# Standard Error > [Standard error][standard-streams].
## Usage ```javascript var stderr = require( '@stdlib/streams/node/stderr' ); ``` #### stderr [Standard error][standard-streams] as a [Writable stream][writable-stream]. ```javascript // Write to the terminal... stderr.write( 'Oh no!', 'utf8' ); // e.g., => 'Oh no!' ```
## Notes - Unlike other streams, `stderr` can **never** be closed and, thus, never emits a `'finish'` event. - Although rare, writes can block when output is redirected to a file.
## Examples ```javascript var proc = require( 'process' ); var stdin = require( '@stdlib/streams/node/stdin' ); var stderr = require( '@stdlib/streams/node/stderr' ); // Set the encoding: stdin.setEncoding( 'utf8' ); // Create an echo stream: stdin.pipe( stderr ); // Push data to `stdin`: stdin.push( 'beep' ); stdin.push( ' ' ); stdin.push( 'boop' ); stdin.push( '\n' ); // End the stream: stdin.push( null ); // Ensure the process closes: setTimeout( proc.exit, 1000 ); ```