{{alias}}( x[, n][, options] ) Computes an exact test for the success probability in a Bernoulli experiment. The returned object comes with a `.print()` method which when invoked will print a formatted output of the results of the hypothesis test. Parameters ---------- x: (number|Array) Number of successes or two-element array with successes and failures. n: Array (optional) Total number of observations. options: Object (optional) Options. options.alpha: number (optional) Number in the interval `[0,1]` giving the significance level of the hypothesis test. Default: `0.05`. options.alternative: string (optional) Indicates whether the alternative hypothesis is that the mean of `x` is larger than `mu` (`greater`), smaller than `mu` (`less`) or equal to `mu` (`two-sided`). Default: `'two-sided'`. options.p: number (optional) Hypothesized probability under the null hypothesis. Default: `0.5`. Returns ------- out: Object Test result object. out.alpha: number Used significance level. out.rejected: boolean Test decision. out.pValue: number p-value of the test. out.statistic: number Sample proportion. out.ci: Array 1-alpha confidence interval for the success probability. out.nullValue: number Assumed success probability under H0. out.alternative: string Alternative hypothesis (`two-sided`, `less` or `greater`). out.method: string Name of test. out.print: Function Function to print formatted output. Examples -------- > var out = {{alias}}( 682, 925 ) { 'pValue': ~3.544e-49, 'statistic': ~0.737 // ... } > out = {{alias}}( [ 682, 925 - 682 ] ) { 'pValue': ~3.544e-49, 'statistic': ~0.737 // ... } > out = {{alias}}( 21, 40, { ... 'p': 0.4, ... 'alternative': 'greater' ... }) { 'pValue': ~0.074, 'statistic': 0.525 // ... } See Also --------