403 lines
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403 lines
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* @license Apache-2.0
* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "stdlib/ndarray/ctor.h"
#include "stdlib/ndarray/base/bytes_per_element.h"
#include "stdlib/ndarray/base/iteration_order.h"
#include "stdlib/ndarray/base/minmax_view_buffer_index.h"
#include "stdlib/ndarray/base/numel.h"
#include "stdlib/ndarray/base/strides2order.h"
#include "stdlib/ndarray/dtypes.h"
#include "stdlib/ndarray/index_modes.h"
#include "stdlib/ndarray/orders.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// NOTE: keep functions in alphabetical order...
* Returns a pointer to a dynamically allocated ndarray.
* ## Notes
* - The user is responsible for freeing the allocated memory.
* @param dtype data type
* @param data pointer to the underlying byte array
* @param ndims number of dimensions
* @param shape array shape (dimensions)
* @param strides array strides (in bytes)
* @param offset byte offset specifying the location of the first element
* @param order specifies whether an array is row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style)
* @param imode specifies how to handle indices which exceed array dimensions
* @param nsubmodes number of subscript modes
* @param submodes specifies how to handle subscripts which exceed array dimensions on a per dimension basis (if provided fewer submodes than dimensions, submodes are recycled using modulo arithmetic)
* @return pointer to a dynamically allocated ndarray or, if unable to allocate memory, a null pointer
* @example
* #include "stdlib/ndarray/ctor.h"
* #include "stdlib/ndarray/dtypes.h"
* #include "stdlib/ndarray/index_modes.h"
* #include "stdlib/ndarray/orders.h"
* #include "stdlib/ndarray/base/bytes_per_element.h"
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <stdint.h>
* // Specify the underlying data type:
* // Create an underlying byte array:
* uint8_t buffer[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
* // Specify the number of array dimensions:
* int64_t ndims = 1;
* // Specify the array shape:
* int64_t shape[] = { 3 }; // vector consisting of 3 doubles
* // Specify the array strides:
* int64_t strides[] = { STDLIB_NDARRAY_FLOAT64_BYTES_PER_ELEMENT };
* // Specify the byte offset:
* int64_t offset = 0;
* // Specify the array order (note: this does not matter for a 1-dimensional array):
* // Specify the index mode:
* // Specify the subscript index modes:
* int8_t submodes[] = { STDLIB_NDARRAY_INDEX_ERROR };
* int64_t nsubmodes = 1;
* // Create an ndarray:
* struct ndarray *x = stdlib_ndarray_allocate( dtype, buffer, ndims, shape, strides, offset, order, imode, nsubmodes, submodes );
* if ( x == NULL ) {
* fprintf( stderr, "Error allocating memory.\n" );
* exit( 1 );
* }
* // Free allocated memory:
* stdlib_ndarray_free( x );
struct ndarray * stdlib_ndarray_allocate( int16_t dtype, uint8_t *data, int64_t ndims, int64_t *shape, int64_t *strides, int64_t offset, int8_t order, int8_t imode, int64_t nsubmodes, int8_t *submodes ) {
int64_t len;
struct ndarray *arr = malloc( sizeof( struct ndarray ) );
if ( arr == NULL ) {
return NULL;
arr->data = data;
arr->dtype = dtype;
arr->imode = imode;
arr->ndims = ndims;
arr->nsubmodes = nsubmodes;
arr->offset = offset;
arr->order = order;
arr->shape = shape;
arr->strides = strides;
arr->submodes = submodes;
len = stdlib_ndarray_numel( ndims, shape );
arr->length = len;
arr->BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = stdlib_ndarray_bytes_per_element( dtype );
arr->byteLength = len * (arr->BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
arr->flags = stdlib_ndarray_flags( arr );
return arr;
* Returns the size of an ndarray (in bytes).
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return array size
int64_t stdlib_ndarray_bytelength( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->byteLength;
* Returns a pointer to an ndarray's underlying byte array.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return underlying byte array
uint8_t * stdlib_ndarray_data( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->data;
* Returns an ndarray dimension.
* ## Notes
* - The function does not perform any sanity checks.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @param i dimension index
* @return dimension
int64_t stdlib_ndarray_dimension( const struct ndarray *arr, const int64_t i ) {
return arr->shape[ i ];
* Disables specified ndarray flags.
