{{alias}}( [options] ) Returns an iterator for generating pseudorandom integers on the interval `[1, 2147483646]`. If an environment supports Symbol.iterator, the returned iterator is iterable. This pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) is a linear congruential pseudorandom number generator (LCG) whose output is shuffled using the Bays- Durham algorithm. The shuffle step considerably strengthens the "randomness quality" of a simple LCG's output. The generator has a period of approximately `2.1e9`. An LCG is fast and uses little memory. On the other hand, because the generator is a simple LCG, the generator has recognized shortcomings. By today's PRNG standards, the generator's period is relatively short. In general, this generator is unsuitable for Monte Carlo simulations and cryptographic applications. Parameters ---------- options: Object (optional) Options. options.normalized: boolean (optional) Boolean indicating whether to return pseudorandom numbers on the interval `[0,1)`. options.seed: integer|ArrayLikeObject (optional) Pseudorandom number generator seed. The seed may be either a positive signed 32-bit integer or, for arbitrary length seeds, an array-like object containing positive signed 32-bit integers. options.state: Int32Array (optional) Pseudorandom number generator state. If provided, the `seed` option is ignored. options.copy: boolean (optional) Boolean indicating whether to copy a provided pseudorandom number generator state. Setting this option to `false` allows sharing state between two or more pseudorandom number generators. Setting this option to `true` ensures that a returned iterator has exclusive control over its internal state. Default: true. options.iter: integer (optional) Number of iterations. Returns ------- iterator: Object Iterator. iterator.next(): Function Returns an iterator protocol-compliant object containing the next iterated value (if one exists) and a boolean flag indicating whether the iterator is finished. iterator.return( [value] ): Function Finishes an iterator and returns a provided value. iterator.seed: Int32Array Pseudorandom number generator seed. iterator.seedLength: integer Length of generator seed. iterator.state: Int32Array Generator state. iterator.stateLength: integer Length of generator state. iterator.byteLength: integer Size (in bytes) of generator state. Examples -------- > var it = {{alias}}(); > var r = it.next().value > r = it.next().value See Also --------