# resolveParentPathBy > Resolve a path according to a predicate function by walking parent directories.
## Usage ```javascript var resolveParentPathBy = require( '@stdlib/fs/resolve-parent-path-by' ); ``` #### resolveParentPathBy( path\[, options], predicate, clbk ) Asynchronously resolves a path according to a `predicate` function by walking parent directories. ```javascript resolveParentPathBy( 'package.json', predicate, onPath ); function predicate( path, next ) { var bool = ( /\/test\//.test( path ) === false ); next( null, bool ); } function onPath( error, path ) { if ( error ) { throw error; } console.log( path ); // e.g., => '...' } ``` The function accepts the following `options`: - **dir**: base directory from which to begin walking. May be either an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory. By default, the function begins walking from the current working directory. To specify an alternative directory, set the `dir` option. ```javascript var opts = { 'dir': __dirname }; resolveParentPathBy( 'package.json', opts, predicate, onPath ); function predicate( path, next ) { var bool = ( /\/test\//.test( path ) === false ); next( null, bool ); } function onPath( error, path ) { if ( error ) { throw error; } console.log( path ); // e.g., => '...' } ``` When invoked, the `predicate` function is provided two arguments: - `path`: a resolved path. - `next`: a callback which should be called once the `predicate` function has finished processing a resolved path. If a `predicate` function calls the `next` callback with a truthy second argument, the function stops processing any additional paths and returns the resolved path as the test result. If unable to resolve a path, the function returns `null` as the path result. #### resolveParentPathBy.sync( path\[, options], predicate ) Synchronously resolves a path according to a `predicate` function by walking parent directories. ```javascript function predicate( path ) { return ( /\/test\//.test( path ) === false ); } var path = resolveParentPathBy.sync( 'package.json', predicate ); // e.g., returns '...' ``` The function accepts the same `options` as [`resolveParentPathBy()`](#resolve-parent-path-by). When invoked, the `predicate` function is provided one argument: - `path`: a resolved path. The function immediately returns upon encountering a truthy `predicate` function return value. If unable to resolve a path, the function returns `null` as the path result.
## Notes - If a provided `predicate` function calls the `next` callback with a truthy `error` argument, the function suspends execution and immediately calls the `done` callback for subsequent `error` handling. - For `resolveParentPathBy`, execution is **not** guaranteed to be asynchronous. To guarantee asynchrony, wrap the `done` callback in a function which either executes at the end of the current stack (e.g., `nextTick`) or during a subsequent turn of the event loop (e.g., `setImmediate`, `setTimeout`). - This implementation is **not** similar in functionality to core [`path.resolve`][node-core-path-resolve]. The latter performs string manipulation to generate a full path. This implementation walks parent directories to perform a **search**, thereby touching the file system. Accordingly, this implementation resolves a _real_ absolute file path and is intended for use when a target's location in a parent directory is unknown relative to a child directory; e.g., when wanting to find a package root from deep within a package directory.
## Examples ```javascript var resolveParentPathBy = require( '@stdlib/fs/resolve-parent-path-by' ); var opts = { 'dir': __dirname }; /* Sync */ function predicateSync( path ) { var pkg = require( path ); if ( pkg.name !== '@stdlib/stdlib' ) { return false; } return true; } var out = resolveParentPathBy.sync( 'package.json', opts, predicateSync ); console.log( out ); // e.g., => '...' out = resolveParentPathBy.sync( 'non_existent_basename/package.json', predicateSync ); console.log( out ); // => null /* Async */ function predicateAsync( path, next ) { setTimeout( onTimeout, 0 ); function onTimeout() { var pkg = require( path ); if ( pkg.name !== '@stdlib/stdlib' ) { return next( null, false ); } next( null, true ); } } function onPath( error, path ) { if ( error ) { throw error; } console.log( path ); } resolveParentPathBy( 'package.json', opts, predicateAsync, onPath ); resolveParentPathBy( './../non_existent_path/package.json', predicateAsync, onPath ); ```