NunoSempere b6addc7f05 feat: add the node modules
Necessary in order to clearly see the squiggle hotwiring.
2022-12-03 12:44:49 +00:00

434 lines
9.6 KiB

* @license Apache-2.0
* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax, no-invalid-this */
'use strict';
var isCollection = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-collection' );
var isPositiveInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-positive-integer' ).isPrimitive;
var isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;
var setReadOnly = require( './../../define-nonenumerable-read-only-property' );
var setReadOnlyAccessor = require( './../../define-nonenumerable-read-only-accessor' );
var iteratorSymbol = require( '@stdlib/symbol/iterator' );
var MAX_ITERATIONS = require( '@stdlib/constants/float64/max' );
// MAIN //
* Circular buffer constructor.
* @constructor
* @param {(PositiveInteger|Collection)} buffer - buffer size or an array-like object to use as the underlying buffer
* @throws {TypeError} must provide either a valid buffer size or an array-like object
* @returns {CircularBuffer} circular buffer instance
* @example
* var b = new CircularBuffer( 3 );
* // Fill the buffer...
* var v = b.push( 'foo' );
* // returns undefined
* v = b.push( 'bar' );
* // returns undefined
* v = b.push( 'beep' );
* // returns undefined
* // Add another value to the buffer and return the removed element:
* v = b.push( 'boop' );
* // returns 'foo'
function CircularBuffer( buffer ) {
var i;
if ( !(this instanceof CircularBuffer) ) {
return new CircularBuffer( buffer );
if ( isPositiveInteger( buffer ) ) {
this._buffer = [];
for ( i = 0; i < buffer; i++ ) {
this._buffer.push( 0.0 ); // initialize with zeros, but could be any value (we're just ensuring a contiguous block of memory)
} else if ( isCollection( buffer ) ) {
this._buffer = buffer;
} else {
throw new TypeError( 'invalid argument. Must provide either a valid buffer size (positive integer) or an array-like object which can serve as the underlying buffer. Value: `' + buffer + '`.' );
this._length = this._buffer.length;
this._count = 0;
this._i = -1;
return this;
* Clears the buffer.
* @name clear
* @memberof CircularBuffer.prototype
* @type {Function}
* @returns {CircularBuffer} circular buffer instance
* @example
* var b = new CircularBuffer( 2 );
* // Add values to the buffer:
* b.push( 'foo' );
* b.push( 'bar' );
* b.push( 'beep' );
* b.push( 'boop' );
* // Get the number of elements currently in the buffer:
* var n = b.count;
* // returns 2
* // Clear the buffer:
* b.clear();
* // Get the number of buffer values:
* n = b.count;
* // returns 0
setReadOnly( CircularBuffer.prototype, 'clear', function clear() {
this._count = 0;
this._i = -1; // NOTE: this ensures that we always fill the buffer starting at index `0`.
return this;
* Number of elements currently in the buffer.
* @name count
* @memberof CircularBuffer.prototype
* @type {NonNegativeInteger}
* @example
* var b = new CircularBuffer( 4 );
* // Get the value count:
* var n = b.count;
* // returns 0
* // Add values to the buffer:
* b.push( 'foo' );
* b.push( 'bar' );
* // Get the value count:
* n = b.count;
* // returns 2
setReadOnlyAccessor( CircularBuffer.prototype, 'count', function get() {
return this._count;
* Boolean indicating whether a circular buffer is full.
* @name full
* @memberof CircularBuffer.prototype
* @type {boolean}
* @example
* var b = new CircularBuffer( 3 );
* // Determine if the buffer is full:
* var bool = b.full;
* // returns false
* // Add values to the buffer:
* b.push( 'foo' );
* b.push( 'bar' );
* b.push( 'beep' );
* b.push( 'boop' );
* // Determine if the buffer is full:
* bool = b.full;
* // returns true
setReadOnlyAccessor( CircularBuffer.prototype, 'full', function get() {
return this._count === this._length;
* Returns an iterator for iterating over a circular buffer.
* ## Notes
* - An iterator does not iterate over partially full buffers.
* @name iterator
* @memberof CircularBuffer.prototype
* @type {Function}
* @param {NonNegativeInteger} [niters] - number of iterations
* @throws {TypeError} must provide a nonnegative integer
* @returns {Iterator} iterator
* @example
* var b = new CircularBuffer( 3 );
* // Add values to the buffer:
* b.push( 'foo' );
* b.push( 'bar' );
* b.push( 'beep' );
* b.push( 'boop' );
* // Create an iterator:
* var it = b.iterator( b.length );
* // Iterate over the buffer...
