web server that supports the CGI interface, and a few
that don't. Here are collected instructions and sample configurations for some
of the most popular HTTP servers that people has used with werc.
In general setup consists of mapping all paths for a virtual host to the
werc.rc script, usually in practice this means that the `document root` (or
similar concept) for a virtual host is mapped to
`/path/to/werc/sites/domain.name.com/`, and if no static file matches the
request, control is handed to werc.rc, this allows the HTTP server to handle
static files and werc to handle everything else (note that such a setup will
expose your `_werc/config` files, which usually should not be a security

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
Setup werc with Apache
Note: Apache 2.x configuration should be similar to 1.3.x, but Apache 2.x is not recommended due to unwindy complexity, please use a saner web server.
Apache 1.3.x: minimalist configuration
No virtual hosts and let werc handle static files.
RewriteEngine On
ServerName test.cat-v.org
AddHandler cgi-script .rc
<Directory /var/www/werc/bin>
Options ExecCGI
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex /werc.rc
RewriteRule /werc.rc /var/www/werc/bin/werc.rc
DocumentRoot /var/www/werc/bin/
ErrorDocument 404 /werc.rc
Apache 1.3.x: standard configuration
This lets apache handle static files.
<VirtualHost *>
RewriteEngine On
ServerName test.cat-v.org
AddHandler cgi-script .rc
<Directory /var/www/werc/bin>
Options ExecCGI
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex /werc.rc
RewriteRule (.*) /var/www/werc/sites/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule .* /var/www/werc/bin/werc.rc
RewriteRule /werc.rc /var/www/werc/bin/werc.rc
DocumentRoot /var/www/werc/bin/
ErrorDocument 404 /werc.rc
Apache 1.3.x: advanced configuration
<VirtualHost *>
RewriteEngine On
ServerName cat-v.org
ServerAlias www.cat-v.org harmful.cat-v.org 9p.cat-v.org gsoc.cat-v.org doc.cat-v.org uriel.cat-v.org www.binarydream.org ninetimes.cat-v.org *.cat-v.org
AddHandler cgi-script .rc
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
<Directory /home/uriel/cat-v.org/bin>
Options ExecCGI
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex /werc.rc
RewriteRule ^/hg/(.*) /home/uriel/cat-v.org/bin/hgwebdir.cgi/$1 [L]
RewriteRule /pub/style/style.css /home/uriel/cat-v.org/pub/style/style.css [L]
RewriteRule /pub/ /home/uriel/cat-v.org/pub/ [L]
RewriteRule /favicon.ico /home/uriel/cat-v.org/pub/default_favicon.ico [L]
RewriteRule (.*) /home/uriel/cat-v.org/sites/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule .* /home/uriel/cat-v.org/bin/werc.rc
RewriteRule /werc.rc /home/uriel/cat-v.org/bin/werc.rc
DocumentRoot /home/uriel/cat-v.org/bin/
ErrorDocument 404 /werc.rc

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Cgd is a simple daemon written in [go](http://golang.org) that can
serve a CGI script over HTTP or FastCGI. It only needs to know the
location of the Plan 9 (9base, frontbase, or plan9port) binaries, and
the location of the werc installation itself. There is no
configuration file.
For example, to run werc under cgd on Plan 9:
PLAN9=/ cgd -c $werc/bin/werc.rc -w $werc/bin
Download it here: <https://code.9front.org/hg/cgd>

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Configuring werc with Cherokee
Contributed by sqweek, thanks!
Cherokee Version 0.7.1
vserver!default!rule!600!only_secure = 0
vserver!default!rule!600!handler = cgi
vserver!default!rule!600!handler!error_handler = 1
vserver!default!rule!600!handler!check_file = 1
vserver!default!rule!600!handler!script_alias =
vserver!default!rule!600!handler!pass_req_headers = 0
vserver!default!rule!600!match = directory
vserver!default!rule!600!match!directory = /code
vserver!default!rule!600!match!final = 1
Cherokee Version 0.5.3
Directory /code {
Handler cgi {
Scriptalias /usr/local/werc/bin/werc.rc
Isn't progress wonderful?

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Hiawatha Web Server Configuration
Contributed by sqweek, thanks!
This are the relevant bits:
CGIhandler = /usr/local/plan9/bin/rc:rc
ExecuteCGI = yes
RewriteURL = werc
UrlRewrite {
RewriteID = werc
Match ^(/code|/index|/contact|/clique).* Rewrite /werc.rc
Match ^/$ Rewrite /werc.rc

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More