# Inspect Stream > [Writable stream][writable-stream] for inspecting streamed data.
## Usage ```javascript var inspectSinkStream = require( '@stdlib/streams/node/inspect-sink' ); ``` #### inspectSinkStream( \[options,] clbk ) Creates a [writable stream][writable-stream] for inspecting streamed data. ```javascript function log( chunk, idx ) { console.log( 'index: %d', idx ); console.log( chunk ); } var stream = inspectSinkStream( log ); stream.write( 'a' ); stream.write( 'b' ); stream.write( 'c' ); stream.end(); // prints: index: 0 // prints: a // prints: index: 1 // prints: b // prints: index: 2 // prints: c ``` The function accepts the following `options`: - **objectMode**: specifies whether a [stream][stream] should operate in [objectMode][object-mode]. Default: `false`. - **highWaterMark**: specifies the `Buffer` level at which `write()` calls start returning `false`. - **decodeStrings**: specifies whether to encode strings as `Buffer` objects before writing data to a returned [stream][stream]. Default: `true`. - **defaultEncoding**: default encoding when not explicitly specified when writing data. Default: `'utf8'`. To set [stream][stream] `options`, ```javascript function log( chunk, idx ) { console.log( 'index: %d', idx ); console.log( chunk ); } var opts = { 'objectMode': true, 'highWaterMark': 64, 'decodeStrings': false, 'defaultEncoding': 'utf8' }; var stream = inspectSinkStream( opts, log ); ``` #### inspectSinkStream.factory( \[options] ) Returns a `function` for creating [streams][writable-stream] which are identically configured according to provided `options`. ```javascript var opts = { 'objectMode': true, 'highWaterMark': 64 }; var factory = inspectSinkStream.factory( opts ); ``` This method accepts the same `options` as [`inspectSinkStream()`](#inspect-sink-stream). ##### factory( clbk ) Creates a [writable stream][writable-stream] for inspecting streamed data. ```javascript function log( chunk, idx ) { console.log( 'index: %d', idx ); console.log( chunk ); } var factory = inspectSinkStream.factory(); // Create 10 identically configured streams... var streams = []; var i; for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { streams.push( factory( log ) ); } ``` #### inspectSinkStream.objectMode( \[options,] clbk ) This method is a convenience function to create [streams][stream] which **always** operate in [objectMode][object-mode]. ```javascript function log( chunk, idx ) { console.log( 'index: %d', idx ); console.log( chunk ); } var stream = inspectSinkStream.objectMode( log ); stream.write( { 'value': 'a' } ); stream.write( { 'value': 'b' } ); stream.write( { 'value': 'c' } ); stream.end(); // prints: index: 0 // prints: {'value': 'a'} // prints: index: 1 // prints: {'value': 'b'} // prints: index: 2 // prints: {'value': 'c'} ``` This method accepts the same `options` as [`inspectSinkStream()`](#inspect-sink-stream); however, the method will **always** override the [objectMode][object-mode] option in `options`.
## Examples ```javascript var parseJSON = require( '@stdlib/utils/parse-json' ); var transformFactory = require( '@stdlib/streams/node/transform' ).factory; var inspect = require( '@stdlib/streams/node/inspect-sink' ).objectMode; function parse( chunk, enc, clbk ) { clbk( null, parseJSON( chunk ) ); } function pluck( chunk, enc, clbk ) { clbk( null, chunk.value ); } function square( chunk, enc, clbk ) { var v = +chunk; clbk( null, v*v ); } function toStr( chunk, enc, clbk ) { clbk( null, chunk.toString() ); } function join( chunk, enc, clbk ) { clbk( null, chunk+'\n' ); } function logger( chunk, idx ) { console.log( 'index: %d', idx ); console.log( chunk ); } // Create a factory for generating streams running in `objectMode`: var tStream = transformFactory({ 'objectMode': true }); // Create streams for each transform: var s1 = tStream( parse ); var s2 = tStream( pluck ); var s3 = tStream( square ); var s4 = tStream( toStr ); var s5 = tStream( join ); // Create a writable stream for inspecting the result of the transformations: var is = inspect( logger ); // Create the pipeline: s1.pipe( s2 ) .pipe( s3 ) .pipe( s4 ) .pipe( s5 ) .pipe( is ); // Write data to the pipeline... var v; var i; for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) { v = '{"value":'+i+'}'; s1.write( v, 'utf8' ); } s1.end(); ```