* var v = it.next().value;
* // returns 'bar'
* v = it.next().value;
* // returns 'beep'
* v = it.next().value;
* // returns 'boop'
* var bool = it.next().done;
* // returns true
setReadOnly( CircularBuffer.prototype, 'iterator', function iterator( niters ) {
var iter;
var self;
var FLG;
var N;
var n;
var i;
if ( arguments.length ) {
if ( !isNonNegativeInteger( niters ) ) {
throw new TypeError( 'invalid argument. Must provide a nonnegative integer. Value: `' + niters + '`.' );
N = niters;
} else {
self = this;
// Initialize the iteration index and counter:
i = this._i;
n = 0;
// Create an iterator protocol-compliant object:
iter = {};
setReadOnly( iter, 'next', next );
setReadOnly( iter, 'return', end );
if ( iteratorSymbol ) {
setReadOnly( iter, iteratorSymbol, factory );
return iter;
* Returns an iterator protocol-compliant object containing the next iterated value.
* @private
* @returns {Object} iterator protocol-compliant object
function next() {
/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
n += 1;
if ( FLG || n > N ) {
return {
'done': true
// If the buffer is only partially full, don't allow iteration over "undefined" elements (this ensures similar behavior with `toArray()`)...
if ( self._count !== self._length ) {
FLG = true;
return {
'done': true
i = (i+1) % self._length;
return {
'value': self._buffer[ i ],
'done': false
/* eslint-enable no-underscore-dangle */
* Finishes an iterator.
* @private
* @param {*} [value] - value to return
* @returns {Object} iterator protocol-compliant object
function end( value ) {
FLG = true;
if ( arguments.length ) {
return {
'value': value,
'done': true
return {
'done': true
* Returns a new iterator.
* @private
* @returns {Iterator} iterator
function factory() {
return self.iterator( N );
* Circular buffer length (capacity).
* @name length
* @memberof CircularBuffer.prototype
* @type {NonNegativeInteger}
* @example
* var b = new CircularBuffer( 4 );
* // Get the buffer capacity:
* var len = b.length;
* // returns 4
setReadOnlyAccessor( CircularBuffer.prototype, 'length', function get() {
return this._length;
* Adds a value to the circular buffer.
* @name push
* @memberof CircularBuffer.prototype
* @type {Function}
* @returns {(*|void)} removed element or undefined
* @example
* var b = new CircularBuffer( 3 );
* // Fill the buffer:
* var v = b.push( 'foo' );
* // returns undefined
* v = b.push( 'bar' );
* // returns undefined
* v = b.push( 'beep' );
* // returns undefined
* // Add another value to the buffer and return the removed element:
* v = b.push( 'boop' );
* // returns 'foo'
setReadOnly( CircularBuffer.prototype, 'push', function push( value ) {
var v;
// Compute the next buffer index:
this._i = (this._i+1) % this._length;
// Check if we are still filling the buffer...
if ( this._count < this._length ) {
this._buffer[ this._i ] = value;
this._count += 1;
// Replace an existing buffer element...
v = this._buffer[ this._i ];
this._buffer[ this._i ] = value;
return v;
* Returns an array of circular buffer values.
* @name toArray
* @memberof CircularBuffer.prototype
* @type {Function}
* @returns {Array} circular buffer values
* @example
* var b = new CircularBuffer( 3 );
* // Add values to the buffer:
* b.push( 'foo' );
* b.push( 'bar' );
* b.push( 'beep' );
* b.push( 'boop' );
* // Get an array of buffer values:
* var vals = b.toArray();
* // returns [ 'bar', 'beep', 'boop' ]
setReadOnly( CircularBuffer.prototype, 'toArray', function toArray() {
var out;
var k;
var i;
out = [];
for ( i = 1; i <= this._count; i++ ) {
// Note: in a full buffer, `count == length`; in a partially full buffer, we need to ensure we always start at index `0`
k = (this._i+i) % this._count;
out.push( this._buffer[ k ] );
return out;
* Serializes a circular buffer as JSON.
* ## Notes
* - `JSON.stringify()` implicitly calls this method when stringifying a `CircularBuffer` instance.
* @name toJSON
* @memberof CircularBuffer.prototype
* @type {Function}
* @returns {Object} serialized circular buffer
* @example
* var b = new CircularBuffer( 3 );
* // Add values to the buffer:
* b.push( 'foo' );
* b.push( 'bar' );
* b.push( 'beep' );
* b.push( 'boop' );
* // Serialize to JSON:
* var o = b.toJSON();
* // returns { 'type': 'circular-buffer', 'length': 3, 'data': [ 'bar', 'beep', 'boop' ] }
setReadOnly( CircularBuffer.prototype, 'toJSON', function toJSON() {
var out = {};
out.type = 'circular-buffer';
out.length = this._length;
out.data = this.toArray();
return out;
module.exports = CircularBuffer;