{{alias}}( buffer )
    Circular buffer constructor.

    buffer: integer|ArrayLike
        Buffer size or an array-like object to use as the underlying buffer.

    buf: Object
        Circular buffer data structure.

    buf.clear: Function
        Clears the buffer.

    buf.count: integer
        Number of elements currently in the buffer.

    buf.full: boolean
        Boolean indicating whether the buffer is full.

    buf.iterator: Function
        Returns an iterator for iterating over a buffer. If an environment
        supports Symbol.iterator, the returned iterator is iterable. Note that a
        returned iterator does **not** iterate over partially full buffers.

    buf.length: integer
        Buffer length (capacity).

    buf.push: Function
        Adds a value to the buffer. If the buffer is full, the method returns
        the removed value; otherwise, the method returns `undefined`.

    buf.toArray: Function
        Returns an array of buffer values.

    buf.toJSON: Function
        Serializes a circular buffer as JSON.

    > var b = {{alias}}( 3 );
    > b.push( 'foo' );
    > b.push( 'bar' );
    > b.push( 'beep' );
    > b.length
    > b.count
    > b.push( 'boop' )

    See Also