{{alias}}( N, buffer, stride, offset[, options] ) Creates a readable stream from a strided array-like object. In object mode, `null` is a reserved value. If an array contains `null` values (e.g., as a means to encode missing values), the stream will prematurely end. Consider an alternative encoding or filter `null` values prior to invocation. In binary mode, if an array contains `undefined` values, the stream will emit an error. Consider providing a custom serialization function or filtering `undefined` values prior to invocation. If a serialization function fails to return a string or Buffer, the stream emits an error. Parameters ---------- N: integer Number of values to stream. buffer: ArrayLikeObject Array-like object from which to create the stream. stride: integer Stride length. offset: integer Starting index. options: Object (optional) Options. options.objectMode: boolean (optional) Specifies whether a stream should operate in "objectMode". Default: false. options.encoding: string|null (optional) Specifies how Buffer objects should be decoded to strings. Default: null. options.highWaterMark: integer (optional) Specifies the maximum number of bytes to store in an internal buffer before pausing the stream. options.sep: string (optional) Separator used to join streamed data. This option is only applicable when a stream is not in "objectMode". Default: '\n'. options.serialize: Function (optional) Serialization function. The default behavior is to serialize streamed values as JSON strings. This option is only applicable when a stream is not in "objectMode". Returns ------- stream: ReadableStream Readable stream. Examples -------- > function fcn( chunk ) { console.log( chunk.toString() ); }; > var s = {{alias}}( 3, [ 1, 2, 3 ], 1, 0 ); > var o = {{alias:@stdlib/streams/node/inspect-sink}}( fcn ); > s.pipe( o ); {{alias}}.factory( [options] ) Returns a function for creating readable streams from array-like objects. Parameters ---------- options: Object (optional) Options. options.objectMode: boolean (optional) Specifies whether a stream should operate in "objectMode". Default: false. options.encoding: string|null (optional) Specifies how Buffer objects should be decoded to strings. Default: null. options.highWaterMark: integer (optional) Specifies the maximum number of bytes to store in an internal buffer before pausing streaming. options.sep: string (optional) Separator used to join streamed data. This option is only applicable when a stream is not in "objectMode". Default: '\n'. options.serialize: Function (optional) Serialization function. The default behavior is to serialize streamed values as JSON strings. This option is only applicable when a stream is not in "objectMode". Returns ------- fcn: Function Function for creating readable streams. Examples -------- > var opts = { 'objectMode': true, 'highWaterMark': 64 }; > var createStream = {{alias}}.factory( opts ); {{alias}}.objectMode( N, buffer, stride, offset[, options] ) Returns an "objectMode" readable stream from a strided array-like object. In object mode, `null` is a reserved value. If an array contains `null` values (e.g., as a means to encode missing values), the stream will prematurely end. Consider an alternative encoding or filter `null` values prior to invocation. Parameters ---------- N: integer Number of values to stream. buffer: ArrayLikeObject Array-like object from which to create the stream. stride: integer Stride length. offset: integer Starting index. options: Object (optional) Options. options.encoding: string|null (optional) Specifies how Buffer objects should be decoded to strings. Default: null. options.highWaterMark: integer (optional) Specifies the maximum number of objects to store in an internal buffer before pausing streaming. Returns ------- stream: ReadableStream Readable stream operating in "objectMode". Examples -------- > function fcn( v ) { console.log( v ); }; > var s = {{alias}}.objectMode( 3, [ 1, 2, 3 ], 1, 0 ); > var o = {{alias:@stdlib/streams/node/inspect-sink}}.objectMode( fcn ); > s.pipe( o ); See Also --------