{{alias}}( file[, options], clbk )
    Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.

    If provided an encoding, the function returns a string. Otherwise, the
    function returns a Buffer object.

    file: string|Buffer|integer
        Filename or file descriptor.

    options: Object|string (optional)
        Options. If a string, the value is the encoding.

    options.encoding: string|null (optional)
        Encoding. Default: null.

    options.flag: string (optional)
        Flag. Default: 'r'.

    clbk: Function
        Callback to invoke upon reading file contents.

    > function onRead( error, data ) {
    ...     if ( error ) {
    ...         console.error( error.message );
    ...     } else {
    ...         console.log( data );
    ...     }
    ... };
    > {{alias}}( './beep/boop.js', onRead );

{{alias}}.sync( file[, options] )
    Synchronously reads the entire contents of a file.

    If provided an encoding, the function returns a string. Otherwise, the
    function returns a Buffer object.

    file: string|Buffer|integer
        Filename or file descriptor.

    options: Object|string (optional)
        Options. If a string, the value is the encoding.

    options.encoding: string|null (optional)
        Encoding. Default: null.

    options.flag: string (optional)
        Flag. Default: 'r'.

    out: Error|Buffer|string
        File contents.

    > var out = {{alias}}.sync( './beep/boop.js' );

    See Also