NunoSempere b6addc7f05 feat: add the node modules
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2022-12-03 12:44:49 +00:00
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Linked List

Singly linked list.


var linkedList = require( '@stdlib/utils/linked-list' );


Returns a new linked list instance.

var list = linkedList();
// returns <LinkedList>

Clears a list.

var list = linkedList();
// returns <LinkedList>

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );

// Peek at the first value:
var v = list.first().value;
// returns 'foo'

// Examine the list length:
var len = list.length;
// returns 2

// Clear all list items:

// Peek at the first value:
v = list.first();
// returns undefined

// Examine the list length:
len = list.length;
// returns 0

Returns the first node. If the list is currently empty, the returned value is undefined.

var list = linkedList();
// returns <LinkedList>

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );

// Peek at the first value:
var v = list.first().value;
// returns 'foo'
list.insert( node, value )

Inserts a value into the list after a provided list node.

var list = linkedList();
// returns <LinkedList>

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' ).push( 'beep' );

// Determine the list length:
var len = list.length;
// returns 3

// Get the second node:
var node = list.first().next;

// Insert a value after the second node:
list.insert( node, 'boop' );

// Determine the list length:
len = list.length;
// returns 4

Returns an iterator for iterating over a list. If an environment supports Symbol.iterator, the returned iterator is iterable.

var list = linkedList();

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );

// Create an iterator:
var it = list.iterator();

// Iterate over the list...
var v = it.next().value;
// returns 'foo'

v = it.next().value;
// returns 'bar'

var bool = it.next().done;
// returns true

Note: in order to prevent confusion arising from list mutation during iteration, a returned iterator always iterates over a list "snapshot", which is defined as the list of list elements at the time of list.iterator() invocation.


Returns the last node. If the list is currently empty, the returned value is undefined.

var list = linkedList();
// returns <LinkedList>

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );

// Peek at the last value:
var v = list.last().value;
// returns 'bar'

List length.

var list = linkedList();

// Examine the initial list length:
var len = list.length;
// returns 0

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );

// Retrieve the current list length:
len = list.length;
// returns 2

Removes a value from the end of the list. If the list is currently empty, the returned value is undefined.

var list = linkedList();

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );

// Remove the last value:
var v = list.pop();
// returns 'bar'

// Add a new value to the list:
list.push( 'beep' );

// Remove the last value:
v = list.pop();
// returns 'beep'
list.push( value )

Adds a value to the end of the list.

var list = linkedList();

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );

// Remove the last value:
var v = list.pop();
// returns 'bar'

// Add a new value to the list:
list.push( 'beep' );

// Remove the last value:
v = list.pop();
// returns 'beep'
list.remove( node )

Removes a node from the list.

var list = linkedList();

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' ).push( 'beep' );

// Determine the list length:
var len = list.length;
// returns 3

// Get the second node:
var node = list.first().next;

// Remove the second node:
var v = list.remove( node );
// returns 'bar'

// Determine the list length:
len = list.length;
// returns 2

Removes a value from the beginning of the list. If the list is currently empty, the returned value is undefined.

var list = linkedList();

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );

// Remove the first value:
var v = list.shift();
// returns 'foo'

// Add a new value to the list:
list.push( 'beep' );

// Remove the first value:
v = list.shift();
// returns 'bar'

Returns an array of list values.

var list = linkedList();

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );

// Get an array of list values:
var vals = list.toArray();
// returns [ 'foo', 'bar' ]

Serializes a list as JSON.

var list = linkedList();

// Add values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' ).push( 'bar' );

// Serialize to JSON:
var o = list.toJSON();
// returns { 'type': 'linked-list', 'data': [ 'foo', 'bar' ] }

Note: JSON.stringify() implicitly calls this method when stringifying a list instance.

list.unshift( value )

Adds a value to the beginning of the list.

var list = linkedList();

// Add values to the list:
list.unshift( 'foo' ).unshift( 'bar' );

// Remove the last value:
var v = list.pop();
// returns 'foo'

// Add a new value to the list:
list.unshift( 'beep' );

// Remove the last value:
v = list.pop();
// returns 'bar'


var linkedList = require( '@stdlib/utils/linked-list' );

var list;
var iter;
var len;
var v;
var i;

// Create a new linked list:
list = linkedList();

// Add some values to the list:
list.push( 'foo' );
list.push( 'bar' );
list.push( 'beep' );
list.push( 'boop' );

// Peek at the first and last list values:
v = list.first().value;
// returns 'foo'

v = list.last().value;
// returns 'boop'

// Inspect the list length:
len = list.length;
// returns 4

// Remove the last list value:
v = list.pop();
// returns 'boop'

// Inspect the list length:
len = list.length;
// returns 3

// Iterate over the list:
iter = list.iterator();
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
    console.log( 'List value #%d: %s', i+1, iter.next().value );

// Clear the list:

// Inspect the list length:
len = list.length;
// returns 0