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Transform a function into a sequence of functions each accepting a single argument.
var curryRight = require( '@stdlib/utils/curry-right' );
curryRight( fcn[, arity][, thisArg] )
Transforms a function into a sequence of functions each accepting a single argument.
function add( x, y ) {
return x + y;
var fcn = curryRight( add );
var sum = fcn( 2 )( 3 );
// returns 5
By default, arity
is equal to fcn.length
. For functions without explicit parameters, provide an arity
function add() {
return arguments[ 0 ] + arguments[ 1 ];
var fcn = curryRight( add, 2 );
var sum = fcn( 2 )( 3 );
// returns 5
To specify the curried function execution context, provide a thisArg
var obj = {
'name': 'Ada',
'greet': function greet( word1, word2 ) {
return word1 + ' ' + word2 + ', ' + this.name + '!';
var fcn = curryRight( obj.greet, obj );
var str = fcn( 'there' )( 'Hello' );
// returns 'Hello there, Ada!'
The function supports providing both an arity
and execution context.
var obj = {
'name': 'Ada',
'greet': function greet() {
return arguments[ 0 ] + ' ' + arguments[ 1 ] + ', ' + this.name + '!';
var fcn = curryRight( obj.greet, 2, obj );
var str = fcn( 'there' )( 'Hello' );
// returns 'Hello there, Ada!'
Until return value resolution, each invocation returns a new partially applied curry function.
function add( x, y, z ) { return x + y + z; } var fcn = curryRight( add ); var s0 = fcn( 1 )( 2 )( 3 ); // returns 6 s0 = fcn( -1 )( -2 )( -3 ); // returns -6 s0 = fcn( 10 )( 20 )( 30 ); // returns 60 // Return a partially applied curry function: var f1 = fcn( 3 ); var s1 = f1( 4 )( 5 ); // returns 12 s1 = f1( 6 )( 7 ); // returns 16 s1 = f1( 8 )( 9 ); // returns 20 // Return a partially applied curry function: var f2 = fcn( 4 )( 5 ); var s2 = f2( 6 ); // returns 15 s2 = f2( 70 ); // returns 79 s2 = f2( 700 ); // returns 709
The difference between this function and
is the order in which arguments are applied. This function applies arguments starting from the right.
var curryRight = require( '@stdlib/utils/curry-right' );
var fcn;
var out;
var i;
function add( x, y, z, w, t, s ) {
return x + y + z + w + t + s;
fcn = curryRight( add );
out = fcn;
for ( i = 0; i < add.length; i++ ) {
out = out( i*10 );
console.log( out );