{{alias}}( dtype, buffer, shape, strides, offset, order[, options] ) Returns an ndarray. Parameters ---------- dtype: string Underlying data type. buffer: ArrayLikeObject|TypedArray|Buffer Data buffer. A data buffer must be an array-like object (i.e., have a `length` property). For data buffers which are not indexed collections (i.e., collections which cannot support direct index access, such as `buffer[ index ]`; e.g., Complex64Array, Complex128Array, etc), a data buffer should provide `#.get( idx )` and `#.set( v[, idx] )` methods. Note that, for `set` methods, the value to set should be the first argument, followed by the linear index, similar to the native typed array `set` method. shape: ArrayLikeObject<integer> Array shape. strides: ArrayLikeObject<integer> Array strides. offset: integer Index offset. order: string Specifies whether an array is row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style). options: Object (optional) Options. options.mode: string (optional) Specifies how to handle indices which exceed array dimensions. If equal to 'throw', an ndarray instance throws an error when an index exceeds array dimensions. If equal to 'wrap', an ndarray instance wraps around indices exceeding array dimensions using modulo arithmetic. If equal to 'clamp', an ndarray instance sets an index exceeding array dimensions to either `0` (minimum index) or the maximum index. Default: 'throw'. options.submode: Array<string> (optional) Specifies how to handle subscripts which exceed array dimensions. If a mode for a corresponding dimension is equal to 'throw', an ndarray instance throws an error when a subscript exceeds array dimensions. If equal to 'wrap', an ndarray instance wraps around subscripts exceeding array dimensions using modulo arithmetic. If equal to 'clamp', an ndarray instance sets a subscript exceeding array dimensions to either `0` (minimum index) or the maximum index. If the number of modes is fewer than the number of dimensions, the function recycles modes using modulo arithmetic. Default: [ options.mode ]. Returns ------- ndarray: ndarray ndarray instance. Examples -------- // Create a new instance... > var b = [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ]; // underlying data buffer > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; // shape > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; // strides > var o = 0; // index offset > var arr = {{alias}}( 'generic', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ) <ndarray> // Get an element using subscripts: > var v = arr.get( 1, 1 ) 4.0 // Get an element using a linear index: > v = arr.iget( 3 ) 4.0 // Set an element using subscripts: > arr.set( 1, 1, 40.0 ); > arr.get( 1, 1 ) 40.0 // Set an element using a linear index: > arr.iset( 3, 99.0 ); > arr.get( 1, 1 ) 99.0 {{alias}}.prototype.byteLength Size (in bytes) of the array (if known). Returns ------- size: integer|null Size (in bytes) of the array. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var sz = arr.byteLength 32 {{alias}}.prototype.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT Size (in bytes) of each array element (if known). Returns ------- size: integer|null Size (in bytes) of each array element. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var sz = arr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT 8 {{alias}}.prototype.data Pointer to the underlying data buffer. Returns ------- buf: ArrayLikeObject|TypedArray|Buffer Underlying data buffer. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var buf = arr.data <Float64Array>[ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] {{alias}}.prototype.dtype Underlying data type. Returns ------- dtype: string Underlying data type. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var dt = arr.dtype 'float64' {{alias}}.prototype.flags Information about the memory layout of the array. Returns ------- flags: Object Info object. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var fl = arr.flags {...} {{alias}}.prototype.length Length of the array (i.e., number of elements). Returns ------- len: integer Array length. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var len = arr.length 4 {{alias}}.prototype.ndims Number of dimensions. Returns ------- ndims: integer Number of dimensions. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var n = arr.ndims 2 {{alias}}.prototype.offset Index offset which specifies the buffer index at which to start iterating over array elements. Returns ------- offset: integer Index offset. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var v = arr.offset 0 {{alias}}.prototype.order Array order. The array order is either row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran- style). Returns ------- order: string Array order. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var ord = arr.order 'row-major' {{alias}}.prototype.shape Array shape. Returns ------- shape: Array Array shape. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var sh = arr.shape [ 2, 2 ] {{alias}}.prototype.strides Index strides which specify how to access data along corresponding array dimensions. Returns ------- strides: Array Index strides. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var st = arr.strides [ 2, 1 ] {{alias}}.prototype.get( ...idx ) Returns an array element specified according to provided subscripts. The number of provided subscripts should equal the number of dimensions. For zero-dimensional arrays, no indices should be provided. Parameters ---------- idx: ...integer Subscripts. Returns ------- out: any Array element. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var v = arr.get( 1, 1 ) 4.0 {{alias}}.prototype.iget( idx ) Returns an array element located at a specified linear index. For zero-dimensional arrays, the input argument is ignored and, for clarity, should not be provided. Parameters ---------- idx: integer Linear index. Returns ------- out: any Array element. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > var v = arr.iget( 3 ) 4.0 {{alias}}.prototype.set( ...idx, v ) Sets an array element specified according to provided subscripts. The number of provided subscripts should equal the number of dimensions. For zero-dimensional arrays, no indices should be provided. Parameters ---------- idx: ...integer Subscripts. v: any Value to set. Returns ------- out: ndarray ndarray instance. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > arr.set( 1, 1, -4.0 ); > arr.get( 1, 1 ) -4.0 {{alias}}.prototype.iset( idx, v ) Sets an array element located at a specified linear index. For zero-dimensional arrays, the first, and only, argument should be the value to set. Parameters ---------- idx: integer Linear index. v: any Value to set. Returns ------- out: ndarray ndarray instance. Examples -------- > var b = new Float64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ] ); > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'float64', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > arr.iset( 3, -4.0 ); > arr.iget( 3 ) -4.0 {{alias}}.prototype.toString() Serializes an ndarray as a string. This method does **not** serialize data outside of the buffer region defined by the array configuration. Returns ------- str: string Serialized ndarray string. Examples -------- > var b = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]; > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'generic', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > arr.toString() '...' {{alias}}.prototype.toJSON() Serializes an ndarray as a JSON object. This method does **not** serialize data outside of the buffer region defined by the array configuration. Returns ------- obj: Object JSON object. Examples -------- > var b = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]; > var d = [ 2, 2 ]; > var s = [ 2, 1 ]; > var o = 0; > var arr = {{alias}}( 'generic', b, d, s, o, 'row-major' ); > arr.toJSON() {...} See Also --------