* ## Notes
* - The function does not perform any sanity checks and **assumes** the user knows what s/he is doing.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @param flags bit mask to disable flags
* @return status code
int8_t stdlib_ndarray_disable_flags( struct ndarray *arr, const int64_t flags ) {
arr->flags &= ~flags;
return 0;
* Returns an ndarray data type.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return array data type
int16_t stdlib_ndarray_dtype( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->dtype;
* Enables specified ndarray flags.
* ## Notes
* - The function does not perform any sanity checks and **assumes** the user knows what s/he is doing.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @param flags bit mask to enable flags
* @return status code
int8_t stdlib_ndarray_enable_flags( struct ndarray *arr, const int64_t flags ) {
arr->flags |= flags;
return 0;
* Returns ndarray flags.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return flags
int64_t stdlib_ndarray_flags( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
uint8_t contiguous;
int64_t *strides;
int64_t nbytes;
int64_t tmp[2];
int64_t ndims;
int64_t flags;
int64_t len;
int8_t ord;
// Cache various ndarray data:
len = arr->length;
ndims = arr->ndims;
strides = arr->strides;
nbytes = arr->BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// Initialize the memory for `flags`:
flags = 0;
// Determine if the array can be stored contiguously...
if ( len == 0 || stdlib_ndarray_iteration_order( ndims, strides ) == 0 ) {
// If an array does not contain any elements, then no data to store, and, if the array is unordered, adjacent array elements are not guaranteed to be stored next to each other.
contiguous = 0;
} else {
// Ensure that the array is compatible with a single memory segment:
stdlib_ndarray_minmax_view_buffer_index( ndims, arr->shape, strides, arr->offset, tmp );
if ( (len*nbytes) == ( (tmp[1]-tmp[0])+nbytes ) ) {
// Compatible:
contiguous = 1;
} else {
// Incompatible:
contiguous = 0;
// Determine if the array is row-major/column-major contiguous:
if ( contiguous == 1 ) {
// Infer the array "order" from the stride array (this is supplementary to `arr->order`):
ord = stdlib_ndarray_strides2order( ndims, strides );
if ( ord == 1 || ord == 3 ) {
if ( ord == 2 || ord == 3 ) {
return flags;
* Frees an ndarray's allocated memory.
* @param arr input ndarray
void stdlib_ndarray_free( struct ndarray *arr ) {
free( arr );
* Tests whether an ndarray has specified flags enabled.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @param flags bit mask specifying the flags to test against
* @return `1` if flags are set and `0` otherwise
int8_t stdlib_ndarray_has_flags( const struct ndarray *arr, const int64_t flags ) {
if ( ( arr->flags & flags ) == flags ) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Returns the index mode of an ndarray.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return index mode
int8_t stdlib_ndarray_index_mode( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->imode;
* Returns the number of elements in an ndarray.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return number of elements
int64_t stdlib_ndarray_length( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->length;
* Returns the number of ndarray dimensions.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return number of dimensions
int64_t stdlib_ndarray_ndims( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->ndims;
* Returns the number of ndarray subscript modes.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return number of subscript modes
int64_t stdlib_ndarray_nsubmodes( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->nsubmodes;
* Returns an ndarray index offset (in bytes).
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return array strides
int64_t stdlib_ndarray_offset( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->offset;
* Returns the order of an ndarray.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return array order
int8_t stdlib_ndarray_order( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->order;
* Returns a pointer to an array containing an ndarray shape (dimensions).
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return array shape (dimensions)
int64_t * stdlib_ndarray_shape( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->shape;
* Returns an ndarray stride (in bytes).
* ## Notes
* - The function does not perform any sanity checks.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @param i dimension index
* @return array stride
int64_t stdlib_ndarray_stride( const struct ndarray *arr, const int64_t i ) {
return arr->strides[ i ];
* Returns a pointer to an array containing ndarray strides (in bytes).
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return array strides
int64_t * stdlib_ndarray_strides( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->strides;
* Returns an ndarray subscript mode.
* ## Notes
* - If an ndarray has fewer subscript modes than dimensions, modes are recycled using modulo arithmetic.
* - The function does not perform any sanity checks.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @param i dimension index
* @return subscript mode
int8_t stdlib_ndarray_submode( const struct ndarray *arr, const int64_t i ) {
return arr->submodes[ i%(arr->nsubmodes) ];
* Returns ndarray subscript modes.
* @param arr input ndarray
* @return subscript modes
int8_t * stdlib_ndarray_submodes( const struct ndarray *arr ) {
return arr->submodes;