{{alias}}( path[, options], predicate, clbk )
    Asynchronously resolves a path according to a predicate function by walking
    parent directories.

    When invoked, the predicate function is provided two arguments:

    - `path`: a resolved path
    - `next`: a callback to be invoked after processing a resolved path

    The `next` callback takes two arguments:

    - `error`: error argument
    - `result`: test result

    If a provided predicate function calls the `next` callback with a truthy
    `error` argument, the function suspends execution and immediately calls the
    `done` callback for subsequent `error` handling.

    The function immediately returns upon encountering a non-falsy `result`
    value and calls the `done` callback with `null` as the first argument and
    the resolved path as the second argument.

    If unable to resolve a path, the function returns `null` as the path result.

    Execution is *not* guaranteed to be asynchronous. To guarantee asynchrony,
    wrap the `done` callback in a function which either executes at the end of
    the current stack (e.g., `nextTick`) or during a subsequent turn of the
    event loop (e.g., `setImmediate`, `setTimeout`).

    path: string
        Path to resolve.

    options: Object (optional)

    options.dir: string (optional)
        Base directory from which to search. Default: current working directory.

    predicate: Function
        The test function to invoke for each resolved path.

    clbk: Function
        Callback to invoke after resolving a path.

    > function predicate( path, next ) {
    ...     setTimeout( onTimeout, path );
    ...     function onTimeout() {
    ...         console.log( path );
    ...         next( null, false );
    ...     }
    ... };
    > function onPath( error, path ) {
    ...     if ( error ) {
    ...         console.error( error.message );
    ...     } else {
    ...         console.log( path );
    ...     }
    ... };
    > {{alias}}( 'package.json', predicate, onPath );

{{alias}}.sync( path[, options], predicate )
    Synchronously resolves a path according to a predicate function by walking
    parent directories.

    The predicate function is provided one argument:

    - `path`: a resolved path

    The function immediately returns upon encountering a truthy return value.

    If unable to resolve a path, the function returns `null` as the path result.

    path: string
        Path to resolve.

    options: Object (optional)

    options.dir: string (optional)
        Base directory from which to search. Default: current working directory.

    predicate: Function
        The test function to invoke for each resolved path.

    out: string|null
        Resolved path.

    > function predicate() { return false; };
    > var out = {{alias}}.sync( 'package.json', predicate );

    See Also