# Add-on Arguments > C API for validating, extracting, and transforming (to native C types) function arguments provided to a strided array Node-API add-on interface.
## Usage ```javascript var headerDir = require( '@stdlib/strided/napi/addon-arguments' ); ``` #### headerDir Absolute file path for the directory containing header files for C APIs. ```javascript var dir = headerDir; // returns ```
## Examples ```javascript var headerDir = require( '@stdlib/strided/napi/addon-arguments' ); console.log( headerDir ); // => ```
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## C APIs
### Usage ```c #include "stdlib/strided/napi/addon_arguments.h" ``` #### stdlib_strided_napi_addon_arguments( env, argv, nargs, nin, \*arrays[], \*shape, \*strides, \*types, \*err ) Validates, extracts, and transforms (to native C types) function arguments provided to a strided array Node-API add-on interface. ```c #include #include #include // ... /** * Receives JavaScript callback invocation data. * * @param env environment under which the function is invoked * @param info callback data * @return Node-API value */ napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) { napi_status status; // ... int64_t nargs = 7; int64_t nin = 2; // Get callback arguments: size_t argc = 7; napi_value argv[ 7 ]; status = napi_get_cb_info( env, info, &argc, argv, NULL, NULL ); assert( status == napi_ok ); // ... // Initialize destination arrays: uint8_t *arrays[ 3 ]; int64_t strides[ 3 ]; int64_t shape[ 1 ]; int32_t types[ 3 ]; // Process the provided arguments: napi_value err; status = stdlib_strided_napi_addon_arguments( env, argv, nargs, nin, arrays, shape, strides, types, &err ); assert( status == napi_ok ); // ... } // ... ``` The function accepts the following arguments: - **env**: `[in] napi_env` environment under which the function is invoked. - **argv**: `[in] napi_value*` strided function arguments. - **nargs**: `[in] int64_t` total number of expected arguments. - **nin**: `[in] int64_t` number of input strided array arguments. - **arrays**: `[out] uint8_t**` destination array for storing pointers to both input and output strided byte arrays. - **shape**: `[out] int64_t*` destination array for storing the array shape (dimensions). - **strides**: `[out] int64_t*` destination array for storing array strides (in bytes) for each strided array. - **types**: `[out] int32_t*` destination array for storing strided array argument data types. - **err**: `[out] napi_value*` pointer for storing a JavaScript error. ```c napi_status stdlib_strided_napi_addon_arguments( const napi_env env, const napi_value *argv, const int64_t nargs, const int64_t nin, uint8_t *arrays[], int64_t *shape, int64_t *strides, int32_t *types, napi_value *err ); ``` The function returns a `napi_status` status code indicating success or failure (returns `napi_ok` if success).
### Notes - The function assumes the following argument order: ```text [ N, ia1, is1, ia2, is2, ..., oa1, os1, oa2, os2, ... ] ``` where - `N` is the number of elements over which to iterate. - `ia#` is an input strided array. - `is#` is a corresponding input strided array stride (in units of elements). - `oa#` is an output strided array. - `os#` is a corresponding output strided array stride (in units of elements). - The function may return one of the following JavaScript errors: - `TypeError`: first argument must be an integer. - `TypeError`: input array stride argument must be an integer. - `TypeError`: output array stride argument must be an integer. - `TypeError`: input array argument must be a typed array. - `TypeError`: output array argument must be a typed array. - `RangeError`: input array argument must have sufficient elements based on the associated stride and the number of indexed elements. - `RangeError`: output array argument must have sufficient elements based on the associated stride and the number of indexed elements.